Four days have passed since Makoto Ogasawara first peaked at his anus.

I didn't think it would be that difficult to navigate to make an equinox habit because it culminated in the first day of using anal sticks, and I thought I would move on to the next stage in a week or so.

But my predictions have fallen off beautifully, and it's pretty hard to navigate.

"Ah... uh-oh, no, no, no, no. Sometimes things go wrong."

An anal stick that is violently abstracted with a bubble and a low vibration sound.

Makoto Ogasawara, sleeping his upper body down as usual, is getting his anus slammed from me with his butt up, but even two hours have passed since he slammed his anus out, he hasn't reached a peak yet.

Its Makoto Ogasawara, but the sensitivity and dilation of the anus is increasing day by day and finishing better than expected. But the problem is that it's not cool.

"Ki-yah, ki-yah, ki-yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah."

Makoto Ogasawara lets his whole body know that his sleeping upper body is grossly defied, his butt is freaking out and spasms, and the summit is approaching just that far. But he couldn't get ahead of him, he dropped his petan and upper body, roughed his breath, and shook his neck sideways as he clenched his hands.

Its appearance of reddening the whole body, gushing sweat, bouncing hips and spasmoding the buttocks is like self-immobilizing.

The sticks used are even larger in size and number than the objects used four days ago.

And the sensitivity and expansion are going well. And yet it's not handsome.

For the past four days, Makoto Ogasawara has never been able to reach its peak in a critical place, and he was definitely causing dissatisfaction.

I can't move on like this. I also thought of stopping anal development once and going into the next planned breast development, but it's not enough bait to be able to peak.

It is extremely difficult to invite Makoto Ogasawara to indecent behavior than it is to have enough bait. Making a squeaky habit and drowning in pleasure frustrates my plan to make me lose my cool judgment and engage in slutty development that is out of the ordinary course of thinking.

After Makoto Ogasawara came home, I left alone in the warehouse and worried.

I didn't know you'd stop being handsome after your first squirt with your anus. If the inch is stopped, there is no problem. But reality doesn't make me mad even when I try. This difference is enormous.

Seeing my first squirt with anus only, I was stepping on this as an easy win, but I didn't expect to stumble on this place. No, things have gone too well so far. Something stumbles, of course. Then I'll just open it.

Why is Makoto Ogasawara no longer handsome? The answer is already out.

After the first iki, I intended to take good care of the aftermath, but Makoto Ogasawara unconsciously remembers a great deal of shame in saying that it would be supreme at the anus.

Don't expose yourself to that ugliness in front of me again. That's what you seem to think.

The problem is unconscious. Sometimes I'm guiding him, and he's trying so hard to get the best out of his anus. But it was suppressed like a limiter was applied in an inch, and I couldn't get ahead of it.

Then I wish I could just take that limiter off him, but this is hard to do again.

When orgasm is reached, female hormones are secreted in large quantities, which have a significant impact on beauty. I mean, it's going to be beautiful, so I can do it a little bit. But if you make me push you too far and you hate me, it's over. Instead of making it supreme in the anus, there is a risk that it will affect subsequent discipline.

"Oh, my God. I'm probably the biggest cause Makoto Ogasawara isn't handsome..."

Sit on the couch and squeal with both hands holding your head.

Love feelings sprouted, and by promoting them, it was easy to teach, but in fact, it was a sword of all blades.

In short, Makoto Ogasawara's refusal to expose himself to ugliness in front of me has caused me to develop romantic feelings. That's why I'm unconsciously resisting disturbances in front of me.

I honestly don't know what kind of hand to hit, even if I seem to take the limiter off, but I'm the one creating that limiter.

"It doesn't start when you're worried. I'll have to give it a try..."

As I whined, it doesn't even start if you're worried. Moreover, if the roots are stuffed, the situation may become muddy. At times like this, I end up taking a hot bath, sleeping well, and resting my brain. If you change your mind that way, you can easily find a breakthrough.

I decided so and left the warehouse behind.

On the day I woke up, there was a secret trick in my brain.

Yesterday I was worried about how to remove the shame of Makoto Ogasawara, but the secret that is currently floating in my brain is the opposite of that. Instead of removing it, give it extra. And outside the warehouse.

That warehouse is a place for Makoto Ogasawara to come into contact with me and get a massage. So it has to be a place of peace of mind.

Then he inflicts a great deal of shame in places other than the warehouse, releasing its stress and frustration in the warehouse. Moreover, by inflicting a great deal of shame, the shame itself becomes accustomed to it and allows it to be embedded in the exposure.

If successful, instead of two birds per stone, it is possible to catch three or four birds in one stone. But for that matter, there's a lot of risk.

If this is successful, it is also possible to move easily to breast development, which is next to anal development.

We're just talking about taking the risk ahead of time if we end up in the next phase. Moreover, for the greater risk, the return is also significant.

Risks and returns. Danger and in return. So I realized that my thoughts were filled with laughter.

Things carried too well, and apparently I was timid. He said he had taken risks from the start.

Early in the morning, when I went to school earlier than usual, I headed to the science room in the school building.

When I leave the house, I send an email to Makoto Ogasawara and attach an appointment to meet me in the science room. Since I sent an email and then quickly received an acknowledgement reply, it would definitely come.

To tell the truth, I wanted to refrain from making contact with Makoto Ogasawara in the school building as much as possible. The reason is Sasaki.

Makoto Ogasawara is definitely distancing himself from Sasaki. Anyway, I go to the warehouse every day. And to say that I can go to the warehouse, I can deduce that there has not been so much trouble with Sasaki.

I'm not socializing. Makoto Ogasawara explained his relationship with Sasaki to me. That would be the same for Sasaki.

I'm not socializing, so I can't speak so much to the other person's private life.

What a hassle to say we've spent so many years together. While we are within reach if we reach out, we have noticed each other too much and, conversely, the distance has become far away. How silly.

But if you feel the shadow of a man in the vicinity of Makoto Ogasawara, you'll just move on, no matter how deep Sasaki is.

It's very bad to be able to add tea to Sasaki right now. Even if Makoto Ogasawara trusts me and trusts me out, his credibility and trust will be better than Sasaki's. At present, I have succeeded in directing Makoto Ogasawara's emotions to me by means of the synthetic photographs I forged, but if I know the truth, I am extremely likely to easily switch to Makoto Ogasawara to Sasaki today.

That's why it's wise not to make contact with Makoto Ogasawara outside the warehouse right now. It's risky to dare contact them in school buildings, and that's why they're trying to get a lot of returns.

In order to reduce the risk as much as possible, we chose an early morning that was less popular. This will also reduce the return you get.

Ideally, I wanted to give you a lot of shame near a lot of people, but given Sasaki, I have to compromise this time.

We arrived in the science room and confirmed that the door would open.

Special classrooms, including science rooms, are set to be locked when teachers return. To say that the door to the special classroom that should be locked is open indicates that the teacher has already unlocked it. I mean, say you're already at work.

I have trouble if the door doesn't open, but I also have trouble being able to come to the teacher. Other than that, I can't say enough that there's no chance of students suddenly coming.

This is the second risk and also an element of return.

Someone might come. That thought puts a great deal of shame on Makoto Ogasawara.

"Good morning, Mr. Castle Island!

The moment I opened the door, Makoto Ogasawara stood in front of me. I was just surprised by this and my heart rate rose sharply. Then a strange sweat erupted as well.

"The door was open, so I waited inside. Then somehow, like, I felt a pippy wave, and I approached the door. Then the door opens and Mr. Castle Island is standing... destiny, like?

Makoto Ogasawara, more rap than usual, is dyeing his cheeks and happily saying perky crap.

Fate? Ridiculous.

"Oh, oh, good morning. That's fast......"

I returned my greeting as I pulled my heart back.

I emailed Makoto Ogasawara when I left home. I mean, I was ready, and Makoto Ogasawara assumed it wasn't.

Could Makoto Ogasawara have always attended school early?

"Eh heh. It was decided early. Because..."

Makoto Ogasawara, who dyed her cheeks and laughed like she was lit, showed her a rushing trick.

"Because I've run all I can!

He's saying that with his left leg up behind him and his hands alternating with a boom.

Why are you so motivated in the morning that you've been running? I don't think you know anything about Makoto Ogasawara because the plan came to mind this morning. You must have just come because you were summoned. How could that be so high-tension?

Oh, yeah, I forgot. That he's an idiot.

"Oh, well, that's hard work,"

Somewhat discounted by the height of the tension in Makoto Ogasawara, I gently raised my hand and entered the science room. Makoto Ogasawara, who followed behind me, is still swinging his hands alternately with a boom. And in a good mood.

"You asked me for my email address a long time ago, but Mr. Castle Island didn't text me at all. This is the first e-mail I've worn today, right? Do you know where it is?

Makoto Ogasawara, sassy and next to me, swells his cheeks and stares at me. But when he giggles, he takes his phone out of his uniform pocket and stares at the screen of his phone as he nibbles.

Whether you're in a good mood or not, it's like an inconsistent behavior. In the meantime, I think Makoto Ogasawara is very wussy today.

"Ogasawara, I called you in early in the morning because I was a little concerned."

"Huh!? I care about me!? Is that what you just said!?

When he stops and talks to Makoto Ogasawara, Makoto Ogasawara, who covered his mouth with both hands, wanders around with a bright red face.

I mean, I do care about you, but I don't think you and I care about each other a hundred and eighty degrees.

Or what is the height of this tension? For me with low blood pressure, this tension is pretty tight in the morning.

"Hehe, no more, Mr. Castle Island. I've never chosen a place that stinks like this. But I suppose you should say you look like Mr. Castle Island. I don't care about the place. The heart is at the heart!

Makoto Ogasawara, who slaps me in the chest when he pounds, is sure to float completely perfectly. I understood it in its words and deeds.

He's going to assume I'm going to confess. I was just summoned early in the morning, why would I get to that thought? It's stupid. I thought it was stupid, but this is a real big idiot.

If I stay caught up in the pace of Makoto Ogasawara, the plan will be doomed. So I decided to force the track to be modified to fit my pace.

But then, the tension of Makoto Ogasawara would be suddenly depressed. You're a real pain in the ass.

"It was nothing else that called you. I recently had an anal massage to relieve constipation, but I wanted to keep track of my anus regularly to see if there were any abnormalities."

Makoto Ogasawara, listening to my words, leaned down with a bright red color on his face, obviously depressed.

"Just state...?

And I groaned.

"Oh, I'm using tools. Nor can we deny the possibility that we are straining our anus more than we need to. That's why I want to check my anus condition early in the morning and record any problems. I'd like to record it for a week or so, if possible."

Record. Makoto Ogasawara's ears turned red to burn in the words. Imagine what they will do, and they will be driven by shame.

Why is it oddly comprehensible only when it comes to these things, to the dull spinning of the head?

"Kee, what exactly do you do with records...?

Makoto Ogasawara, with his hands overlaid in front of his skirt, leaning down and turning around, groaned with a bright red tide on his face to say whether he would even let the hot air out of his head.

If you look at that attitude, you'll see. I guess I already understand to some extent without having to ask. I mean, say you expose your anus in this place.

He's asking me back to see if it fits his imagination.

Contrary to such an attitude of Makoto Ogasawara, I put the bag I had on the science room table, only to break my clerical posture. And when I open the zipper, I take the tools out of it.

Test tubes and pen lights thicker than normal objects. And notebooks, writing equipment and digital cameras.

"The record takes a digital camera of the state of the surface and the inside of the anus and writes down the information in the notebook. The surface is fine as it is, but not the inside. So we're going to insert a test tube into the anus, illuminate it with a pen light, and shoot it. If you don't want me to, you can say no, but if you want, I need your help."

Makoto Ogasawara, who raised his face in momentum to my words, opened his eyes and leaned down in surprise.

I know you were prepared to expose your anus, but I would never have thought you'd insert a test tube into your anus before it was shot. Well, if you could have predicted that, it's not a prediction, it's a prediction of the future. That's how far off track my instructions are.

Makoto Ogasawara, who says nothing as he leans down. Naturally, they expose the anus in a place like this, they insert a test tube into it, and then they shoot it. Oh, and there's no way I can agree to that.

"I know it's embarrassing, but it's supposed to insert foreign matter into the organ you excrete and irritate the inside. I pay close attention, but if anything happens, it's too late. Even for me, I'm going to be accumulating as much knowledge as I can with books and stuff. So I don't think there's a problem, but it's my fluent to do everything carefully."

All this time, I give you a perky lecture, and I don't give you time to worry about Makoto Ogasawara. Moreover, I emphasize that I am worried about Makoto Ogasawara's body.

"Hey, I'm doing great, but..."

Makoto Ogasawara whines as he leans down. My anus is doing well. Good bowel movement. I guess that's why you want to say you don't have to check or record it.

"Of course, you're in trouble if there's a problem. It's only natural that your anus is good. That's why we need to check and get records to make sure we're okay."

Makoto Ogasawara shut up when he preached that he didn't need a record because it was good, but because it was good. Probably on the verge of being convinced. That's one more push.

"Anus is a very important organ for humans. If there's a problem, it's life-threatening. I assure you, of course, there is absolutely no problem. That's why I've been studying everyday. So that's why. I want to get a record to make sure I'm okay."

Place your hand on the shoulder of Makoto Ogasawara, who is leaning down with a bright red face, and speak gently and politely.

After a moment of silence, Makoto Ogasawara nodded cocoon.

Mr. Castle Island is really worried about my body from the bottom of my heart. Then you have to put up with it even if you're a little embarrassed. I guess I'm thinking about something like that.

Is that why you admit it? You normally say no, don't you?

Funnily honest and simple. I mean, it's getting tough to enjoy laughing.

"Then we'll get started right away. It's a less popular early morning, let's get it over with."

Makoto Ogasawara picked my uniform with his finger when he said it and tried to look back.

"Oh, um... so you can't do it in the warehouse? I don't think you have to worry about people coming over there."

Shit, you just noticed. By subtly suggesting that people might come, it was a measure to stir up the shame of Makoto Ogasawara, but it was also prepared to expose the hole in this measure at the same time. But the natural Makoto Ogasawara was likely to follow my instructions without realizing the hole.

As Makoto Ogasawara says, the records should be taken in the warehouse. That is the safest and surest. But then the effect of this measure will be diminished.

This ploy to expose them to shame outside the warehouse, let them nest together when they get used to shame and exposure, and let them liberate themselves with discipline in the warehouse where they can be relieved.

And the key is to insert the test tube into the anus in the science room. Use science equipment in the science room and record it. That still looks like an experimental animal. As a result, masochistic Makoto Ogasawara is likely to unconsciously denigrate himself.

I am an experimental animal. If you can rub it unconsciously, you'll have extraordinary freedom of instruction.

They noticed the hole in the measure they were afraid of, but, well, no problem. To say that you are aware that there is a hole in the measure is naturally prepared to say Makoto Ogasawara. But it's troublesome, so I didn't want you to notice.

"Ogasawara is right. I was going to do it in the warehouse initially, too. But look at this."

A set of recording tools on the table. I took a digital camera from it, turned it on and put out the image.

"Yesterday, once in a while, I tried shooting it in the warehouse, just as I thought. I was afraid."

That's what I said and showed the image to Makoto Ogasawara. By the way, I just shot it. Before entering the school building, I stopped by the warehouse to photograph it.

"It's dark."

Makoto Ogasawara, who saw the image, squeals so when he sees Chirali and me.

"Oh, I don't have a picture, but there wouldn't be a single window over there, would there? Fluorescent lights aren't enough. Now it seems a little difficult to capture the interior of the anus, even if it's illuminated with a pen light."

And then I would not let Makoto Ogasawara create a gap for me to think about.

In fact, quite a few digital cameras can be used to shoot even in the warehouse. But I dared to use a cheap digital camera that lacked functionality. Besides, I politely cut the flash and shot it.

If they noticed it just now, it wouldn't be a problem if they didn't get involved.

However, using this scarce camera makes it difficult to shoot inside the anus, even if it is a science room with windows. Even if you illuminate it with a pen light, it's hard to photograph it in your anus. But no problem. I don't care if it's photographed or not.

A test tube has been inserted into the anus and is being photographed inside while illuminated with pen lights. Because that fact is important and the image doesn't make much sense.


If you don't picture it, you thought you had no choice, Makoto Ogasawara nodding cocoons.

Makoto Ogasawara's neglect of mechanical relations has already been investigated at the first stage. So I thought it would be easy to mislead properly, but it was really easy.

I would like to make a few remarks to Makoto Ogasawara. You're wrong about what I say, but you should build up a little more knowledge.

"Can you bend over and put your hands on the table and stick your butt out? And I want my legs shoulder-width apart."

To my instructions, Makoto Ogasawara, who was bright red to his ears, nodded honestly and took the position as instructed.

I guess I'm pretty nervous. Besides, you must be feeling an unusual shame. Instead of speaking a word with a small mouth count, its body is shaking slightly.

"Let's get started. We have to hurry up because people have to come."

People come. Makoto Ogasawara hissed his eyebrow root in my words, chewed his lower lip and meditated on his eyes. And snorts cocoon.

By daring to say things you don't have to say, you thoroughly stir up the shame of Makoto Ogasawara.

Then I'll unload my underwear.

When I say that and look at Makoto Ogasawara's reaction, I keep my eyes squintly meditating and nodding over and over again. I guess he's silently complaining that he wants it to end soon.

The original purpose of this recording party is the release of the limiter, which is necklaced to extinguish Makoto Ogasawara only by his anus, but it's really fun to see him bored with shame. I came up with a great idea.

While I enjoyed the appearance of Makoto Ogasawara, I bowed forward and put my hands on the table, circling behind Makoto Ogasawara, who was sticking his butt out, and I rounded up my skirt.

Pickens and trembling bodies. White underwear that becomes dewy. When I put my hands on that underwear, I pulled back quickly. And even by the knee.

Fully exposed white ass, plus anus and female genitals. The anus was cracked and the female genitals were found to be damp even just by looking at them.

Apparently he's pretty excited though driven by shame. Happily, Makoto Ogasawara also seems to have some exposed qualities.

"Still unlike the warehouse, it looks like it could shoot well thanks to the morning sun plugging in through the window"

Science room windows with open curtains. That refers to the fact that the inside of the science room is in full view from the outside. I went out of my way to tell Makoto Ogasawara that.

But the truth is, it's hard to peek inside the comprehension room from the outside, unless you're pretty close to the window. That's already been confirmed. Besides, outside the science room is for the courtyard, so it's impossible for people to come early in the morning first. But I naturally don't teach that to Makoto Ogasawara.

"Let's get this over with..."

A trembling whisper reaches my ear. I laughed unintentionally, but there is no such thing as my expression that I know Makoto Ogasawara, who is bending over and meditating on his eyes.

"I know. But it doesn't make sense if you're in a hurry. And it won't take long."

That's what I said, and I took the vessel I had on the table. It's a plastic container with a pointed tip. The contents are lotions, and the tip is pointy.

"I'm gonna inject some aromatic oil into my anus, so I'm gonna get a little hiatus."

"Ha, yes - eh"

He inquired as he unfastened his anus and inserted the tip of the container into his anus in anticipation of the reply returning. Then push the container and pour in the lotion.

My hips tremble vividly, and when I pull out the container, purr lotion leaks out. You felt that, your anus tightened cuddly.

"All of a sudden, the test tube's gonna be tough, so I'm gonna untie it with a little finger."

"Oh, please"

As she watched Makoto Ogasawara react while stimulating her cliques and anus with her fingers, Makoto Ogasawara began to rough her breath, sticking her butt out as she made her hips jump.

The desire to end quickly is backwards, and the desire to twist my anus appears clear.

"Ah, kimoi-eh."

Puffy fingers penetrate, bicum bouncing hips. Makoto Ogasawara, who almost said it felt good by accident, covered his mouth with the palm of his right hand, as he was in a hurry.

The anus, which is more lubricating due to the injection of lotion, can easily be suctioned into the fingers without puffiness. Moreover, thanks to repeated developments, the hole began to spread quickly.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh."

Makoto Ogasawara, whose mouth is covered with his hands, is waving his hips and indulging in pleasure as my fingers move. Besides, he seems more comfortable than usual, and he looks like he has a hard time killing his voice.

Shame doubles my pleasure and is descending on Makoto Ogasawara as a sweet honey. It seems easier than expected to fit in the exposure.

Increase fingers from one to two, and then three. He twitched his anus more than he needed with those three fingers, pushed his voice to death and enjoyed the appearance of Makoto Ogasawara gasping.

"It's gonna be okay"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no."

When I pulled out the three fingers, Makoto Ogasawara, who had pressed his voice to death until then, said to me with clarity that he wanted it not to be pulled out and appealed.

Though suppressed to its peak, its sensitivity is increasing daily thanks to the daily development of the anus. So just a little twirling around, Makoto Ogasawara was pleasantly swallowed up and he was starting to forget me.

That's why it's troublesome. Forgetting me and drowning in pleasure, but saying that there is a restraint against the summit, that's all the deeper in the psychology of Makoto Ogasawara, the thought of not wanting to be seen disturbed by me has taken root.

It is not easy to remove this shackle. That's why it's a rough treatment, but how fun and funny this is again.

"Then I'll shoot you once before you insert the test tube, so you can raise your butt and spread your legs and your anus as wide as possible"

Speaking to Makoto Ogasawara, Makoto Ogasawara, who was gasping and waving his butt, took that butt movement as perfect and instantly frightened his expression as he had returned to me.

"Sa, shoot..."

"Oh, nice to meet you"

With the digital camera in my hand, I crouched down to the position where the full picture of Makoto Ogasawara could be shot and set up the camera. And turn off the shutter.

Pashari and Flash glowed and at the same time Makoto Ogasawara's butt shivered with bikun.

Makoto Ogasawara, who looked distracted, turned his face only this way with his posture intact, and looked at me flashly on the side.

"Take a few more full body statues. Keep your anus wide open in the meantime."

"Oh, no, no, no, no."

Ignoring Makoto Ogasawara, who shivered with a blue face, and cutting his shutter as he moved, I took a total of five full body images of Makoto Ogasawara, including directly behind him, on the side and in the front, and returned to the front of his butt. And I crouched on the spot and tried to get into anal close-ups.

But the anus is tightly closed. Makoto Ogasawara should be able to spread his anus quite significantly on his own, but saying it's closed indicates that it's against my instructions.

"Ogasawara, your anus is closed. I want it done for you as soon as I can. Can you spread your anus quickly?"

Makoto Ogasawara keeps shaking at my inquiry. I guess I was shocked that it was filmed so much.

Naturally. No matter how messy and crazy it usually is, it disappears once the spot passes. The only thing left is Makoto Ogasawara's memory and mine. But if you shoot it, everyone will be able to confirm Makoto Ogasawara's indecent appearance while it remains evidence.

Once it was Makoto Ogasawara, who accepted to shoot it, he probably panicked because he actually tried to shoot it and even photographed it as something that couldn't escape the notion of a full body image.

"Ogasawara, are you hearing me? Spread your anus. Otherwise, we can't shoot."

"Oh, you know - no - that - I'm -"

The tremor in his body became so intense that his voice also began to tremble.

It's irrevocable. You must be thinking about that.

Well, that's about it to hunt you down, and I'll give you pleasure next time.

"I have no choice. I'll spread it out. Get as much help as you can."

"Oh, uh, what--"

Because I said I would spread it, I would have thought Makoto Ogasawara would be forced to spread his anus. My anus tightened tightly to the evidence.

But sweet. If you do that, Makoto Ogasawara will sprout some resentment and distrust on me. That's why I don't do that.

Add your fingers to your anus and gently stimulate them with a touch. Slowly, gently, cautiously, carefully.

"Ha!? Oh, oh, uh, Mr. Castle Island, ahem, that feels too good, wait a minute, ahem."

The pimples were small and spasmodic in a row, the anus that was tight tightened even tighter, and the force dropped off. Predict it and let the tululi and fingers penetrate the anus.

"Ha, hey, Mr. Castle Island, wait a minute, ah, no!"

Though the words resist, their voices become sweeter in seconds.

"Do you want to shoot where you're inserting your finger?"

Squirting so in a pale tone, twitching his anus with his right finger, he sets up the camera with his left hand and cuts the shutter.

Pashari and Flash glowed, and Bikun and his ass trembled.

"Hey, Mr. Castle Island, you can't shoot me. Oh, please, don't shoot me like this - hey, hey, hey"

I know more about Makoto Ogasawara's anus than I do. So naturally I know places that are weak, places that go crazy.

By bending his fingers in his anus and pinpointing his weaknesses, Makoto Ogasawara, drooling and gasping from the edge of his lips, still desperately shook his neck sideways and appealed to him to stop filming.

But it's obvious when you look at Makoto Ogasawara, as if that's not true.

He has his feet shoulder-width apart for easy shooting and sticks his butt out properly. Besides, I'm not bound in any way. Even though I can get out of this place as much as I want to, Makoto Ogasawara doesn't show a bare gesture of escape at all.

And extreme is female genitalia. It had been so overflowing with love liquid that it dripped with potatoes since earlier.

Makoto Ogasawara is definitely excited. But I'm just not sure if that's excitement or fear.

"Okay, that's a lot solved. Then insert the test tube and enter the shooting."

"Oh, no, no, no, wait, no, no, no, no, no."

Makoto Ogasawara waves his ass and resists. But he also looks like he wants more blame.

I pulled out my fingers and when I stood up I took the test tube and pen light from the top of the table and saw Makoto Ogasawara.

I told him I was going to insert a test tube and shoot it, and even though he was up and noticing me working on getting ready for it, he still wouldn't try to escape. On the contrary, he maintains a proper posture.

Makoto Ogasawara, who lowers his brow butt and stares at me, pleads silently with his moist eyes. He wants me to stop doing this any more.

But I guess I'm expecting it somewhere in my mind not to put it to words.

"I'm sorry, I know it's embarrassing. But this is for you. Even if I'm going to hate you, if I'm going to miss your body abnormality, I'd better hate you."

My words came to mind. Makoto Ogasawara said it because I thought I had no choice but to observe it, but it did far more than I expected.

Makoto Ogasawara stretched his back softly as he bent forward, squeezing his crisp, albeit crisp, expression and sticking his quick butt out.

"I would never hate Mr. Castle Island or anything!

And that's what I said with clarity. Just my proper words that came to mind on the spot seem to have completely blown me off.

"How come I always keep thinking about myself... don't even think about how Mr. Castle Island feels, but pinch the waste because I'm ashamed..."

A bumpy and whining word. Apparently, he's starting a reflection by himself. His masochistic habits are muscular, too.

But I didn't expect you to change your gallery and attitude so far with one word. Doesn't this make anything possible when you say, "It's for you"?

"Spread it out. Nice shooting,"

Koitsu, if you really think it's stupid or something, Makoto Ogasawara started taking a deep breath. When I saw it and panicked and crouched, my anus was cracking.

It's pretty funny, so I keep hanging up the shutter trying to shoot that too.

The anus that was crouched opened and closed as if it were a fish's mouth, and wide open as a pack. It tightened again and then opened even bigger and more pockingly.

All right, that's good. You can insert a test tube.

The test tube was prepared with a slightly thicker object. The thicker the milk bottle, the thinner it is. Normally, it's not a very anal substitute, but it would be an easy win for Makoto Ogasawara's anus, which is anal sticky and scattered and dilated.

The size of the anal hole in front of me is about the same size as the test tube I have. Makoto Ogasawara's anus is also capable of swallowing larger objects than the size of a hole that can be spread by itself due to its flexibility.

The size of the sphere of anal stick currently used is about the size of a ping-pong ball. That diameter is definitely bigger than the test tube, so there's no reason for Makoto Ogasawara to be serious about inserting this test tube that I have.

The tip of the test tube was addressed to the open anus and the camera shutter was turned off. Even though my attitude has changed suddenly, does it not change my embarrassment that every time the flash glows, my buttocks tremble and my anus is about to close? Still seems to be stepping in the mood, desperately keeping the hole open with a crack and cramp. This is pretty delightful.


The tip of the muppet test tube is inserted and Makoto Ogasawara begins to exhale loudly. It still seems like an easy win if you're this thick, and when you press it gently, it sinks in warmly.

"I'll adjust the position a little bit."

"Ah, uh, yes, thank you."

Speaking as he pushed the tube in, he returned a firm response, mixed with a sweet whisper. Besides, he asked me to give him my regards. Then you will have to adjust your position without compromise.

"A little further back? No, in front of you. No, no, it would still be in the back. But I think it's better in front of you. Wait? It's still in the back. I'm starting to feel like I'm in the back."


Push in all the way, pull out all the way. And then he pushes it in again, pulling it out all the time.

Glass smooth test tubes can be gently unplugged with the added effect of lotion.

Makoto Ogasawara is working desperately hard with me who is totally devoted to playing with too much fun while saying I will adjust my position.

Now you don't realize you're being played with, so you're really loose your head, or something.

"All right, that's it"

I eventually pushed the test tube into the back and let go of my hand. Makoto Ogasawara, who barely breathes and freaks out and cramps his ass, says, "Good job adjusting the position," etc. I had a really hard time laughing at this.

Good job adjusting your position, is that what you're really saying?

Set up your camera and turn off the shutter as you desperately indulge in a gushing laugh. But I can't help but laugh, my hands are shaking.

The pen light was then placed inside the test tube inserted into the anus and the light was turned on.


I accidentally leaked a sigh of admiration into the dewy meat cave.

A wall of meat, like a pink and red narrow space, is spread by the test tube and exposed to its depths by a pen light.

Mucus wrapped around a wobbly meat wall and glass. The meat wall, lukewarm and tedious by its mucus, moved from time to time, and the way it was compressing the test tube all the way through the glass was reflected as if the buttocks were linked to tremble when the flash glowed.

"There still seems to be no abnormality. Then this is the end of the record."

Pen lights were removed from the test tube, the lights were turned off and he spoke to Makoto Ogasawara.

"Good luck"

Makoto Ogasawara with a test tube inserted into his anus for my inquiry.

I almost blew it out unexpectedly, wriggling the skin on the back of my left hand with my right finger, offsetting the laughter with pain. Please don't try to make me laugh any more.

"I'll keep track of it tomorrow. Like coming to the science room at the same time."

"Ha, yes, sorry to bother Mr. Castle Island's hand. Best regards,"

Makoto Ogasawara answers my instructions honestly. Besides, it was nice of you to say hello again. Goddamn it, he's gonna make me laugh and die.

"All right, then we'll pull it out"

"Ha, yes - uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh, it feels good. Damn, just keep it up, just once, so you can push it in again, okay?

Makoto Ogasawara, freaking out and spasmoding his ass as soon as he went to pull out the test tube inserted into the back, has begged him to go back. What are you talking about? If I put it back, it won't be over forever.

"I told you it was over."


The test tube that gets pulled out all the time and Makoto Ogasawara apologizing to me. And when Nupong and everything were pulled out, Makoto Ogasawara, who made his hips jump in a vicious manner, is shaking his knees and breathing violently and repeatedly.

"Well, I'll put today's record in my notebook here, so that's enough of you. Good luck."

"Oh, thank you"

Standing up, I spread my notebook on the table and started writing my thoughts on this recording party. Makoto Ogasawara, thanking me like that, put on his underwear, which had been brought down to his knees, and bowed his head deeply towards me.

After Makoto Ogasawara left, I wrote the title in my notebook. Observation records of perverts, and.

After school that day, as usual, he worked in the warehouse to develop Makoto Ogasawara's anus, but the morning recording meeting seemed to have been more effective than expected, and Makoto Ogasawara was showing a definite change.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Anal stick with a few beads of spheres the size of ping-pong balls. The anus, which swallowed it with pleasure, was violently drawn through its sphere, and its buttocks, its hips bouncing and cramping violently.

Makoto Ogasawara, who sprays sweat from all over his body and gets bored, had already reached the summit eight times today, which was so unreachable.

Makoto Ogasawara whispers like crazy and turns his back. The attitude was not a measure as usual, but crawled on all fours at some point. Because of this, every time Makoto Ogasawara gets bored, his big breasts shake violently.

As I thought, the exposure exposed me to a lot of shame, and the fact that I was given halfway comfort, seemed to explode in a secure warehouse. Moreover, people were concerned in the science room and had to endure pleasure, but that was not necessary in the warehouse.

Because they rubbed it in, Makoto Ogasawara became more disturbed and crazy than ever before.

It would also have to do with the fact that the camera shot made me belly-up that I could no longer go back. In short, it seems to have blown out a lot.

Now we move on. Once you've made a complete equivocal habit with your anus only, your anal development is over. The next step was to go into breast development in conjunction with the anus.

She calls it a massage for women with poor breast milk production and intends to perform pseudo-milking instruction. And I'm not just doing pseudo-milking. Milking dairy cows whilst simultaneously stimulating the anus to culminate. Ultimately, I want to be able to culminate only with nipples. Well, I wouldn't know if I didn't try this.

The development and tuning of my intrigued experiments. I'm really looking forward to it.

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