Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 67: Signed "Star City Film"

   There are still traces of water outside the window.

   After two consecutive sneezes, Morzos had to pull out the only thick coat from the closet and put it on. Once he was also a man who wanted to be graceful and not warm.

   But now, the body is important.

  He is laughing now when he walks, what is it laughing?

   It must be that the points of honesty are soaring, which makes him see the dawn of victory.

   This "Super Science Fiction Travel" only spent 900 points of honesty, less than six hours, he has doubled his profits.

   This kind of good deeds can be refreshed with more orders. The only concern is to worry about being stabbed on the way home.

   "Super Science Fiction Travel" was suspected of plagiarism, and was raised to the surface.

   The vast majority of readers are hindsight. After all, they are not senior readers, and they are not clear about the intricate relationships inside. Many people have not read Chen Dongdong's works, and naturally they do not know that it is plagiarism.

  The wind of plagiarism immediately rolled up.

  Hua Kangbo was talking with Chen Tao at this time.

   "Plagiarism and plagiarism, we are not a news media or an anti-plagiarism organization. You must give me an explanation of this matter."

  Chen Tao greeted the family and came to his room to talk on the phone.

   "This happened very urgently. When I knew the news was about to be stopped, I found that there was a lot of noise in the comment column, and there was a huge difference between support and opposition."

  Hua Kangbo replied: "How is the difference?"

   He just wanted to seize an opportunity to repair this arrogant Moros.

  Chen Tao smiled lightly: "The number of people who liked it was more than 80,000, while the number of people who opposed it was only 20,000, which shows that the comment has a positive effect."

  Hua Kangbo's mouth twitched slightly: "No matter what, such a serious matter, why did you not receive the news in the first place, is this your dereliction of duty, or his negligence?"

  Chen Tao understood, no matter whether it was right or wrong, Hua Kangbo had to find someone to punish him, either by himself or by Mo Zhuo Si.

   Hesitated a little and replied: "It is not reported."

   "Yes, department heads' quarterly performance is zeroed, manager's quarterly performance is halved, and their annual performance is zeroed." Hua Kangbo said very simply.

  Chen Tao was shocked secretly, this is a mess!

  He took advantage of his voice and said: "I suggest to hold a meeting and everyone will vote to solve it."

   "No need to vote anymore. This is a serious negligence. It hasn't caused bad influences yet, but in case of bad influences, who will be responsible for it?" Hua Kangbo stands firm.

  Chen Tao didn't make a sound, this was clearly intentionally dismounted.

   "Well, I will focus on this matter in the meeting room on Friday, and I will definitely give Hua Dong a satisfactory answer."

  Finally, Chen Tao hung up the phone directly.

   Anyway, his face was torn, and he didn't have to follow Hua Kang's instructions completely.

  Hua Kangbo found that he was hung up, and suddenly his face was black.

   "Good guys, one or two, this is going to turn the sky, right?" He said with a strong anger.

   "Okay, I'll watch how you kill yourself."

   "Xiao Zhang, convene a general meeting of shareholders this month and arrange a press conference after the general meeting of shareholders." He ordered.

  Xiao Zhang is his new assistant, and he is writing down the task with a pen.


  Chen Guoqing was doing homework with his children at home. Suddenly received a text message, he could not help but scolded.

   He picked up his mobile phone and came to the aisle to dial Morzos's phone.

   "Brother, I really called you brother, my bonus for this quarter was deducted."

   Mo Zhuo Si Leng a bit, some can not believe, "No?"

   "It won't matter, as you copied the incident, saying that we didn't say hello in advance, didn't report it, the department manager's quarterly performance was zeroed, and the department manager's performance was halved." Chen Guoqing is really a bit uncomfortable.

  He knew at that time that he must stop Morzos' behavior, but now the column does not belong to him, so he can only report to Xu Qingqing.

   The result waited for a long time, Xu Qingqing did not respond.

   This is over.

   "No, who said that to you?" Morzos still didn't believe it. This little thing wouldn't lie in the gun?

"Xu Qingqing told me that Chen Tao informed me that this is the punishment designated by Hua Dong, but at the regular meeting on Friday, it will be re-discussed." Chen Guoqing said without a temper: "I said can you let us save dim sum , A lot of bonuses in a quarter!"

   Mo Zhuo Si frowned slightly, he personally felt that he had done nothing wrong, even if he remeasured the gains and losses, he would still do so, because earning honest points is very important.

   But let Chen Guoqing and Xu Qingqing take the blame together with himself, he did feel a bit sad.

   "I will go back to the company tomorrow to discuss with Mr. Chen. I will take the back of this pot." Mo Zhuo sipped.

   "You come back, your annual performance will return to zero." Chen Guoqing smiled and scolded: "You think you don't need to back!"

   "Lying grass!" Morrows called out at once, annual performance!


   His salary is more than 30,000 per month, and the annual performance is two months' salary, that is, there is no more than 60,000 or 70,000.

   This calculation, Moroz think the whole person is ignorant!

   "Stop and stop, I am the year?" he asked panicly.

   "Yeah, this is just to deliberately rectify you, even to clean up with us." Chen Guoqing scolded.

   "I really don't have any temper at all!" Morrows murmured: "Okay, I know this matter, I will deal with it, I will really involve you, I will make compensation."

  Chen Guoqing was angry, but he didn't even say that he should pay money.

   "That's not necessary, what do you want to do in the future, first ventilate with me, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it!"

  Muo Zhuosi smiled and said, after this kind of thing is finished, he was really afraid that Chen Guoqing would not dare to approve.

   sighed deeply after hanging up the phone.

  Think of a way to get back the scene! ! !

  The losses of these three people add up, so there are 100,000 yuan, and 100,000 yuan to buy this honest point is really not too profitable.

   Modrows readjusted his mindset, and there are a lot of things on hand, which must be resolved slowly.

   At this time, click on WeChat, finally good news came.

   "I also think about it, many people have come to me these days, "Star City Film and Television" is not the highest bid, but the treatment is the best." Mo Zihan sent a line.

   Mo Zhuo Si immediately replied: "Sister, think for yourself, don't consider me, the important thing is yourself."

   "I've thought about it, let's "Star City Film and Television"!"

  Mo Zihan said that if he did not consider his younger brother's situation, it must be false, but considering it in many ways and the opinions of friends, he finally chose Lin Yanzu's father's company "Star City Television".

  Mo Zhuo Si can't know, this family is hard-hearted and soft-hearted, must have taken care of themselves.

   He sighed, that's fine.

  Lin Yanzu is familiar with himself, at least not to other companies, because he is bullied and can't find anyone, he has to take care of it!

  He immediately sent the news to Lin Yanzu.

   Lin Yanzu was eating dinner with his family at home at this time, and the news suddenly showed his joy.

   "Dad, I tell you, I tied two people into the company at once." He said happily to Lin Shaodong.

   Lin Shaodong laughed and said: "Why? Tied in? Don't tie in yet?"

   "Star City" is the top ten companies in the industry, how many people want to squeeze in, he saw his son said to tie in, and suddenly smiled.

   "Dad, do you know the founder of the hazy poem that has been making a lot of noise recently?" Lin Yanzu asked with a know! It is said that it is very mysterious to only listen to its name, but not to see its people! "Lin Shaodong smiled slightly and caught a bean.

   Lin Yanzu said profoundly: "Actually, the founder of Misty Poetry is just a spiritual phantom of Morzos. He has hallucinations and hallucinations. The hallucinations cast Gu Cheng of Misty Poetry. Hearing can still hear songs."

   "Yo? Did you tie people into the company?" Lin Shaodong raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"Received the news just now, Mo Zhuo Si's sister agreed to let us sign. Singer, a very good newcomer recently, and the song he sang was what Mo Zhuo Si could hear." Lin Yanzu grinned: " How about it, legend?"

   "Yes, what about the other one who was tied in?" Lin Shao Dongxiao asked with interest.

  Lin Yanzu smiled: "Another one, it must be Morrows himself. He is really the kind of focus wherever he goes. This is not a recent anti-plagiarism, and it is booming."

   "Okay, you guys did something!" Lin Shaodong nodded with a smile.

   Soon, the news spread.

The new singer Mo Zihan was signed by "Star City Film" and bought out the copyright of the song "You Don't Think of Me" at the same time. The songwriter Mo Zhuo Si is the incarnation of the obscure poet Gu Cheng, and is a hot new critic. .

   Lin Yanzu also deliberately released news that a song was bought for 200,000 yuan, and it has been set to buy Moroz's new work "Little Lucky" at this price.

   The buyout price of 200,000 lyrics has become a hot topic in the circle.

  Some people think it is rich and rich, and deliberately speculate.

   But most people think that the premium is too much and not worth it.

   Of course, Gu Cheng’s incarnation also puts a mysterious veil on Mordros’s song works.

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