Two idiots arrived at the apartment with their ears pulled and went straight inside.

"I'll give it to you. Huh! It really gives me true harp ears! If I had a true harp ear, the true harp would be a mako, not a true harp!

Makoto, whose ears are pulled by me, is desperately raising his voice and begging for forgiveness.

Forgive me so easily, idiot. How much trouble do you think I've caused? I don't want to go to school tomorrow.

That's right, it's called macco. I don't know what that means, but shit, that was kind of funny right now, you son of a bitch. But you shouldn't laugh. If I laugh, it's this stupid pot. No, True Harp isn't saying it to make you laugh, he must be serious. That's why it's funny, but if you laugh, you lose.

"I was there. Hahahaha! Mako! Mako! Mako! Don't make me laugh because it really hurts a little. Hahaha!

Inside, my ears are pulled from me and my face is distorted by pain, and I'm laughing so hard as I put a penetration into the real harp.

Right, that was funny for now. If I had an ear, I'd be mako, not a true harp. Ugh, shit, I'm laughing, too.

"Brother, if you want to laugh, you can laugh. I know how desperate you are to laugh..."

The kid who was coming behind us with Teco Teco turned around in front of me on a small run with Toko, walking behind me with his hands behind his back, and he stared at me.

"Beh, it's not like I want to laugh."

Ugh, did you find out? I know the kid bitch's level of insight is cautious, but it looks like Makoc was getting too dumb and distracted.

"Because you're not really honest. But surely, a full-faced smiling brother or something could be too powerful and dangerous. Maybe your brother's just as rotten as ever."

"Shizuka, please don't calmly analyze it and help! True harp ears are going to make me sick. Whoa!

"Oh, yeah, Shizuka! I'll even have Holy Sister's ears - hahahaha! So stop calling me that mako! Hahahahaha!

Ugh. Let him go. And Makoto, stop saying that Makoto like he said in foster care.

Damn, I don't have a problem laughing characteristically in foster care, but it's a big problem for me to laugh. Even I laugh sometimes, but in that case it's decided to be a spicy and invincible laugh. That's my character and my surrounding impressions.

Try to make me laugh like that, because of what I've built up, my image will be ruined.

My image at school is almost dead. As much as in front of a true harp, a foster home, or a kid bitch, you have to protect my spicy image.

"Why are you laughing! I didn't say anything funny! True harp is always the best! But I'm a little uncomfortable when I get mako!

Makoto, whose voice is raised with a bright red face, is serious in itself. He doesn't seem to realize that his true face invites laughter at all.

"Hahaha! I don't feel confident when I get mako, hahahahahahahaha!

And I'm not hesitant to laugh so hard in foster care. The laughter inside invites me to laugh desperately.

Even if the art of funny artists is not so interesting, it would be similar to the phenomenon of propagating laughter by making the guests in the studio laugh.

"We're both too shabby. It's okay because it's too late, Sister Rikanaka feels completely different from what I was hearing. I was anxious that they would take your brother. On the other hand, I was hoping that I could talk to a decent sister..."

The kid bitch in front of us is still walking back and watching us and exhaling in a grand sigh.

That's the kid who's been with Makoto for the longest time. I don't brace at all when I hear Mako the True Harp. Besides, what I'm saying is too decent, and I'm a little impressed.


But the kid bitch, who was saying such a serious thing, falls to the front when he hits the wall, holding his back of his head by his hand and shivering.

He didn't pay attention behind his back because he was walking behind him. That's why I crashed into the wall from my back.



Two idiots are laughing with their bellies at the pathetic look of the kid bitch who has been seriously preaching to this day.

"Ugh, don't laugh so much. If there's a hole, I want to go in..."

The kid bitch, who was kneeling and holding his back of his head, is still gagged and hands on the floor, crawling on all fours and trembling.

I can't see my face because of the droppings, but my ears are red as they burn.

Actually, I was aware that the kid bitch was about to crash into the wall, but the walking speed was a slow eye, and there was no irregularity in the wall. I mean, even though the kid bitch crashed into the wall, I didn't think he'd take that much damage, so I left him alone.

The kid bitch, who is currently crawling on all fours on the floor, is just drooling with groans and has no way of complaining about the pain. but it is clear that he took considerable mental damage.

A true harp that bursts a divine bokeh, inside doing penetration and bokeh 10,000 times, and a kid bitch who specializes in penetration but is somewhere out.

You guys, why don't the three of us put together for a laughing-ass debut? You know, it doesn't look bad. It's got all these beautiful girls, and they're probably gonna sell it.

With that in mind, I took my fingers off the ears of the two idiots, and I stood in front of a kid bitch crawling on all fours on the floor and shivering with a pull. Then kneel on the spot and kneel one knee.

"Well, that, what, don't be so depressed. No matter how stupid you are, don't worry, your sister is pushing through and you look a lot decent."

When I said that and grabbed the kid bitch's arm, I woke up an item of kid bitch.

The kid bitch, with his face up, overflowed with tears from the big eyes that tended to catch eyes and was bored with shame with a bright red face. but the moment I saw me, my eyes rocked and solidified.

"Aoi is... laughing"

"Wow, this is just..."

Soon two idiots crouching on either side of me, staring at me and squirming with a bright red face.

Are you laughing? Me? I'm going to enjoy it.

"You can't do it if they show you guys your cont and tell you not to laugh. Damn it, you laugh through the shadows, you idiots."

I wanted to avoid laughing, but if you were laughing without realizing it yourself, there's nothing you can do.

Besides, I don't feel so bad.

I don't feel so bad about my brother, maybe. My brother thought he would behave more ruthlessly towards people other than me. But after all, he didn't even give a hand to Makoto, who cursed his brother as much as he liked. On the contrary, he even said what he was admitting.

The same goes for my son-in-law's adopted son. My brother thought he would never say anything about it, even if he noticed my ruse. I just thought I'd pretend I didn't know and turn my hand around in the back.

Yet his brother deliberately spoke of his son-in-law's adoption when he left. You told me it wouldn't be a leap in the back.

And I said this too. If you really want to talk, try to convince your brother.

That's to say, make time for us to talk about it as brothers in a heartbeat.

I never dreamed those words would pop out of my brother's mouth.

But my brother will still think of me as a trail for the Castle Island family. I definitely consigned him to foster school as the trump card.

As you can see from that fact, my brother seems quite fond of being in foster care.

My brother thought I was thinking more lightly about being in foster care.

Well, anyway, if your brother doesn't do anything wrong in the back, it's convenient for me. I can also assume that my brother will move his thoughts again, while spreading out the time needed to consolidate the ground.

Be prepared, Ogasawara family. I'll definitely let you adopt me as my son-in-law. Wash your neck and wait.

"Oh, it's kind of turned into an invincible laugh"

"Oh, this is your face when you're thinking bad things. But in Jojima's case, Jojima's the only one who thinks it's a bad thing."

I felt blue muscles appear on my temples to the two idiots who groaned bossly.

Hey Makoto, I'm going to use you to take over the Ogasawara family. And yet it's a little light.

And I'm the only one in foster care who thinks it's a bad thing, and you're rude. Don't talk to me like that, you idiot.

But this place is patient. If you're telling me he'll get it wrong, you should just leave it there. You look at me sweet at best. And you get framed for regretting it.

"Huh? Do you really think your brother's doing something wrong? Because I'm so embarrassed, I thought I was just pretending to be doing something bad and trying to delude you..."

A kid bitch grabbing me by the arm, talking to the two idiots properly, peeked into my face.

"Shizuka! Don't say that!

"Shizuka! If you say that, Mr. Castle Island won't be able to pull it off! I'm not leaving you a way out. Take it!


Two people jumping on a kid bitch are holding that mouth down with their hands to block the kid bitch's words and strangling him with wings.

Surprised, the kid bitch with his eyes black and white looked alternately at the two of them blocking their mouths by strangling themselves with wings. The two holding onto that kid bitch are laughing lovingly as they attract a look.

What did he say now, kid bitch? You said you were a bad guy because you were embarrassed? Who did? This me?

"Ki, Mr. Castle Island is a shitty man! He's a livestock, he's a bad guy, and he humbles a girl! You're the worst, worst bad guy I've ever seen! Hey, Makoto!

Aha, I laughed so silly, Rikanaka raised her voice and cursed at me.

"Come on! Few people are worse than Mr. Castle Island! Besides, he's a livestock, he's a bad guy, come on, come on... Ugh, I can't say any more about acting..."

True harp that was caught in foster care and cursed at me, but my voice slowly dwindled and I cried when I covered my mouth with my hands.

"But good luck, Makoto. Mr. Castle Island will be seriously depressed if he stays like this. We have to ghost our hearts out here and curse Mr. Castle Island."

Inside with a loving laugh, he whispers bossy and ears whispering as he protrudes the flank of the true harp with his elbow as he attracts that look.

Ritchie, hey, Ritchie, I hear you. So even if you think about saying that, don't say it to me, you bastard.

Suddenly Makoto squeezed his face tight and stared at me, but he cried and shook his neck in full, saying something like, "I don't curse anyone I like any more".

These idiots, if you're going to act, do it for real. Do you think you can fool me with such a discovery act?

Don't lick me off. You think it's easy to get in my mood when you say you suck at being a bastard?

But, well, it's better than being told you're just a faggot in women's clothes. At least they think I'm a man.

"I got round to it too..."

I scratched my head and misled the laughter that engulfed me, and stood up on the spot. The three of you looking up at me.

"Oh, that? Mr. Castle Island... Aren't you angry? You're lying, right?"

"Yes, if you're the usual Aoi, you're a pussy pussy pussy..."

"Though, Though"

Makoto and Minaka, who are distracted. And a kid bitch who's been held down in the mouth by the two of us and strangled with wings.

The three of them all look like pigeons ate bean cannons, which is hilarious.

"How long are you guys going to be playing? I'll go first. If you're not playing enough, play as much as you like."

When I sighed heavily, I spoke to the three of them as I laid my hands on my hips and walked out when I turned my heels back. Towards the elevator.

"Aoi's next door is mine!

The voice of the trumpet that sounded from behind. I didn't even feel stray or dusty in that voice.

"Shit, I'm late! Let me do that!

followed by a sounding voice in foster care. The voice felt a rush.

"To? what? Huh? Hey, wait a minute. Yo! Don't let Shizuka get away with it!

The last sounded kid bitch's voice can be seen fluttering in panic. Besides, you got up in a hurry, and the doozy noise echoes.


Short scream. Maybe the kid bitch almost fell over. But there is no problem.



Two voices that should have rushed out at me. Looking back, on both sides of the kid bitch, who was about to fall, stood a true harp and a foster child. And the two of us supported the kid bitch.

True harp that has been modulating the last few days, but it looks like my vision has widened because I blew out the stray. I have a good idea of the existence of the kid bitch.

Inside you seem to lack calm by burning a sense of confrontation to such a true harp, but nothing in it has changed. Rikanaka is still in the same phase.

That's fine. You guys have to be like that. Because you guys are like that, you can enjoy watching them fall into Nara.

"Look, let's go."

That's what I said and laughed at, Makoto and Rikanaka stretched their faces out.

"I don't know what to do, Mr. Castle Island is getting more honest. It was so tiny, this could have gotten a little tough..."

"Duh, I agree. I feel a tremendous amount of room from Aoi. Then even if we attack him, he's going to be taken lightly..."

Two people swallowing gokuli and spit.

Got honest, huh? You would have been as angry as a blaze if you had told me that before. But no wonder and anger broke out.

True harp, foster care, and kid bitches grow in seconds. By contrast, my pace of growth is slow.

He's an irresistible moron who's making excuses for what, looking for an escape, blocking in.

But even if it's just a little bit, I feel like I'm moving forward. Even if it just seems that way, it may have made a lot of progress.

"Sisters, come on...... if your brother has become honest, you can honestly rejoice. And yet, that's true harp and foster sister, isn't that why your brother bends the heso?

Makoto staring at me scratching a cold sweat and a kid bitch supported in foster care squealed bosomly with his jitsy eyes.

He's a kid bitch who thought he was a problem child, but he seems to be full of True Harp and too many problem children in foster care.

A kid bitch who would grow up supported by these two could be a good woman without interruption.

We arrived in the room and tiredness erupted all at once.

I don't want to move anymore today. I feel like taking a hot bath and soothing my fatigue and getting a blast of sleep through the morning.

But as long as there are three idiots, you won't be able to say so either.

No, are there two idiots? Instead of Rikanaka, who was not an idiot, getting the title of an idiot, the kid bitch's decency looks remarkable.

"Shizuka, let's go home today"

I fell asleep on the floor and thought about it, and Jinqin ran an unexpected thing.

The foster care and kid bitch playing cards are solidifying with their mouths open gently.

I was surprised, too. Inner Chung is supposed to stay in his room today. I thought Makoto was going to squeeze the waste when he stayed.

"Huh? That? Makoto? Is that what you're serious about? I'm telling you, I'm not gonna hesitate, am I?

Inside holding the cards with both hands, he is shaking his eyes and staring at the true harp. The kid bitch, who was reaching for the cards inside of it, also stared at the true harp as he remained in that position.

"I'm not shying away from Senior Rikanaka. Aoi is tired, so I just want you to get some rest today. And don't worry about it. Even if Senior Rikanaka attacked Aoi, Aoi probably refuses. Aoi said that Aoi's thinking was out-of-the-box, right?

Makoto, sitting on the floor, speaks in a pale tone as he stares straight into foster care.

In response to the words, Rikanaka stared back at the true harp as she narrowed her eyes softly.

"You know perfectly well, Makoto is right. Mr. Jojima won't give me a hand other than in front of Makoto-san. The reverse is the same. If one of you came up with your hand in the absence, proof that you chose that way."

Inside this speaks to the true harp again in a pale tone.

"That's what I'm saying. If Senior Rikanaka didn't express her will to become her, Aoi, who gave the reason of discipline, might have put her hands on it. But I can assure you there is no more."

"Right, you know very well. So for me, it would have been more convenient for Makoto to stay."

The two staring at each other. A kid bitch in the shape of a sandwich in between is hollowing while holding a tramp with both hands.

"What are you trying to say?"

"You want to hear it? Then I can tell you. Makoto may be the dominant one in terms of feeling, but technically, I'm the one up there, right? I'm good at mouth."

Makoto with a mushy look and a sparingly stained grin inside. Sure, the tongue moves inside are inside. The true harp on the other hand is to the extent that it finally stops hitting my teeth. It wouldn't even be a battle to say it clearly.

"I know you don't have to tell me, about that..."

"Oh, yeah, I thought I didn't know that."

A tense atmosphere where you are likely to hear a sound effect called goggle. With the grumpy true harp and the likely spare foster care, the foster care seems overwhelmingly advantageous.

But haven't you guys forgotten? I don't care what happens to me, even if you guys fight on your own to make good or bad decisions.

Well, if you want to fight, I won't stop you.

Makoto, who was a disadvantage, distracted his gaze from Chirali and the inner middle. At the end of that gaze is an orgy kid bitch.

"If it wasn't for me and Senior Rikanaka together, Aoi wouldn't give me a hand. But the exception is Shizuka. Shizuka is not counted as a candidate for her, or meat potty candidate. So in the name of tutoring, it is possible that you will be alone and adorable. And while it makes you think it's less dangerous because you even pee, it doesn't look sweet because it's surprisingly belly black. I'm even better at sweetening it, so I really want to keep it as far away from Aoi as possible."

"What!? Zhenqin!? I'm glad you stopped sassy and horrible!

"I agree. I haven't met Shizuka for a while yet, but I know you like Castle Island a lot. Mr. Castle Island likes a girl who can take care of her. It might hurt to look sweet because you're a child."

"What!? Even Sister Rikanaka!?

Kid Bitch, who says she's just a kid with a belly black belly and all she wants, alternates between true harp and foster care with her tears as she orons.

Or you guys, stop talking about me in front of me. I hate to be hit where I'm not, but it's better than being done in front of you.

"And if I told you in front of Aoi, I think it would be about a wedge"


"Heh, you've been using your head for a long time. Because Mr. Castle Island is mean. If you say so much, you might be in less danger of adoring Shizuka alone."


Makoto and Reichi snort each other, approximating the kid bitch who is fluttering with tears. And we both saw Chirali and me at the same time.

Was he making me listen to the true harp? Sounds like you immediately understood and got on with the conversation, too.

I'm not interested in kids, even if you guys don't tell me. Wish me down even if you ask me. That's the kid bitch, I'm just gonna teach him to keep his meds off. Other emotions don't even look like this.

"So I'm leaving today. Here, Shizuka, let's go home."

"What!? Hey, wait a minute. Yo! It's too early to go home. No, no, no, no, no! Shizuka wants to be with your brother!

Makoto, with his cards on the floor, pulls him hard when he grabs the kid bitch's wrist. The kid bitch, who returned to me momentarily late, rumbled out jittery, but even when he got caught and rumbled, it was already too late. There's no way in a kid bitch you can beat the power of a true harp.

"No, no, no, no! Is the true harp really good?!? If I leave you and your foster sister alone, they might take your brother!?

"It's okay, because Aoi is not such a person. Besides, if you're going to be serious about Aoi's girlfriend, you have to believe it. Aoi has a girl stopping by just standing, but she's a very long way from home. And yet, if you doubt it, it's rude."

Makoto, who is strangling a rambling kid bitch, looked straight at me and said so without hesitation.


When I was listening to the true harp, the foster child pounded his tongue.

Who's going all the way? Aren't you an idiot? Who coached you by putting you in a trap? Besides, before I taught you, I taught you a lot about foster care. Where is it all the way? Speak for yourself, idiot.

"But, but it is! Shizuka wants to stay! If you want to go home, you just have to go home!

Makoto, who was gently holding down his jittery and cocky little bitch, walked out as he dragged his cheat and his little bitch.

You idiot, what do you believe? You look like you're about to cry.


When I got up to speak to True Harp, the foster child who got himself up in front of me raised his voice.

The stride of pitari and true harp stops.

"I have my pride, too."

The voice inside sounding quietly felt a zucchiness of weight.

True harp, who doesn't look back, walks out when he whines, "I know," he says.

"Get off me! Shizuka doesn't want to go home. I don't want to go home! True harp and foster sister should just go home! I'll lend Shizuka's room to your sister in Rikanaka.

Zhenqin, dragging the wagging kid bitch, eventually left the room intact.

Shortly afterwards, the phone I kept in my jacket pocket vibrated.

When I checked, it was an email from an address I didn't know. But I looked at the body and found out who it was in one shot.

- You two are responsible for dropping off your brother, so don't worry.

You're not supposed to be teaching me my maid, but what a question it is now.

I left my phone in my pocket with a sigh of breath.

With my brother's escort, there's nothing to worry about.

"In just a few days, I can't believe we're going to grow that far. This is a little troublesome..."

Petan and a foster child sat on the floor groaned in a potpourri as they stared at the one whose true harp had left. And look back slowly.

"Because I said I had pride, too. But I can't believe the prey is in front of me and I can't get my hands on it... it's a good place to live and kill."

Inside you stare at me and you have a cramped grin.

"... who's the prey, you idiot"

When I looked back inside like that with jito eyes, I put in a penetration.

I've been sitting on the floor since True Harp got home, but from time to time I'm squeaking a bump and something and squirming my own arm myself.

I left the inside like that and boiled the bath, then saw the fit and took a bath, but there was no way the inside of the house would follow me.

When I got up from the bath, I spoke to him to take a bath, all over the inside, still sitting on the floor.

In tears on his bright red face, he took a bath, still whining about a bump and something, leaning down to keep his gaze out of line with mine.

He just seems desperately restraining his troubles, but if he didn't have one stuffing with him, True Harp, would he have attacked me?

Get ready for dinner while the foster care is in the bath.

I'm not very good at cooking, but it would be a lot harsh to let them cook in foster care.

I abandoned my parents anyway. He has nowhere to go. No, my foster family would normally accept me if I went home, but that's not the problem.

I have long said that I intend to leave the house sooner or later in foster care.

The reason is because parents don't have children.

Dr. Yab, the father-in-law of foster care, said that he was not going to have children in order to raise foster care as a real child.

If I had a child who inherited my own blood, I would be unconscious no matter how careful. That's what Dr. Yab thought, apparently.

He seemed to care at the same time about foster care, which respects such a Yab doctor.

When I graduate from high school, I get a job and leave my parents' house. That was a cliché in foster care.

She also said that this time it was to conceive my child, but in fact, some of them would have used me as a pretext to leave my parents' house.

I'm not going home until I'm pregnant. Behind the words in it, it seems like there is a will to tell my parents that I don't have to worry about myself anymore because I'm married and I'm alone.

So maybe Rikanaka left the house behind with the intention of not going back to her parents until she abandoned the last name Rikanaka.

That's what Inner Chung prepared herself for. But no matter how firm you are, even in foster care, you're still a kid. And there's no place to go home. Tsukusa is not the norm. I know that well, too.

"Then you can cook him about rice."

If you have no place to go home, you can make a new one. But it's also a difficult road. As a senior with no place to go home, you can take care of him until you have a new place.

But it's not free. I only get consideration for what I lend you.

"Kukuku, why don't you pay me with your body"

Oh, bad, bad. That's me, the bad guy from the roots.

Rising from the bath, the nursery shrinks in the corner of the room. But it's not just shrinking. Just dressed naked in a bath towel.

With that said, I forgot refreshingly, but Foster came this far with my bare hands. In retrospect, there was a luggage-like object in the chair next to it, sitting in the chair of the departure home on the Shinkansen.

"I forgot my stuff..."

Inside whining with his head. As I had forgotten, so did foster careers.

Should I go get it now? If you're lucky, you still have it. Or is it delivered as a forgotten thing?

It's my fault, too. I was the one who rushed the whole place back then. So I'm just curious, I'm not going looking for anything for foster care.

"During foster care, did you keep important items in your luggage?

I was arranging a black-burned dinner at the table, and I shrunk down in the corner of the room and called out inside holding my head.

"Yeah, 'cause I was wearing something really important. And most of the luggage is shipped, so I only put in the bag about changing clothes, brushing my teeth, contraceptives, and that sort of ready-to-use daily necessities..."

In the nursery with his face raised, he puts tears in his pale eyes and makes his mouth a letter to.

Seems pretty shocked, but contraceptives? You just said contraceptive, didn't you? Don't mix sarcastically in the daily necessities that you use all the time.

I knew you were going to fuck me from the first day.

That's right, you told me you were going to conceive my child, and you were prepared for the contraceptive.

Probably that one, it must have been an operation to alarm me because I had contraceptives.

"I didn't mean to bother Mr. Castle Island. I'm sorry. I'll get what I need."

And when he stood up, he went back to the stripper. And he came right back.

As always, a single bath towel is naked and a purse-like object is gripped on his right hand.

"I'm gonna go for a second"

You rarely lack calm, that's what I said and Stasta and I walked out of foster care.

I'm just gonna go. You're gonna go dressed like that.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! You're gonna keep going!

I rushed inside in a hurry, grabbed my wrist and pulled over.

"It's okay, 'cause I'm used to it"

The inner part of the house said sassy without incident, but its calm tone was backwards, his eyes swayed in small pieces.

What's going on in foster care? I'm used to it, and I did teach a scattered exposure inside, but at the same time, I tapped into the risk of exposure. I had no idea the inside of it would say such a nasty word.

It could be a joke, but it doesn't look like you're making a joke. I don't care what you think.

"Stupid or you. Ha! When it comes to exposure, step by step is important! If you leave like that, the police will call you or you'll end up attacking me, you idiot!

The guy who left his parents' house for them would fall over if he got into trouble and worried about his parents.

"So, but..."

"But hey, hey! If you're going to be exposed, it's after I set the stage! Plus, there's about a change of clothes and a spare toothbrush, so don't rush it! Doesn't sound like it, you!

It doesn't seem, it really doesn't look like a foster home. You said you didn't have anything important in your forgotten luggage, but it was a lie to keep me from worrying, was it really in there? Is that why you're in such a hurry to disturb me?

"'Cause I shouldn't bother you..."


Can't I bother you? What are you suddenly saying? If you don't want to bother me, go home.

"Oh, my weapon is to preface Mr. Castle Island's thoughts and lighten Mr. Castle Island's burden. I can't be Makoto. Then I need to make the most of my weapons. Yet if I bother Mr. Castle Island, I'll have no good place to go..."

Saying so in a trembling voice, Rikanaka overflowed with pollen and large tears from her pale eyes. The figure was the girl herself, who remained as young as she usually was in foster care.

Tokun, his heart beat his pulse and he couldn't take his gaze off the middle of tears.

"Fine... stay here"

Memories of spending time with a brilliantly floating foster home. There is no such thing as inside crying like a girl.

He was always calm and settled, always obedient to me, always acting for me in foster care. That's the age appropriate, no, crying like a child is engraved intensely in my brain.

"... yeah"

The nursery that snorted at my words slowly fell in. And close your eyes and press your face against my chest.

The wet hair in the bath was not the usual chestnut color and had an increased black flavour.

exposed shoulders and raised clavicles. The more strength the wrist you're holding on to, the more you're likely to break it.

Inside, which is less tall than a child's face, they tend to look younger than their age at first glance. It used to be. But not in the current foster care. Powerful, radiant eyes and calm attitude do not allow it.

And yet now you're pushing your face against my chest is just a weak girl.

When I touched the shoulders of the foster care with my trembling hands, they were either hot or hingy and then smooth to suck on.

Pickled and trembled during foster care, his face slowly raised.

Moist colored eyes and moist light peach lips.

That was the first time I saw it inside.

No, you're not. I thought I was stronger in foster care. But that was nothing but a statue created by Inner Chung.

I don't want to bother you. Probably on its own.

He was also a child of men in foster care. I can't believe how many times I've fallen, the knack of standing up and walking straight ahead is about to break that tough heart.

When I realized it, the image of the foster care that was in me instantly collapsed, and each and every step of it seemed like someone else.

"I'm sleepy now...... sleep"

I desperately suppressed the sound of my voice trembling, reaching out and switching off the room's lighting.

"So, but... Mr. Castle Island made me dinner because of you"

I had just turned off the lights and couldn't get used to my eyes, and the voices in foster care I could hear seemed oddly glossy as the darkness dominated my vision.

"Kee, don't worry about it. I don't know what to say to myself, but I didn't eat it."

When I said that and held my foster shoulder, I sat straight on the spot.

"I'll eat it, it's Mr. Castle Island's handicraft. Happy to eat even if it's poisoned"

"Stupid or you. And there's no poison in it just because it's fucked up."

When I put a penetration into the language in foster care, I heard a screaming laugh.

What's wrong with me? My body is hot. Hot as it burns. Plus, it feels like your whole body's blood is gathering all at once in your lower body. One thing is swelling above its limits because of it. If you let it go, it's going to burst.

"I knew... when I was by Mr. Castle Island... I felt relieved... all the time... by my side..."

In contrast to me, breathing up on my own and fighting the bitterness of tightening my chest, the words inside squirming with a neat voice slowly dwindled as I interrupted.

And the power fell all the way out of the luxurious shoulders of the foster care I was holding, a little sleep I heard.

I guess I was tired. I seem to have fallen asleep in an instant.

"Come on, you're serious. Why are you so upset? I..."

Puffiness exhaled, and sweat erupted from his whole body along with what he was enjoying. And I felt what I was straining cut off with a putz.

I was nervous. I was nervous about my foster partner. Then you're like the kid who went through his first love.

"You're lying... but my first love..."

I've never forgotten anything. I was watching him from the attic when he was about to be attacked.

eyes in foster care then. I looked into my eyes complaining that I couldn't beat him, even if he attacked me, and the current ran all over me.

I wanted to use any means to get it. It was the first moment I met a woman who made me think so. Maybe that's my first love.

You should live a different life than I do in foster care. He can't stay with me. I ruin the talent I was born with.

Before that happens, while we can still turn back, we need to throw him out of foster care.

Throw him away or in foster care? You're gonna lose the inside where I'm gonna hold you and sleep with Suyasuya?

There will be no foster care. The moment I thought so, I thought I was scared for the first time.

How long has it been? My eyes are used to the dark indoors and the way they look is floating.

I can't sleep. I can't sleep at all trying to sleep. My whole body seems to be boiling blood, and then my chest is tightened, and I can't help but suffer while one thing is still bubbling. I can calm it down, but I can't get my hands on it, even though my presence is holding me to sleep.

He's a meat potty made just to handle my desires in foster care. So I don't have any problems using it whenever I want. It's supposed to......

"Mr. Kijima...?

In a stuffy state, I suddenly heard a foster voice. When I pretended to sleep, I opened my eyes and saw what was going on in foster care.

For sleeping or tongueless words. The foster child, who slept with a suffocation on my chest, keeping his back on the wall, looks at me as he gets up mucky and rubs his eyes with his fingers.

"Mr. Kijima, are you there?

Continue pretending to sleep with sweat gushing out of your whole body in the sounding voice again.

Fluffy slight noise, white skin rising in darkness.

The bath towel that had been wrapped around his body in foster care had fallen, and his nudity had been exposed at all costs.

"I'm sorry, Makoto. Because I won't get my hands on it. But I've been patient. Enough to comfort yourself, okay? You'll forgive me, won't you?... Ah."

I hear a watertight sound called Couchu and a small scream, including luster.

"Mr. Castle Island, I like it, I love it. I don't want to give it to anyone. Even if Makoto-chan deserves it, even if that's Castle Island's happiness, I don't want to give it to her..."

Roughening exhales and luscious, uncut, and sad voices. Dirty water sounds that gradually grow louder to conflict with them.

With my thin eyes open, I could not keep watching the nursery where I was kneeling in front of my eyes and exposing myself to indecency with a sad face.

He meditated hard on his eyes and desperately enjoyed that reason was about to collapse into the sounds that resonated.

If you keep looking, you'll push down inside. No, can you push me down a foster home right now?

I don't know. And I was afraid to know that.

I keep hearing the sound of potatoes and falling droplets and the sweet screams in my cuddly foster care. And drifting slutty, sweet fragrance.

It sounds intermittent. The interval between the pressed and killed sweet screams gradually gets faster and the dirty water sounds get more intense.

"Uh-huh. Uh-huh."

Sweet screaming everywhere he was pushed to death, Rikanaka slammed his breath hard and fell on me.


Light pain and intense pleasure strike me abruptly, and at the same time the current rushes all over my body.

It was directly above my groin that the foster care fell in. It was all the way up to the limit. It was in the shape of a face pushing over one of my things.

I didn't feel like I was going to find out that I was excited, but that worried me so much that I began to hear my sleep in foster care.

When I stroked down my ho chest and opened my eyes, the whole naked inside was sleeping with my face buried in my groin.

White back and creased hips, and small but well-shaped buttocks and thin yet dull fleshy glossy thighs.

"Oh my God - I'm sleeping dressed up. You'll catch a cold though."

I tried to get a blanket, but I can't move because the foster care is holding my pants tight.

The indoor temperature is always set to maintain a comfortable temperature. I don't think I'd say it's cold, but naked is just a problem.

I had no choice but to reach for the bath towel that was falling on the floor and when I managed to attract it I put it on the back of my foster care. And I took off my jacket, and I put that on with me, too.

Me sleeping with Suyasuya and staying awake as opposed to me.

In the morning, when I stood up in anticipation that the foster care had struck a turnaround, I pegged the bath towel and my jacket that was hanging on the body of the foster care to quell my gushing desire. And I masturbated for the first time in a really long time as I looked at the valley of plump breasts that looked chilly.

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