What should be the first thing you care about when you do the tutoring? Naturally, that's an outfit.

Clothing is coloring a woman and maximizing her appeal.

It's not bad to say what you look like when you're born, but that's it, this is it.

"I mean, I'm the man who goes in from shape"

Turning the couch upside down and pointing it to the side of the bed, I'm sitting on that couch with my feet together and stepping back and forth. On my front, four people sitting on the floor.

From the left, in the order of the maid, the kid with the reins, the harp, his hands tied behind his back.

By the way, the four current outfits are Makoto's blazer in Rikanaka, True Harp is our high school black sailor outfit, Kikivich is his own school blue sailor outfit, and the maid is a maid.

The tutoring of Kikivich was planned from the beginning. Dependence on medication was more than expected, so he was eventually imprisoned, but preparations were under way themselves.

In other words, we have the necessary tools for discipline, as well as clothing suitable for discipline.

Expenses save lives for the time being, but, um, tools are essential for teaching, and clothing is still key. That's why I usually study in magazines and such.

"In foster care, you wear this."

Next to me sitting, I grab one of the clothes I keep layered on the couch and call in foster care.

"There you go! Be the first!"

The foster child, with his right hand clenched in front of his face, grinned niggardly as he looked sideways at Makoto sitting next to him.

Makoto, who looks at the front, looks flat without looking into foster care, but his temples were pimply and cramped.

"Ma, Makoto, calm down. I don't think the order you give your clothes is your brother's favorite order. Maybe Rikanaka's used to a lot of things, so I'm gonna give it to her first."

A kid sitting next to the trumpet is playing the trumpet with his troubled face. Besides, the sober analytical power to accurately spot my prospects and explain them to the true harp.

No, normally, you know that's about right. The kid's right, he's been through all my tutoring in foster care. For that reason, it is just the right example.

I don't mind that, but hey kid bitch, would you hurry up a little bit? I'm going to tutor you with everyone here now. Don't you remember the anxiety about what will happen to you?

Your liver is sitting in a strange spot on the fright.

"Heh? Maid clothes?

The nursery that received the clothes from me looked back at the maid as she spread the clothes and tilted her neck.

"Kee, don't worry about it. Just get dressed..."

Damn, I was ready for this.

The maid's intervention is completely unexpected. No, I can't assume and it's natural. If you can predict that when you come to the warehouse, there was a maid, etc., that can no longer be said to be a prediction. And unfortunately, I don't have the ability to predict.

He's basically obedient to me in foster care, and he's considerate. Moreover, he is also highly judgmental and behavioral. The liver is still in place. I mean, it combines the temperament that team leaders deserve.

I thought the maid's clothes would look good inside like that, but I didn't expect her to wear clothes.

But there is no problem. The made-up clothes I prepare are not just made-up clothes.

There are two kinds of made-up clothes. It is basically classified as a garment called an apron dress, but one is the type of apron you can wear on top of a piece. The other is the type with an apron sewn on the piece.

It is the former that the maid sitting on the right end wears, and it is the latter who gave it to the foster home.

And the key thing is that the maid clothes I gave to foster care are porn specifications I bought in the mail.

"Oh, haha... Mr. Castle Island is as perverted as ever"

Moving to the corner of the room to change clothes, he returned while hiding his chest with his arms.

Yes, there is no cloth in the maid's clothing that hits the chest. Only that part is cut. In short, your breasts will be exposed. Besides, it's a mini skirt, so when you give in, you can see inside the skirt.

He's a porn maid. Very good.

He is in foster care where he is red to the ear and covers his chest with both arms. However, it cannot be completely hidden and the skin tone is visible from the white apron fabric.

"In foster care, who said I could hide it? If you're a maid, correct your posture."

In my words, Rikanaka stared at me. I have a two-year blank, albeit exposure-based tutorial. Besides, I'm not used to exposing myself in front of people I know.

Still, there is no doubt that it is intolerable, so the purpose was to get the true harp and kid bitch used to it by putting embarrassing clothes on inside first, but heh, it's not bad, Rinaka. I'd be more ashamed.

"What are you doing here? Aoi told me to correct my posture! If it was a true harp, it would suck! If you can't, I think you should go home! Go home. Go home!

"Wow, foster sister. Eh, she's cute! Shizuka wore those too quickly!

A true harp staring into the foster care is flying wild, and a kid bitch looking into the foster care with sparkling eyes is swelling his chest in anticipation. Most of all, no matter how much you expect, Kid Bitch's tulipety chest doesn't actually swell.

"Come on, you can do it, you can do it"

Rikanaka slowly lowered his hands as he kicked the true harp flying in the field.

Exposed white, large breasts tremble with prunes. Besides, the tip peachy nipples were twisted and bulky. He's excited to be seen.

I didn't know you could get excited in this situation, that's right inside.

"Wow, come on!

The kid, who raised his surprise voice, looked down at his chest as he lowered his gaze, and glanced back at his breasts all over the inside in tears.

Kid bitch, if you want to cry, you can cry as much as you want. It's a real pleasure to see those faces of yours.

"And Shizuka, please don't look so serious..."

The ears in the foster care become more reddish on the kid bitch staring at the breasts in the foster care. And even the nipples that were still bulky got even more mucky and erect. Because of this, the face in foster care turns red so that it burns even more.

That's good, that's good. After all, it is the woman who is bored with shame that is the best. Kid bitch, stare into foster care and blame him for gunning.

"... hmm, to that extent? True harp breasts are bigger, and pully as pudding. Aoi likes pudding, so it's true harp winning."

When Makoto put his hands on his chest, Makoto, who was watching him in foster care with his jitsy eyes, laughed with his nose like he was proud to win while rubbing with Mommy Mommy.

"Ha!? Mine's big enough too! Plus, it's a pull! Look closely! Look! When you move, you shudder!

During the fostering, which should have been ashamed, staring at the true harp, his hands rested on his hips, his chest protruding and his voice raised.

Plurious and trembling breasts every time a foster child speaks up. Oh, you're ruined because of True Harp, even though the way you're ashamed of yourself in foster care is fresh and funny.

Well, the goal is to smooth out the tuning, so it paralyzes everyone's shame. But as long as there was a true harp, I didn't seem too worried about that.

Or the kid bitch, the central figure in this tutorial, is the nori.

"In foster care, go back to your original place and sit down. Next, Makoto, I'll give you clothes."

"Ha! True harp is better than Senior Reichung's. Awesome!

Makoto, with his right hand pinned to my inquiry, rose when he replied well. And when they gazed at each other as they were about to return to their original place, they stared at each other and turned away at the same time.

Yes, yes, I know you're close, Makoto, so you just get over here.

"Makoto, I thought you could dress the way you are"


When I told Makoto that, who had come all the way before me, Makoto, with a stunned look, raised his astonished voice, fluttered.

"Ma, is the true harp... unattractive?

Makoto, who instantly moistened her eyes as she nodded, stares at me as she drops her shoulders in dismay and begs.

"Oh, no, that's not why..."

"No, Makoto. What your brother is trying to say is that Makoto looks great in that uniform."

A kid bitch raised her voice to block my words.

"Long, beautiful dark hair, white skin as snow. And for Makoto, who is left somewhere young, student clothes look good. Besides, the big swell that pushes up the chest of the sailor's clothes, a uniform that indicates students, is somewhat unbalanced and disloyal to the appearance of the true harp that remains young, and the pure atmosphere of the true harp goes hand in hand, which maximizes the charm of the true harp."

Makoto, who looked back, is listening to the words of the perky little bitch. And inside he pounded his tongue.

"Right? Right? Brother."

The kid bitch who finished talking and looked at me laughs and asks me that.

"Like, well, not far without hitting it, or something, yeah."

Inside, I answered in the guise of calm, taking care not to put the upset on the table.

It's not that far away without hitting it. You're absolutely right. Black sailor clothing suits the true harp best. Besides, the harp is in uniform even on holidays. True harp and sailor clothes are like one set in me.

The horror of a kid bitch. That's a high degree of ability to weave and predict the rules of thumb into insight.

Kid bitch, you seem to be observing me a lot. If you're not careful, one of these days they might prepend my thoughts.

He has similar abilities in foster care, but the contents are different in foster care and kid bitch. It's not too dangerous to read my thoughts when you're obedient to me, but there's a side to kid bitches that likes pranks. Very dangerous.

At worst, I can think enough about being prejudged, gripped by weaknesses, and threatened.

"Ho, is that true? Is Zhenqin cute in this outfit?

Makoto, who turned to me, stares at me upwards with his hands in front of his chest. With lukewarm, moisturized eyes.

"Shut up. That's what we talked about. I thought you said" I was “. I mean, get dressed. This is what you're wearing this time."

I accidentally distracted myself, taking the clothes I had left next to me and offering them to True Harp.

"Huh?... What's this?"

Makoto, who received the clothes he had offered, became more and more depressed when he saw it.

The clear black leotard that was previously used in Makoto's tutorial was handed to Makoto.

Did True Harp get depressed because he thought he could get cute clothes like in foster care?

You can hang out with the nursery, but I'm thinking a lot. I didn't choose that transparent leotard properly either. There's a good reason to let you wear it.

"Shizuka is a child. There are no interesting shards in Tulpeta. And I'm not a Loricon."

In my words, the depressed and sloppy Makoto raised his face.

"Holy shit! That's terrible, brother! Shizuka is still hot! Confessions and all that, and I've been numbered by people like college students!

The kid bitch is raising his voice of condemnation, but ignores it. Ignore it.

"Pup, so-so Shizuka, calm down"

The inner part of the house is indulging in an outburst of outrage and barking little bitches.

Rikanaka, you can laugh if you want.

"But even a kid like that is a woman at first. You spin that body all you want, so you may crave it no matter how much you're out of defense. Because I'm a man. It's not like I want to be a kid bitch. A man is only able to lust a woman."

"That's not honest. No! I'm not being honest, brother! Can you honestly tell me that Shizuka is a child but she may lust because she is cute!?

Kid bitch is calling me gagger, but ignore me. Ignore me.

"Yeah, cute cutie, Shizuka is so cute. Besides, I don't have breasts, so my shoulders don't seem stiff, and I envy your sister."

"Ha! Sister Rikanaka, that's no consolation!

Pompom and kid bitch's shoulder slapped during foster care, his chest protruding and swinging with a pull. The kid bitch who saw it burst into tears and raised a screaming voice of condemnation.

That's good, Rikanaka, do more. Because of that kid, I was supposed to carry the trouble. Put some moxibustion on him.

"So if you need to drain my libido during the tutoring, you can use Shizuka... No!

"Huh!? Why, why, why. Eh!

A kid bitch raised a shout of condemnation to me, as usual, when I opened my eyes and uttered words.

I don't use kid bitches. Because I don't care. If you mumble and use Kid Bitch during the tutoring of Kid Bitch, you kind of feel like you've lost.

"That's why it's the porn specification maid clothes in the foster care and Makoto, your transparent leotard. Just get dressed."

"...... ha"

True harp, who remained depressed even after hearing my explanation, turned to the corner of the room with an unmotivated reply. And I started dressing with Goso Goso.

Zhenqin's clothes bothered me a lot. I thought nurse clothes weren't bad, and I thought it was hard to throw away personal clothes. But the true harp is characterized by fleshy, luscious flesh that is so good that it goes against the appearance of remaining young.

As far as the kid bitch is concerned, he has a medium style in foster care, but a child's face that is more than a true harp even though he is low in height. If I take one wrong step, I'll be Lori. For this reason, I chose a slightly adult outfit called made-up clothing.

And Zhenqin chose a transparent leotard that could show off its flesh without any extra effort.

"Get dressed, it's over..."

Coming back with a weak voice and a toe-bottomed foothold, Makoto hides his chest with his right arm and his groin with his left arm.



Foster and kid bitch groaning with her face drawn.

Leotard, who looks black but clear on his skin, is just horny.

Moreover, long dark hair and large eyes tending to sauce create an atmosphere of clarity and pity, and the hands and feet stretching out of the leotard are white as snow, releasing a purity that knows no dirt.

It is impossible to hide large breasts wrapped in clear leotards, even though they are hidden with arms. Its clear black fabric contrasted with white skin and was obscene by the time of the anomaly.

And the leotard, which emerges without extra body lines, makes the crease curved from the big breasts to the hips to be exposed, and the crease of the hips swells as it goes to the buttocks, revealing a contrast between black and white with the groin as the border.

And thighs stretching out of the mucky ass. Also, as well as the buttocks, they were mucky, white and fleshy as opposed to black leotards.

In short, it's erotic. Anyway, it's horny. I just have to say that if they ask me for my thoughts. Now I have nothing to say if I'm not stupid.

"Shh, so destructive. Now I don't feel like I can win if my head isn't in a flower garden..."

"Duh, I agree. It's the first time I've noticed my sister's filth. And it's so beautiful. If this wasn't a flower garden in your head, you'd be a proud sister from the bottom of your heart..."

To the lewd appearance of the remainder of the true harp, the war-torn inside and the kid bitch. Simple Isbesto. Blessed with appearance, height, shape, or appearance elements, Makoto can maximize its appeal without having to wear it.

The kid bitch is out of the question, Balance would be pulling out the group inside. Makoto is unbalanced in one way or another.

They have huge tits for the face of a child, they are well fleshed for their skinny skin, and there is a strong difference between where they come out and where they are pulling in. But the contradiction is that the imbalance is in perfect proportions.

He was also whining about foster care and kid bitches, but now his personality is bright, positive and social, and if he wasn't still stupid, he would have no enemies.

"Damn, I wish I was a little taller..."

I groaned regrettably inside eating and tying my teeth.

"Huh? Huh, heh, could the true harp be awesome? eheheheheheheheheheheh."

Did you feel better about the reaction around you, scratching your head with your right hand, which was hiding your breasts, and a trumpet with a shining laugh. Because of this, my breasts were exposed, wrapped in black leotards, yet seemingly transparent to my nipples.

It's supposed to be dirty. That's supposed to be very obscene. Stop that glittering laugh. Don't expose your breasts flat. Transparent Leotard multiplies its effects by fusing with shame-driven appearances. And yet he says you. Anyway, do something about that silly smile, you idiot.

"Damn, Shizuka would have been a little taller..."

A kid bitch groaned, eating and tying his teeth, as if to do the mane in foster care.

"No, it's not just height you're missing."

"Um, Shizuka's not the only one who's missing."

"It's not just your height that's missing from Shizuka."

To the words of the kid bitch, me, Rikanaka and Makoto raised their voices at the same time.

"Wow! It's kind of you to go through there. Fine. Fine. I just wanted to say it! Shizuka is a Tulpeta anyway! I know that! Wow!

A kid bitch bursting with tears is standing up and crying.

Ha-ha, cry, cry, you just have to be more sorry.

When he sees a crying kid bitch chilling in foster care, he rises softly with a face that doesn't eat anything. And I approached Makoto softly.

"Shizuka has cut off the material. It's a pain in the ass when you feel confident. I need to break my heart within the moment."

"Right. I'll even pee now, but I may not be able to get my hands on it in a year. We should crush it within the moment."

Makoto and Rikanaka, who had a conversation with Hisohiso, are joining hands and nodding at each other when they see the kid bitch at the same time.

You guys are really close.

"Oh, and maid, you're a tour at first. I'll let you join me later, so take a good look. But you don't have to remember. What you seek is to get used to the place. That's all."


When I speak to a maid who had been sitting in her seat for the most part without saying a word until then, I honestly nod cocoon and reply.

He was treating the kid bitch in contempt for the biggest reason to punish the petty kid, but he also had the other purpose of seeing the maid react.

If you're favoring the kid bitch, I thought you'd react if you treated the kid bitch with contempt. But the results are unresponsive. Aside from the bare gesture of trying to help the kid bitch, I won't move one eyebrow.

Is the thought that self-assertion fires the maid's emotions? This is deeper than I expected.

Fine. We should show some change during the tutorial. We have to make sure we don't let that get away with it.

He laid vinyl on the bed and gave instructions to True Harp and foster care to put a kid bitch to sleep on it. In the meantime, I checked the contents of the box that contained the tools I needed to teach.

Luxury lotions are the basics in the basics. It is possible to reduce friction, minimize pain and stimulate the sexy zone for a long time. Other increases lubrication and facilitates vaginal and anal dilation. Most importantly, the dilation is only in the anus and the vagina is not used.

Also, using lotion itself increases excitement and sensitivity.

The next indispensable thing is the shackles of the mouth, also known as monkeys and gagballs.

This can be said to be a tool dedicated to kid bitches. Anyway, you don't have to seal your mouth when you're in harp or foster care. It's more interesting for them to make him talk. In that regard, kid bitches are likely to make weak noises about being petty, saying things that are already the limit, etc. For that reason, I decided to seal my mouth.

And speaking of kid bitches, say do-do, say kid bitches. For such a kid bitch, I also prepared a laundry bass for teaching. Unlike regular laundry scissors, it has a sponge on the area to pinch and protects your nipples. But pinching power is a stronger substitute than regular laundry scissors.

And a paddle for spanking, or a plate for butt slapping. Sometimes it's called specialty supplies, and it's not just a board. There is a grip that is easy to grip and the plate has rubber stranded on it. And it's a sound prone structure.

Sounds are easy to make, it's a tool for soft SM, developed to enjoy spanking without injury, even if you tap it lightly.

The kid bitch may have the temperament of a born mazo, but that doesn't translate all the pain into pleasure.

I want it covered. I want you to see it. I want you to worry. I want you to scold me. You can't convert pain into comfort if those emotions aren't met. For such a sweet little kid bitch, a sweet little tool suits you as well.

Other anal sticks with smaller rotors and spheres. And a rectal wash set.

A variety of other tools were available for these, but this would be the case at first.

Are there any defects in the tools or do the tools of the electric system work properly? After checking them and deciding they were fine, I headed to bed with a box packed with tools.

When I took off my shoes and went up to bed, I was already ready.

On the bed where the vinyl is laid, a kid bitch with her hands tied behind her back and sleeping on her back, wearing a blue sailor outfit. They seem to sparkle their fish-eyed eyes full of curiosity and anticipation, waiting now or now for the tuning to begin.

It's only now that I can keep an eye on you like that. Soon you will cry out.

Until you get used to being extinct, scatter it to extinction, and when you get used to it, inch hell. You will beg me not to go crazy anymore, and you will beg me to go crazy soon.

But even if I want to beg forgiveness, I can't talk because of the gag ball.

To the left and right of that kid bitch, a true harp in a clear black leotard and inside a maid's clothing that exposed her breasts stare at me in a knee-standing position.

When I looked to the side with chilli, a maid standing on the floor without getting in bed looked up at me without a look on her face.

No change?

"Maid, I'm recording the tutorial in a video. You don't know the video because it's hidden, but whether you're showing it or not. I mean, if you stay on the spot like this, even if you don't give a hand, you're a fine accomplice, too. If you don't like it, leave this place immediately."

I stood on the bed, staring down at the maid and saying so.

This maid doesn't break her mouth. So there's no need to threaten me. Still, what I dared to threaten is to make you think you're going to hesitate to make a maid, and there's actually another prospect.

That prospect is to get the kid bitch ready to get his hands on it. In the maid as it stands, you can't get your hands on the kid bitch if you do poorly. That's why we need to create a situation where we absolutely have to get our hands on it.

That's why I threatened to say I was making a recording. I threatened to be an accomplice. I'll have to get my hands on the kid bitch sooner or later if I stay on this spot. I stuck that fact out.

"of, will remain…"

Shaking eyes and trembling voice. Obviously upset. An upset is an exposed stray. And words impose constraints.

The maid said she would stay. A maid vowed that she was extremely afraid she would be fired. Now I no longer have to escape, and at the same time I have to decide to be ready to get my hands on the kid bitch.

If you betray me, I might get fired.

If I work disrespect to my husband, I might be fired. But if you run away, you'll be fired for sure. The thoughts stirred up and appeared on the table as lost.

But there's no problem if you're still lost. No, it's better because you got lost. That can be called a change.

You just have to consolidate your will while you tour. And when that will solidifies, it's hard to predict the fit, and let the kid bitch get his hands on it. But the kid bitch is only the master of the maid. Rub that fact into the maid, while making her treat it like an object. That's how you get used to it gradually, completing servants who are obedient to their husbands but “keep” them.

"Then I shall begin my ordination. Development of sexy bands by lotion at first. We'll do it thoroughly."



Two people nodding at my words and responding. Confirming that, I nodded too, and I put the box on the bed. And take out the gag ball and the lotion.

Well, shall we begin?

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