"I won't let you take the time. I want you to listen to me without asking anything."

Slightly bent forward, his brother, with his elbows on the table and fingers together, shrugged and quietly narrowed the tender eyes he always laughed at.

A shitty electronic sound that echoes around. That doesn't get in my head at all, just my brother's voice sounds. And I can't distract myself from those eyes that stare at me.

"I say straight to the point. I want you to pull your hand from Shizuka Ogasawara."

Vikri and his body trembled at the word, an unusual chill rushed up his spine, and sweat erupted from his entire body.

What did your brother say now? Shizuka Ogasawara and you said that?

Why do you get that name out of your brother's mouth?

I have a self who wants to deny the answers I know. Why does my brother know the name of Shizuka Ogasawara? I don't have to think about it.

The story in foster care said my brother has taken a few trips to the city where I live.

I thought it was strange. If you're hiding and observing me, there's no point in bothering to teach me that. If you teach me in foster care, you'll almost certainly be in my ear.

I mean, did you teach waza? To get into my ears with the wax.

Then why did you teach me to wax? Probably for this moment now. My brother was going to make contact with me today.

Did you think I'd run away if I showed up suddenly? Sure, that could have happened, but I can't actually make one move instead of running away.

What I couldn't get away with was the theory of results, but at the time of the speculation, my brother gave me respite because I was well thought out to get away.

Contact with foster care reminds you of the old days and prepares your mind by reminding you that you are here. And he showed up anticipating the time.

It's all for me. Reduce the burden on my heart slightly, and don't surprise me. And to get you to listen.

I guess that's what you had to tell me. About a person named Shizuka Ogasawara.

"From that look in your eyes, apparently, you only listen to me. I'm relieved..."

My brother, smiling horribly, looked just a little lonely.

"But hey, I was ready, but when I was so scared towards my face, my brother was sad..."

A gentle, soft, spinning word pierced Gusari's heart.

It is spotted. That the emotion I have towards my brother is more fear than resentment.

I'm scared, I'm scared of this guy. I can't think of a vision that says no matter how much of a measure you make, no matter what means you take, you will beat this guy. I don't feel like I can win. There's no way you can win. I have myself convinced that I can't help but be angry and uncomfortable with it.

And this is how I hit on you, and I'm afraid of my brother, who cares more than I need.

I don't know who my brother is. I've been really sweet for a long time. You did everything for me without one disgusting face. And yet, why did you poke me away when you wanted me to protect you the most?

Let it go, abandon it, why can you look like that? How can you look at me like I'm worried about my brother? You dumped me. You shouldn't deserve to look like that.

I don't know. I don't understand. What the hell is my brother thinking? You won't have to worry about me in the first place. If my brother cares about it, he should be able to do something about me. Its brains, its strength, its connections, they outweigh me by far.

"I would have liked to hear more of your voice if I could. I wanted you to laugh like before. But I'm going to understand that the idea is too convenient. I'm really sorry I exposed myself to you."

My brother, who closed his eyes and groaned so, put something small on the table.

"Don't get involved with Shizuka Ogasawara. I also understand that there is no point in saying that. You have always been. [M] Mr. Rikanaka is a good example. Then I'll do what I can."

A brother who plays with his fingers something small he puts on the table. That object that was bounced by it slipped right in front of me.

"There is as much information about Shizuka Ogasawara as I can find out in it. Information is a weapon. It doesn't hurt to know. Nevertheless, I don't even think I'd work in your favor where I had the information. Shizuka Ogasawara doesn't. That girl is not. Hopefully, it won't change the way I don't want you to get involved."

The grinning brother speaks quietly, staring at me with frozen eyes.

I couldn't move. I couldn't move. I started looking at my brother like that. I couldn't do anything about my trembling body on my own, I just swallowed my goku and spit to the best of my ability.

"That's it. Sorry I let you take the time."

Saying so and smiling gently, my brother turned his back on me when he took his seat.

"Shizuka Ogasawara is dangerous. I don't care if it's resentful. That girl is not. Extremely simple, extremely elusive. That girl... looks like me"

That's what I left behind with my back turned, and my brother left.

Until then, I couldn't breathe, and when I exhaled heavily, I desperately pumped oxygen into my lungs.

It's like a frog stared at by a snake. Keep it sporadically abusive on the inside, it's this zama if you have to see her. Funny.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention something."


The moment I stroked my ho chest down and tried to wipe the sweat that had surfaced on my forehead with my back of my hand, I was gassed and grabbed on my shoulder.

When I turned my fearful gaze to the side, my brother, who was supposed to have walked away, lay on his mid back next to me, grinning and holding my shoulder.

And my heart stopped... for a moment.

"This is the photo I gave Mr. Rikanaka, but it doesn't matter how much you look for the medium that recorded that image. I'm sure you would take it from Rikana-san, and Rikana-san would give it to you if he pleaded with you. That's why I sent it to Rikanaka's home. I mean, Rikanaka says she doesn't have the medium to record the image of the photograph.

Sweat erupting like a waterfall. What the hell am I looking like right now?

My brother, staring at me like that with tender eyes, nodded happily, yeah, and pounded on my shoulder as I held him.

"If you're going to be involved with Shizuka Ogasawara, Mr. Reinaka must be there. I'll admit she's on her way. But I don't want to put her in danger..."

My brother's eyes staring at me. It seemed as soon as those eyes, laughing tenderly, put the name of the foster home into his mouth, he dwelt in an emotionless light like an insect.

"It can be said that it was a good idea to put her in contact with Makoto Ogasawara. Rikanaka is a really“ usable kid ”. But because of that, Mr. Rikanaka will be crossing a dangerous bridge from now on. He gave me a secret image of me, like," Well, goodbye. "

That's what he said and took his hand off my shoulder, and now he really left when he stroked my head.

I sat in a chair and stunned for a while, reaching for the USB memory that remained on the table.

Is information about Shizuka Ogasawara recorded in this? Will I take that honestly?

Give me the information your brother gathered.

"It's easy to throw it away though. But..."

I squeezed the USB memory and stuck that hand in my pocket.

I don't think my brother's purpose was to give me this USB memory. There would have been as many better ways to give it to me as there were.

He even worked on a troublesome step, appeared deliberately before me, who was antipsychotic to my brother, and gave me the USB memory. In that case, I think it's quite possible that I might discard the USB memory that I gave you.

It would be wise to mail anonymously to the apartment.

I didn't, and I just think there's another reason I dared to expose myself. And wasn't that the true purpose of my brother?

Shizuka Ogasawara looks like me. That's what my brother said. Didn't your brother show up to tell me that directly?

What does similarity mean? Capability? Character? Both of them? In any case, is it no different that you are a troublesome opponent?

No, if it's “really similar," it won't be a mess.

I seem to have underestimated Shizuka Ogasawara. I just thought that Makoto Ogasawara, my adopted son and stepsister, was the subject of figs.

No, I can't deny the possibility of being the subject of a fig. But maybe not. It's not that simple. Anyway, he's like judging that brother dangerous. I'm sure my reflection hasn't even blurred.

I had formed a figure on my own against someone I had never met. There is so much foolishness.

In other words, the information recorded in the USB memory is secondary. What my brother wanted to tell you was...

"Watch out for Shizuka Ogasawara, you mean..."

The zoary chill ran up my spine and I accidentally laughed niggly.

What I wanted to tell you until that brother bothered to expose himself before me.

The cold that strikes your spine spreads throughout your body, causing your skin to bubble.

It was an unusual chill with pleasure.

Shizuka Ogasawara resembles his brother. I don't know how similar they are. There is no way you can make a decision without checking with this eye.

But that's enough for that brother to advise me. I guess that's how similar it is.

"Come on, right, right..."

Convenient, this is really convenient. Shizuka Ogasawara is dangerous enough for my brother to admit it. If I could succumb to Shizuka Ogasawara like that, I might be able to surpass my brother. I mean, this is an outpost over my brother.

"Not if you're playing around here."

Body trembling by cold. The hand on the table to get up is also bluffing and shivering at will. I grabbed that arm with my other hand and put in a critical force.

Sweat that conveys cheeks. The chills that strike.

My knees are trembling and I can't help myself on my feet.

I know. I'm a stranded tiger. There is no better reason to beat Shizuka Ogasawara, whom his brother admits than to beat his brother.

"That's why I won't be able to pull it off right now..."

I'm scared. I'm scared of Shizuka Ogasawara. But more hateful than that.

My brother was nice to me. It was so gentle that it could be described as an anomaly. But that was not reciprocity. It was always a one-way street. I was just being given kindness unilaterally.

My brother hasn't admitted me. There is an absolute wall there that will never be covered: a weak brother and a strong brother.

The man whose brother is on guard. Can we not say that it is reciprocal? Can't you say you're admitting it?

"If you run away here, it's over. I'm really done here. I absolutely don't want to live the rest of my life in the shadow of my brother..."

Again, this is a good opportunity. Outposts against beings that must be surpassed sooner or later in my life. Without exceeding Shizuka Ogasawara's degree, I can't possibly exceed my brother.

"Opportunity, this is an opportunity. So move, my foot. Please don't tremble. If I can't believe me, what the hell am I supposed to believe..."

I can barely get to my knees on my feet. I can't stop shivering.

My eyesight got hot with so much pity.

"Mr. Castle Island?

When I raised my face to the voice I heard, the inside stood in front of me pinching the table. Behind it is a look at Makoto Ogasawara laughing at his prickly phone.

"Huh? Are you crying? Why? Is something wrong?

He rubbed his eyes in the hem of his jacket as he stared at me worryingly.

Was I crying? My eyeballs got hot, but I was going to enjoy it. But apparently there were already tears.

"Aoi doesn't cry. It's Senior Rikanaka's mistake. I just got garbage in my eyes."

Makoto Ogasawara, staring at his phone, says something like that inside, not to mention naturally.

Makoto Ogasawara, who believes in me and doesn't question me for trying to see through my insides.

The knees and arms that were trembling so much, the tremor was healing when I noticed it.

At least just in front of them, I have to be strong.

Even if it's a stakeout, we have to pierce that stakeout.

"You think I'm crying? Stupid bastard, you're a jerk."

That's what I said. I get up, I go around the table and I stand in front of the foster home.


And he made me eat Decopin on the forehead of a foster home looking up at me.

"What are you doing all of a sudden?!? It hurts!

Inside holding her forehead with both hands and swelling her cheeks as she stared at me with tears.

"Nothing. I was just upset when I was looking at your dumb side."

"What the fuck! Oh, my God!

Even more plumply swollen cheeks, Rikanaka slaps me in the chest with a bright red face.

"Ah, Aoi! Me too! I want to be decoupled!

Makoto Ogasawara, who came in forcefully cracked between me and the foster child slapping me in the chest, exposes his forehead when he scratches up his forehead with his right hand and looks up at me with the sparkling eyes he expects.

He said he was an asshole, he wanted to feel pain from himself, etc. I knew he was a mazo.

"I can't go out with you. The play is over. We're leaving."

That being said, I checked my watch, and the time was around 3: 00 p.m.

I don't know the exact timing of the foster home, but you should act early.

Instead, I want to go home to the apartment and check the contents of the USB memory as soon as possible.

"What? Are you leaving already? You haven't been exposed yet. I'm bored!

A foster child with arms in front of his chest shifts his face pussy when his lips are pointed.

"Oh, yes, Senior foster school is leaving, isn't he? I'm staying at Aoi's apartment today."


"Duh. Hehe, stay here today! Train a lot! If it weren't for the intrusive Senior Rikanaka, all sorts of..."

"I don't know."

"You can! Anyway, now, breast milk is a top priority -"


"I'll do my best!

Makoto Ogasawara tried to cut off his will by blocking the words of Makoto Ogasawara, but Makoto Ogasawara, who has no way of blocking the words, forcefully pierces his will.

"It must be a rejection! Listen to people!

"Yikes, Yikes, Yikes!

I said what I wanted to say, and picked both cheeks of Makoto Ogasawara, who was looking at me in foster care with Doya's face, with his fingers, and pulled them off thoughtfully.

"Hey Makoto, with that said, you seem oddly adamant about breast milk since yesterday, but why do you want to breast milk so badly?

Makoto Ogasawara, who had both cheeks pulled with his fingers from me and was crying and begging for forgiveness, was questioned, especially by Rikanaka, who did not show a bare gesture to help by saying this.

If you look closely, blue muscles appear on the temples of the foster care center. He in foster care, Makoto Ogasawara, won't be calm inside when he hears he's coming to stay in my room again today.

"I was there...... is that why you want to breast milk? I've decided that. When you have breast milk, Aoi will socialize."

Releasing his fingers from both cheeks of Makoto Ogasawara, Makoto Ogasawara, rubbing his cheek with tears, naturally answered inside.

"To? Socialize? What if I get breast milk? Is that what Mr. Castle Island said?


Makoto Ogasawara nods loudly in response to an inquiry during foster care. When Chirali and I looked at Makoto Ogasawara, he sighed in a small way.

That's what Mr. Castle Island told me.

Makoto Ogasawara stares into the midst of the shattered look.

"No. Yikes! Aoi has something mean to say, so once you say it, you won't be able to pull in! So if you breast milk, you're supposed to socialize!

Makoto Ogasawara looked at me again as he stared at me.

"... Advertise You Might Be Right"

And I groaned.

Stupid, but who's mean?

Yeah, well, sure, I snorted at Makoto Ogasawara's suggestion that she wanted me to socialize if she had breast milk.

But breast milk is fundamental if you don't get pregnant, and it's unlikely that the virgins will be able to get it out.

In short, there's nothing to worry about or worry about.

"Breast milk..."

Wrap your own breasts with both hands and whine inside.

"Ha! It's breast milk!

Makoto Ogasawara, who grabbed his chest with both hands just as he did in foster care, is rubbing his mochi with a full grin.

You shouldn't have any problems or worries, but no way, you just won't answer.

I've often said that I'm not here.

"- But Makoto spent five hundred yen. But in the end, I couldn't take one, stuffed animal."

Stand in the corner of the train and look out through the window attached to the door.

Train running sounds that resonate with Catan Catan. Sometimes it's called halfway through noon, and it's not that crowded on the train.

I could sit if I wanted to, but I didn't feel like sitting.

"Mr. Castle Island? Are you listening?

He returned to me haphazardly to the voice he heard, and turned his gaze toward the voice he heard.

The inside, standing in front of me and looking up at me, staring at me with a disgusting face.

"Oh, I'm listening"

"It's a lie, I never heard of it"

"Oh, sort of."

I took my gaze off the foster care staring at me and looked next to me.

Makoto Ogasawara standing next to me and holding onto my shoulder.

Makoto Ogasawara, with his hands firmly in my arms and his saliva dripping from the edge of his lips on a happy asshole's face, sleeps cleverly as he stands, shaking his head with kakun kakun.

It's been a long day this morning. I guess I'm just tired.

"I met my brother."

I shrugged so, looking at Makoto Ogasawara on the side.

"Huh? To Soichiro? Didn't you leave?

Inside raising his voice like a surprise. Did you still not even know about foster care?

"Ogasawara has a stepsister. His name is Shizuka Ogasawara. Ogasawara used to snub a lot in front of you, but he doesn't talk in school, he doesn't move on from himself and offer topics. I just listen to people all the time. I guess that's what I've been doing all along."

I have no response from foster care to my story. Probably listening.

Makoto Ogasawara, shaking his head with kakun kakun, shuddered viciously with a broken knee. And as I turn my hand around my arm, wiping the saliva that was dripping from the edge of my lips with the back of my opposite hand, I look around like I was in a hurry.

There was anxiety sticking to that look.

"I'm here."

Quietly speaking, Makoto Ogasawara, who slept down and looked around, grinned as if he were horrified to see me. And he repositioned the hand he was turning on my arm, keeping his head on my shoulder and closing his eyes.

Lose as much and start hearing small sleeping breaths.

"I don't know when it's been, but I guess I've been suppressing myself. No, should I say I've killed him? The young mental age of the vegetarian koitsu is trampled on as there is cause there. That's why he doesn't know how to measure distance from people. Far away, close, but extreme."

When you say that and look in the foster care, you stare at me in the face.

"In foster care, you knew you were going to fight. Even if it's irresistible. But he's not. A long time ago, it seemed like he was broken. Still, he's trying to move on. You must be a born idiot."

He stares back at me with his pale eyes and speaks quietly.

"He's a dog. For just one time, even if it was whimsical, I would not forget the memories that were tender and try to live up to them and believe them. Even if they throw it away. It's stupid, a real idiot."

Just a tear builds up in those tiny eyes, listening to my words.

The USB memory my brother gave me. You don't know how much information is stuck in it unless you check it out.

However, no matter how much information is packed, it is inevitable to contact Shizuka Ogasawara himself. And it's inside that's possible.

"My brother said it. Shizuka Ogasawara said it was dangerous. That's my brother. I want you to make contact with Shizuka Ogasawara. It's unknown how dangerous it is right now. But I'm pretty sure it's dangerous."

My eyes in foster care dwelt on my words.

In foster care, he doesn't lose much. And strong without a thousand times.

"I wasn't going to see you again. You've grown stronger. Besides, I'm like this, so I thought I should never see you again. But when I wanted to rely on someone, you were the one who ended up first."

A drip overflowing from his colored eyes propagates his cheeks and falls to the floor with his potatoes.

"So help me. Maybe there's nothing I can do about it."

Stepped feet. I buried my face in my chest. I said nothing, I just nodded.

He doesn't lose much. And strong without a thousand times. And I didn't know I was going to run, but now I feel okay.

"I just need one favor..."

A whimpering, twitchy voice echoes.

"When it's all over, get my virgin. I won't bother asking you to socialize, so..."

"Stupid, keep it to sell yourself high"

"Who are you telling me to sell it to? If you say that, introduce me responsibly, right? A better man than Mr. Castle Island."

"I'm sure there's a lot going on around there."

In my words, Reichi just laughed softly and buried his face in my chest.

We arrived at the station and woke up the sleeping Makoto Ogasawara and got off the train.

Makoto Ogasawara, who is bogged down because of his sleep, rubs his half-open eyes as he is drawn to foster care.

"What time is the Shinkansen on the way home?"

"Uh, 17: 45."

When I looked at the watch while listening to the answer in foster care, the time was around 5: 10.

I thought you'd come home halfway through time, but you couldn't afford it so much. Or I would have definitely crossed the Shinkansen if I had stayed in the mall like that.

"You, tell me the time first. What were you going to do when you got over it?"

When I look into the nursery with my jito eyes, the nursery that distracted me is dyeing my cheeks and scratching my head.

"Uh hehe... I didn't mean to get over it, but I was wondering if I could help if it was force majeure..."

"It's force majeure."

"Huh? No, well... if Mr. Castle Island is obsessed with tutoring and rides the Shinkansen... I think I'll stay another night, what the hell, what the hell"


I'm in foster care dyeing my cheeks and scratching my head, not trying to gaze at me. With that said, he was urging me to do some exposure tutoring. But what was the school going to do about staying another night? It's like a joke, but maybe I meant it for the price.

But it seems that you are inside the house not to cover up the matter. I can also lose my temper to scold because of you.

"Fair enough. Rikanaka, take Ogasawara and wait at the Shinkansen platform."

"What about Mr. Castle Island?

"Just go. I'll be right there."

When I said that and got rid of it with my sissy hands, I walked out with Makoto Ogasawara's hand even as I stared at me with my jitsu eyes, with a frown root and a strange look on my face. But he stops right away, twists his neck and looks at me sideways. Those eyes were still gyto-eyed.

"Makoto forgives you, but don't get caught up in any more girls,"


When I pushed him away with a shy hand, I turned away from him. Then he pulled Makoto Ogasawara's hand and walked out.

Makoto Ogasawara, still asleep, looked back as he was drawn to foster care, waving at me with his half-open eyes.

Two people wandering up the stairs amidst a wave of people. When I couldn't see the back of it completely, I walked out, too.

I knew it would be a station valve when it came to the station.

When I arrived at the store on the platform, I looked at the station valves lined up in the store and figured out which one to turn.

I guess this is a specialty beef tongue after all. The problem is seasoning. Sounds like it's miso marinade that's popular with women, but I'm definitely salt pepper.

"Ma'am, are you looking for a station valve?

Swallow gokuri and spit into the voice you called from behind.

I thought you were coming. No, since we broke up at the mall, I thought you'd be following us at a distance.

Petrifying body. When I couldn't even answer the query, the person standing behind me lined up next to me.

One fist is taller than me and wider shoulder width. He's three years older than me, but if you ask me if I'll get a similar physique in three years, the answer will be no. The fundamental skeleton is too different.

The appearance of a jacket in a suit seems plain at first sight, but you can't hide the goodness of its upbringing.

My brother, who took one station valve lined up in the store, smiled gently when he looked at me.

"Remember? Certainly around three or four Ethereal fibers. I wasted a lot of time wanting to eat a station lunch at the Shinkansen home and it was this lunch box that I bought. The design seems to have changed somewhat."

My brother stares at the lunch box in his hand and squeals nostalgically as he narrows his eyes.

"I was crying so hard when they told me I couldn't eat this amount off by myself. My mother suggested that we both eat, but I didn't have the ears to cry and listen any more. After all, my mother broke it and bought it, but as my mother said, she couldn't eat it up and was crying again."

My face turned hot and I leaned over unexpectedly to the words spoken quietly.

That's the trouble with this guy, but knowing my black history is the worst.

"I can remember like I did yesterday. Aoi was so small back then, come after me with your brother in his voice. She was really cute. Oh, no, she's still cute."

His brother, who stopped at the height around his thighs with his palms facing down, smiles and seems to have fun enough to wrinkle around his eyes.

With the momentum of fire coming out of my face, I just bite my lower lip and lean down, and I can't say one thing back.

"You don't seem to change your mind. Well, that's what I knew from the beginning. But I only advise you one thing."

My brother, who turned off his smile softly, stares at me in the face. As I leaned down and looked at my brother with a flicker, I saw the look and the sight, completely petrified.

"You said Shizuka Ogasawara was dangerous. In the unlikely event that something happens, if you and Mr. Rikanaka are in danger at that time, and if only one of them can help, I will not hesitate to take you. So whatever happens to Mr. Rikanaka, it's not what I know."

Words that are gently spinned quietly. But my body trembles at the unusual weight of the voice that sounds quietly with the eyes that shoot me through.

I can't even breathe, my cheeks and spine get cold sweat coming through me.

"In order not to, you have to be as careful as possible. I'll do whatever my brother can, so I want you to rely on me whenever you want. Even so, you can't rely on me."

That's what my brother said and stroked my head with his original gentle smile in an instant. And when I bend over, I take five lunches lined up in the store.

"Excuse me, can I have this?

Speaking to the store clerk, the brother gives the clerk the lunch he has, and when he takes his wallet out of his pocket, he pays for it. And I received a lunch box that was put in a bag.

"There are four of us, so there are four of us, but there are two of us that are going to eat."

That's what he told me to hold the bag handle. My brother closed one eye and winked when he slapped me on the shoulder.

"Oh, and believe it or not, you're on your own, but I wanted to tell you something."

He talks to me, leaning down and trembling, in a pungent tone.

"He's my father, but he's the one who broke through my loving wife's house. With all that wealth and power, I don't even look aside from my mother. I've never had an affair. There's no way he would disdain you for resembling his mother."

Saying so, the pompous and my brother slapped me on the shoulder and walked out to flaunt me as he gently raised his hand.

You think my dad's a scared wife? Stupid, impossible. My mother couldn't lift her head to my father, and she always looked at my father's complexion. My father's decision was absolute, and I didn't even try to overturn it.

"It's not the only truth in your eyes, Ethereum."

To the voice heard from behind, he chewed his lower lip so hard that he could cut a thousand pieces that he was chewing, squeezing his hands tightly.

The taste of raw, warm iron that spreads through your mouth. I was driven by the urge to scream not to say the proper thing, but my body did not move against its will.

When I got down to the Shinkansen home at the escalator, Shinkansen was already in the home.

The time is 5: 30 PM. It's time to leave in fifteen minutes.

As we walked home looking for the two of them, we leaned over and found the two of them sitting in a chair.

A firm grip on the hand. Are you completely awake, Makoto Ogasawara, who is talking inside with a full smile, and Minaka, who is listening with a smile as she nods the story.

Close to those two, Makoto Ogasawara reacted with a piqun, "Aoi!" He turned his face to me with momentum as he raised his voice. Then inside look at me.

Hey, didn't Makoto Ogasawara make up his mind before he saw me? Were you convinced it was me just by the signs?

"Here's the bait, delight, eat it on your way home"


"... no, not you"

When he offered a bag with a station valve in it during the foster care, Makoto Ogasawara, with his hands aligned in front of his chest, rang as he bent his wrist and mane the dog.

"Don't you have my share? If Aoi can't stay, I have to go home too..."

"No, I do. And you're going home. You're going to be local."

All I get is a sigh of sigh, stunned by the soggy Makoto Ogasawara.

"By the way, Ogasawara, how many lunches can you have?

"Hee-hee - oh, no, hee, two!

Makoto Ogasawara, who looked disturbed by my question, seemed too anxious to turn the Lu Rhythm, and put up two fingers as he restated his words with a bright red face.

Were you ashamed I bit you? To the scum of plain use of tongueless language.

Is it not the same as using it intentionally and unexpectedly?

Does it eat two? Keep all that fast food. You can eat it well.

It's trivial, but my brother was reading it. It wouldn't be a coincidence. If you don't know who Makoto Ogasawara is, you can't guess.

I mean, it's possible that your brother has been looking into Makoto Ogasawara for quite some time.

I hope we haven't even looked into the high school warehouse. If it had been investigated......

"Mr. Castle Island, your face is blue, isn't it?

"Oh, oh, no, nothing..."

I answered anxiously, looking inside me, with my hands gently raised.

No, you wouldn't just come in to the school grounds. But there are still photographs of the middle school student chairman's nominee speech.

Photo of me sleeping in a special classroom that was a holding room. You have to break into the depths of the school to film it, and my brother would have done it.

That was, yeah, that was it, because my brother was in high school, I guess he had a lot of momentum.

If you become a sophomore in college, you should lose the momentum you had when you were in high school.

The brother I met today... I don't think he's changed much from the old days.

I'm worried, yes. I'm overthinking.

"Mr. Castle Island, are you sure you're okay? You look bluer than you just did, and you look like you're sweating."

"Let it go, I know you said it was okay."

"Your voice is shaking, too, huh?

"... leave me alone"

No, I can't stop trembling when I remember my brother.

Relax, you can't expose yourself to pity in front of the two idiots. It wouldn't even be a laugh if the meat potty licked me.

"Two! You can eat two!

Makoto Ogasawara, who was blushing and holding two fingers together, raised his voice as if he remembered.

You're really free, he is.

It was five minutes before the departure, and Rikanaka, who rose from her chair, headed to the Shinkansen door.

Looking at the bag he carries on his back, he picked up his stuff at some point.

On his right hand side he holds a bag containing purchases made at a shopping mall and on his left he holds a bag containing a station valve. The figure is a round-up of country travelers.

"See you later, Makoto. Even so, I think I'll be back by the end of the week."

Rikanaka, who entered the Shinkansen car from an empty door, turns around and talks to Makoto Ogasawara.

"I'm sorry you're gone. Because Aoi can be monopolized without Senior Rikanaka."

Makoto Ogasawara, who said that with a twinge attitude while pointing at him, laughed happily when he looked inside with chilli.

"I don't know. I wonder if I'll be able to hear Makoto's hatred."

Makoto Ogasawara, who chewed his lower lip during foster care when he laughed and said so, looks desperate to be forced to laugh.

Makoto Ogasawara must have said something busy. To break up with a smile. honest foster language everywhere against it.

Why can you be so honest about what you mean? Rikanaka said she got a lot of stuff from me, but she wouldn't. Must be the original qualities of foster care. If you got something from me, it would definitely twist your personality.

"With that said, Mr. Castle Island, I can't have two lunches, can I?

Chirali and Makoto Ogasawara look at Rikanaka, who lifted a bag containing a station valve. When they caught me and I saw Makoto Ogasawara, Makoto Ogasawara, who had two or two lunches on top of his palms, was staring at the bag the inside had with his eyes shining.

You think I'm going to eat more? I'll break your stomach.

"Never mind. I'll find out later."

When I say yes inside, I lean my neck wonderfully inside and unfortunately Shinji Ogasawara.

Don't look sorry until you've flattened the two lunches you're holding in your hand.

It will be the time of departure and an electronic noise will sound on the home. And the door closed.

Smiling and waving inside. Makoto Ogasawara, who had two overlapping lunches on his palms of both hands, smiles back and waves when he takes that lunch in one hand.

Slowly moving Shinkansen. Makoto Ogasawara walks out as he moves.

On the Shinkansen, which gradually became faster, Makoto Ogasawara also walked faster, eventually rushing out.

"Damn, I can take care of it"

Makoto Ogasawara, who runs with his lunch on top of the palms of both hands, can't keep his balance because his hands are unusable. It's like I don't know when I'm gonna fall. Still, I go after Shinkansen without even shaking my sides and run home with all my might.

Dark hair flowing in the wind. Shit, he's surprisingly fast on his feet.

Makoto Ogasawara flourished in my sight as I rushed to speed up.

"You idiot!

Kick the ground up to the sight in front of you.

Makoto Ogasawara was even chasing Shinkansen with all his might without raising his voice. Besides, I fell majestically from face to face to ground because I had a lunch box.

If I hadn't slipped between the ground and Makoto Ogasawara, I would have been quite hurt.

Me rolling on my back to the ground and Makoto Ogasawara lying on top of me.


Makoto Ogasawara, raising a weak groan and overflowing tears from his eyes, was holding his lunch box tight with both hands.

I can't guarantee the contents because of the massive fall, but I won't have them scattered all over the ground, so I'll be able to eat them for now. But you think I'll make lunch a priority over my own body?

"You, if you fall, leave your lunch box alone and put your hands on it..."

"I'm not crying."


Asking for a sigh of relief, I got a tiny answer back. I didn't ask you if you were crying.

"I'm not crying because Senior Rikanaka's gone. I fell and rubbed my knee, so it hurts and that's why I'm crying..."

"... I see."

I was sick and tired of whimpering shivering voices.

I rubbed my knee off, so I'm sore and I'm crying? Where did you rub it off?

Makoto Ogasawara shouldn't have been injured in any way because of me slipping between him and the ground the moment Makoto Ogasawara fell. It hurts all over my body instead.

"That's what I was going to excuse... Aoi's idiot"

"Ah, that's a bad thing you did. Shit, I saved your life and this is it..."

Apparently, he was going to get hurt with the wax. No, Makoto Ogasawara, who was running at all costs, wouldn't have had room to think about that. Probably an excuse I just came up with.

I mean, you wanted to cry so badly about your injury as an excuse, but you're foolish that you lost your excuse because of me.

Well, I don't care what Makoto Ogasawara thinks. I defended him because I'd be in trouble if he got hurt. Anyway, it's a meat potty in tune. Besides, it's superb because of it, I just didn't want it to be a injury.

That's all.

"... I want to stay today"

A fool who talks fuzzily in a cuddly voice as he buries his face in my chest.

"Go home. I would have stayed yesterday. I'm not that free either."

With his face full of pain, he threw his words away towards Makoto Ogasawara, who didn't try to move with his face buried in my chest.

"I don't like it."

"Let it go, you can't have anything that doesn't work"

"I don't like it!

"I don't think so!

"Yikes! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

If I had dismissed all of Makoto Ogasawara's claims, I would have bummed my legs and started squeezing the waste in grandeur.

You're a child, you can only sigh anymore.

Honestly, I don't mind staying. I lived on my own with pleasure. Whoever stays is not to blame. I am, though.

If you're going to stay at a friend's house once in a while, you won't have that much of a problem, except when it goes on.

They'll think their house will be annoying too, and they'll suspect they're really friends more than that.

Basically, if it's a serious Makoto Ogasawara, he wants to stay flat even though he feels like he deserves to take care of the area.

Makoto Ogasawara is an adopted son. If you're just having narrow shoulders, you should be able to be more concerned about your step-parents and sister-in-law.

Makoto Ogasawara's words, behavior, and discomfort and inconsistencies hidden in its verses.

"You want to stay that much?


"Then do as you please."


I admit as I exhale, I get a whimpering reply.

I can understand if you don't want to go home with no place to be, but that's not necessarily equals not having to go home if you don't want to.

Causes of discomfort and inconsistency. And my brother's words. Dangerous beings. Shizuka Ogasawara.

Returning to the apartment, he threw Makoto Ogasawara into the bathroom, still grumpy and foolish.

Probably cried in the bath. It took me a long time to get out. And when he comes out, he comes out. He sticks up to me perfectly, and he tries to be stubborn.

I'd like to take a bath, too.

After about two hours, Makoto Ogasawara, who was holding me, began to gloat. Then I fell asleep completely less than half an hour later.

It's still weird. Makoto Ogasawara hasn't touched his phone while he's on his way from the station to the apartment or since he arrived at the apartment to the present day. I mean, I haven't contacted the house.

In retrospect, when I plotted to catch Makoto Ogasawara using Sasaki as bait, Makoto Ogasawara was staked out in front of my apartment until late at night. He said he contacted his parents at that time, but he didn't even care if that was true or not.

Did you really contact him? He said he made an excuse to stay at a friend's house, but at the time, Makoto Ogasawara should not have had any friends or anything that would allow him to stay at home.

It's not weird that you lied. Before I met him, Makoto Ogasawara had no one to call his friend. Then I would rarely stay out. No, it's possible he didn't at all. That's where they hook up oddly.

After a series of events, Makoto Ogasawara came to stay in my room, but I never said anything about my parents' house, and I didn't ask. And I've never seen Makoto Ogasawara contact my parents' house.

I had no idea you hadn't contacted me. That didn't come to mind.

That's crazy. My old daughter's staying out. My parents must be worried about me.

Besides, this time it's not like before. It's too abrupt to stay.

Until now, there has been a grace period until I stayed out. If you're coming to stay for the weekend, you'll be able to root for it by then. But this time, I just stayed yesterday and stayed out for two days. Besides, from what I saw, it seemed like I was leaving it to the momentum on the spot to decide.

I can't deny the possibility that I've been planning on staying today for a long time. I can't deny it, but I don't feel like I'm not.

Most sincerely, my sister-in-law is allowed to swim freely.

If you want to hunt down your sister-in-law, the best thing to do is crush her whereabouts. Then it seems like it would be forbidden to stay out, but there is no such thing.

My brother said that resentment wouldn't matter. And you look like yourself, he said.

Isn't the emotion Shizuka Ogasawara has towards Makoto Ogasawara hatred or mockery? Then what? What the hell is the relationship between you two?

Makoto Ogasawara, who totally fell asleep. I gently let go of my hand holding onto that jacket, wrapped it in a blanket and rolled it on the floor. Then I head to my desk.

The USB memory my brother gave me. The identity of discomfort and contradiction may be noted in it.

I started up my computer and connected the USB memory I took out of my pocket.

"Dude, what is this amount..."

What came out was a huge group of information created in the outline.

It's not the amount of information you can gather overnight.

The information was managed in chapters, each chapter bearing a name. The name I know or don't know. And behind the name I don't know, it said whose associate it was.

The first name in the chapter is Aoi Castle Island, or me. And the second is Foster Church Saint. The third one that follows is Makoto Ogasawara.

I let it scroll down from there and it had that name.

Shizuka Ogasawara.

Click on the name to see the slack and sentence.

Gender, age, address, friendship, family structure, hobbies, hobbies. They were described in detail. And I looked at the attached image and opened my eyes.


The girl in the picture. I got the impression that I tend to catch eyes and have a strong mind. That's fine, that's fine.

"The line that you're jealous of your sister-in-law's appearance... you disappeared"

I'm not talking about beautiful girls. She was such a beautiful girl that she doubted my eyes.

A so-called twin tail with long, glossy dark hair tied on both sides of the head.

I tend to catch eyes, but black, big eyes.

White skin like snow and its appearance, reminiscent of the thinness and clarity of the line, were offset by pitch-black eyes that dwelled in strong power.

A girl who combines strength with strength. Don't touch this girl, I got that impression.

I say beautiful flowers have togues, but his togues look pretty big.

"Hmm? Ah? What? Wait a minute... you're lying... what the hell is this..."

No matter how beautiful a girl Shizuka Ogasawara is, it doesn't matter.

My gaze was already away from the image, staring at a point.

One sentence I can't keep an eye on. It was so incredible information that it took so long to figure it out.

Shizuka Ogasawara. Maiden name, Sasaki. As a real son of the Sasaki family, she was adopted by the Ogasawara family.

That's what it said.

It should be Makoto Ogasawara who adopted him. But was Shizuka Ogasawara actually the adopted son?

Then why did Makoto Ogasawara say he was adopted? Are you lying, or don't you know that?

"Sasaki? Sasaki... no way"

I couldn't figure it out. I stared at the screen, and my eyes stopped at the name Sasaki.

If this information is true, Shizuka Ogasawara is the real son of the Sasaki family. Then who the hell is the Sasaki family?

As far as I can tell, Tatsuya Sasaki is a childhood friend of Makoto Ogasawara.

Tatsuya Sasaki chapter described under Shizuka Ogasawara chapter. I clicked on the item.

"Kuck, kuck... I don't know why, I just have to laugh like this..."

Information in sight. An incredible sentence that was noted there.

Tatsuya Sasaki. Maiden name, Ogasawara. As a real son of the Ogasawara family, adopted son of the Sasaki family.

Sasaki's maiden name is Ogasawara? Ogasawara?

So Shizuka Ogasawara was taken from the Sasaki family to the Ogasawara family, and Tatsuya Sasaki was taken from the Ogasawara family to the Sasaki family?

You swapped kids between houses?

Why such a hassle?

"Then Ogasawara, Makoto Ogasawara..."

If you click on the chapter of Makoto Ogasawara in confusion, the information contained therein is -.

Makoto Ogasawara, the eldest child of the Ogasawara family. Tatsuya Sasaki and I hit two egg twin sisters.

That's what it said.

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