Biochemical Madmen In the Marvel Universe

Chapter 299: real world (end)

Noah knew very well that the strongest one here must be God.

The reason why he let Nitro deal with the angels first is because he needs everyone's strength.

Even the dimension lords know that if they back down this time, there will be no chance in the future.

False, after all, false.

All life longs for truth.

This is a war with no advance and no retreat.

Noah moved.

Taking action is your strongest strength.

With a sound explosion, Noah appeared in front of God in an instant.

The giant hammer turned into black light held high, and his eyes flashed with undisguised killing intent.


The shock wave spread instantly.

God's face changed greatly.

"Your power..."

Without giving him a chance to finish, Noah has started to attack again.

Bang bang bang!

After a series of collisions, God did not move, and even the power pouring into the abyss did not stop.

This old thing!

Noah was getting more and more surprised.

He thought he was strong enough.

It devoured the power of countless angels, and also absorbed the eternal power from the center of the earth.

Originally, he thought that even if he was inferior to God, he would still be able to fight back and forth.

But now it seems that God is much stronger than he thought.

The next moment, a cold light flashed in Noah's eyes.

In the hammer that hit God, a sharp edge suddenly appeared.

It is the horn of the Demon King Baal!

Demon King Baal was targeted by Lucifer because of his horn.

You can imagine how powerful this corner is.

Now, it's time to verify it.

God did not notice the sudden appearance of the horn.

Naturally, no precautions were taken.

With Noah's huge power swinging down, God suddenly let out a scream.

A stream of gold splashed out with sacred blood.

"Noah Allen!"

God roared, he was hurt.

Not only that, but just now, in order to avoid that attack, he interrupted the invasion of the power of the abyss.

Just this momentary interruption made him temporarily lose the ability to invade.

Looking at the eternal power of the abyss that disconnected him, God hated it to the extreme.

Angry God, rushed towards Noah.

At this time, only by killing Noah Allen and killing these intruders can the hatred be vented.

As long as his speed is fast enough, it will only waste a few more years.

Facing the power of God's wrath, Noah was instantly knocked out.

The terrifying power made Noah feel that his forehead was smashed by a giant hammer.

Fortunately, his recovery ability is good.

Just when he came back to his senses, God appeared in front of him again.

Obviously, God did not intend to give him any chance to resist.

In just a few seconds, Noah suffered a series of attacks from God.

Even with Noah's power, he couldn't recover for a while.


Nightmare screamed.

At this time Noah Allen may be their main force.

If it just died like this, none of the remaining people would survive, including them.


Nightmare growled.

Dormammu glanced at the terrifying God and Noah Allen.

Although he wanted to deal with the angel in front of him first, he gave up decisively and attacked God.

After the strong attack of the two, Noah finally got a chance to breathe.

"This old guy is powerful and terrifying!"

Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange said with a solemn expression.

Noah glanced at him.

Stephen Strange also looked at Noah at the same time.

"It's time to decide."

When speaking, Noah took out a glove, and on the glove, five gems shimmered.

This time, Stephen Strange just hesitated for a moment, then took off the Eye of Agamotto on his neck.

Noah took it and slammed his hand.

The Eye of Agamotto suddenly burst, revealing the Time Gem inside.

At this time, God has repelled Nightmare and Dormammu.

Looking at the six Infinity Stones, God just sneered lightly:

"This is heaven. Even the Infinity Stones will not work here. What you are holding is just a pile of broken stones."

However, Noah smiled.

"You're right, this is heaven, but unfortunately, even heaven exists in the multiverse."

The next moment, Noah's whole body's magic power suddenly exploded, and he swiped towards the sky with Baal's horn.

Baal's horn has the ability to pierce the walls of the world.

Heaven is powerful, but it is only a world after all.

Nature is also in the range of Baal's horn's ability.

A twisted space is opened.

As the space opened, the familiar feeling returned to Noah.

That is the power of the world.

When they entered heaven, they felt strange.

But now, this weird feeling has disappeared.

God's face is a little ugly.

at this time.


An infiltrating roar came from the distorted space.

Tony was a little shocked when he heard the sound, because of this sound, he had heard it before.

next moment,

A claw full of twisted feeling protruded out of the twisted space.

Then, a huge monster drilled out of it.

Noah grinned.

When he guessed the possibility of a false world, he was already preparing for today.

This monster is the scavenger left in **** after they killed Mephisto.

To deal with a monster like God, it is natural to have a corresponding powerful existence to be able to do it.

After the Clearer appeared, his distorted vision glanced at all the beings in Heaven.

whatever exists,

At the moment when the scavenger was staring at, they all froze.

There are many angels and dimension lords who were caught and beaten to death because they were targeted by the scavengers during the fierce battle.

Finally, the clearer's eyes turned to God.

In the eyes of the purger, God is the one with the highest sense of existence.

The clearer was born to clear everything.

All beings should be purged, but God, first.

The next moment, the Clearer rushed towards God.

In the face of the terrifying power of the scavenger, God will not dodge.

With one blow, the Clearer was knocked back.

However, God's face changed suddenly.

Because on his right arm, which had just been in contact with the clearer, a strange black spot appeared.

Over time, the dark spots are still spreading rapidly.

This black spot seems to be devouring his existence. Wherever the black spot goes, the body instantly necroses.


God cursed angrily, and when he saw that the Clearer rushed over again, this time he didn't dare to be careless.

Instead of directly confronting the scavenger, he chose to use divine power to purify the scavenger.

Ordinary people can't do anything about the scavenger, but he is God!

Faced with the power of God, the Purifiers struggle, but are quickly wiped out by God.

The death of the scavenger had a great impact on Tony and others.

Don't look at the previous performance of God is also very powerful, but the scavenger can easily swallow the powerful existence of a dimension lord like Mephisto.

In order not to be rushed to the earth by the scavengers, they could only block the **** dimension, but such a terrifying life was easily solved by God.

But in fact, God is not easy.

Although he obliterated the body of the scavenger, he couldn't do anything about the rapidly spreading black spot on his arm.

In the face of the coveted enemy, he could only cut off his own arm in the end.

Seeing God cut off his own arm, Noah smiled.

God was wounded, and badly.

Now, it's his turn.

Although the number of angels was quite large, they were finally killed under the siege of many powerhouses from the earth and other dimensions.

Of course, the one who contributed the most was Nitro.

The angel was resolved, and all looked to God.

God looked at everyone indifferently.

"Do you think this is over?"

Everyone thought that God should be afraid, but God's performance made them frown.

"Let's go together, God must be left here today, otherwise, everyone will die!"

Nightmare said.

No one doubted Nightmare's words, so everyone took action.

Facing the menacing crowd of strong men, God suddenly roared.

A huge divine power rushed towards the crowd.

Countless weak dimension lords were suddenly seriously injured.

Earth's superheroes such as Tony, even if they are only affected, lose their combat effectiveness in an instant.

Countless biological weapons and warriors died due to the impact of divine power.

Dormammu and other powerhouses looked at it with awe.

God is stronger than they thought.

But they have no way out.


Dormammu roared, and Noah and the others rushed towards God at the same time.

The entire sky of heaven was raging like rags by the war between the two sides.

In this kind of battle, the dimension lords did not have the domineering arrogance of the previously rampant dimension.

At this moment, they are as helpless as ordinary people.

In other words, their battle at this time was just like Noah slaughtered the angel before, but the identity was reversed.

Fortunately, Noah and Nitro are in front.

Noah frantically activated the infinite gloves.

The forces of the universe are constantly pressing towards God.

That's how the fight barely lasted.

But I have to say that many dimension lords are terrified.

Even though they knew they had no way out, they couldn't help but be afraid.

They want to live, but they don't want to die.

If they can see hope, that's all. This kind of battle without hope has completely lost their fighting spirit.

Finally, God found an opportunity and caught Noah's flaw.


With the roar of God, a holy light stabbed towards Noah.

next moment.

Holy light pierces the body.

However, it was not Noah who was impaled, but Nitro.

Noah, as the master of Nitro, at this critical juncture, Nitro recklessly blocked the attack for Noah.

And Noah's face was snow-white, and he used the infinite gloves many times before, even with his strength, he felt the power of the follow-up.

But there was a gleam in his eyes.

God is strong.

But not without consumption.

The state of God now, in his view, is more like returning to light.

Being able to resist the attacks of many powerhouses in the endless dimension for such a long time, and even killing most of the powerhouses, is enough to prove his power.

But, it's not enough, it's not enough!

Noah's mouth curled into a weird smile.

The captive world of food, what is the most terrible?

Nothing else, it's the gourmet cell!

This is a cell that can make the human body evolve wildly with only the most top-notch food.

Noah obtained this kind of cell, naturally it is impossible to remain indifferent.

It's just that he has never eaten food that is enough to bring him a qualitative change.

After all, this kind of food, too little, too rare.

But now...

As the top creature in the food world, Nitroben is a delicacy to the extreme.

Just thinking about this made his mouth water.

In everyone's astonished eyes, Noah's whole person changed suddenly, just like a primordial beast, a big mouth suddenly opened.

Swallow the still-dead Nitro in it.

An extreme delicacy suddenly filled Noah's body.

Under the stimulation of this kind of food, the gourmet cells begin to work like crazy.

Every second, the momentum on Noah's body increased sharply.

Soon, God felt uneasy.

He wanted to kill Noah.

But when he attacked Noah, Noah left the place with a teleport.

At this moment, his body is being washed away by endless energy, and it is not a problem to urge the infinite gloves.

It is this kung fu that is wrong, and the breath of Noah's body has become extremely terrifying.

He looked at the still radiant God in front of him.

For the first time in his eyes, he looked down.

"Old man, let's start the next round!"

The voice fell, and Noah broke out instantly.

This time, there are no sonic booms.

Because of his speed, he has already surpassed the sonic boom.

Before the sonic boom appeared, they had already fought countless moves.

Until then, the sonic boom came late.

With a roar, the two fell to the ground.

This time, blood dripped from the corner of God's mouth, and Noah had greed flashing in his eyes.

Tasted the ultimate deliciousness of Nitro.

He wants to swallow God now!

Although Noah knew that this idea was not right, but God, not human!

Noah, who was occupied by this idea, rushed towards God again.

Injury for injury, life for life!

This is Noah's only play.

Noah took a chance and took a hard bite on God's arm.

The next moment, Noah roared.

The greed for food took over all his mind.

Just a few minutes.

Noah tore off the wings behind God.

A few minutes later, God's other arm was dragged down by Noah.

Look at God's fearful eyes.

The people around couldn't help but feel some sympathy for him.

At the same time, there is some fear of Noah.

At this time, Noah seems to have no mind. What if Noah Allen wants to eat God after eating them?

At this moment, many people thought so in their hearts.

Fortunately, when Noah devoured God, his eyes regained their brilliance.

Under the influence of food cells, he has a crazy fanaticism for food.

I don't feel anything about killing.

God was devoured by Noah, which gave Noah's power to rise again.

This is, he has felt the difference.

Especially in heaven, the closest thing to reality.

He poked his hand forward lightly.

That finger seemed to pierce a membrane and enter another dimension.

This feeling made Noah's soul a little intoxicated.

"Is there... the real world?"

After feeling it for a while, Noah looked at the people below.

Among them, there are dimensional lords, returning gods, strong men who have accumulated thousands of years of earth's savings, and modern active superheroes.

Dormammu looked at Noah warily.

Just now, he actually wanted to kill Noah, but seeing Noah's strength, he could only strangle this idea in his stomach.

The lords of other dimensions were also uneasy.

This battle was not what they imagined.

They thought that the power of the dimension lord would play a decisive role in this battle.

But in fact, Noah Allen killed God alone.

Even with their help, it has to be said that without Noah Allen, this crusade would be a joke.

At this time, Noah Allen's status has replaced God.

If he regrets...

"Everyone, I will keep my promise, and all dimension lords participating in the war can enter the earth."

Stephen Strange flew to Noah's side and said uneasy:

"Noah, maybe we should compromise and make some restrictions."

He is worried that too many dimension lords entering the earth will bring danger to the earth.

But Noah just smiled lightly.

"I'm sure they won't do that."

As Noah's eyes swept across many dimension lords and gods, all the powerhouses who were watched by him unconsciously lowered their heads.

Noah is right, they dare not.

Like, they cannot rebel against God.

Stephen Strange looked at Noah's unquestionable eyes, and could only nod helplessly.

Noah looked at the abyss that came from eternity.

This is the big trouble.

Things are better than he imagined, and the power of eternal remnants is much more than Noah imagined.

It's just that it has been blocked by God in the past.

Even without the help of Noah, as long as the eternal power does not dissipate.

This false universe can exist forever.

It's just that there is no real power, and people living in a false universe cannot leave that universe.

Of course, Noah has already held the key to leaving.

Both the power of God and the power of eternity can bring him 'truth'.

Maybe it's time to go to the real world.

Noah thought to himself.

He needs to know that since this Marvel world is fake, what is the real world?

Why does eternity die, is swallowing star really dead?

Countless questions are waiting for Noah to crack.

The next time, Noah stayed on Earth for several months.

When everything was ready, he came to heaven under the watchful eyes of Tony and other friends.

The next moment, Noah waved, and a space barrier was opened immediately.

Noah glanced back, and then flew in without hesitation.

When he came back to his there was a lot of traffic around him, and he looked familiar yet unfamiliar.

"Hello, Noah Allen, we meet again."

Hearing this voice, Noah looked back suddenly.

I saw a bald man standing there, smiling at him.



------off topic-----

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