Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 74: A friend recommended


   The evening is moving away.

  The shadow of the pedestrian on the road was pulled very long, like a knife, and like a lone chopstick.

   Dong Shaohua sat in the car, extruded a smile and said to the phone: "This is the case, this person has a tough temper, I don't think it's easy, unless..."

   "Unless what?" Chen Dongming sat on a chair with his legs bent.

   "Unless you come hard!" Dong Shaohua said coldly.

  Although he didn't tell anyone that he had hatred against Morzos, he couldn't find a reason to persuade himself. In the end, he could only put the blame on Morzos.

   If it was not because of Morrows, he would not be able to dizzy his head during the meeting.

  He knew that Chen Dongming's backstage was hard, so he said so.

  Chen Dongming was silent for a long time, and then said: "Are you sure there is no other way to solve it?"

   "For example, money, or the qualification of the association?"

  Dong Shaohua was shocked in his heart, and the other party actually wanted to buy Morrows. Isn't this a benefit?

   He quickly opened his mouth and retorted: "I don't recommend this. If he can buy it, do you think it might be the current situation?"

   "In any case, try it, this book is basically obsolete, but if he does not withdraw the reviews, it will cause great damage to my reputation." Chen Dongming said nervously.

   Dong Shaohua smiled embarrassingly, what other reputation do you have? The whole world knows that you are copying, it's just that everyone doesn't talk about it.

   beep, hung up the phone.

  Dong Shaohua took a deep breath, and the sense of loss came violently. It seemed that he could not change the reality at all, and he just acted as a passerby.

   didn't help!

   It means no human relations!

   He smoked a cigarette and then left his cigarette **** outside the car.

   stepped on the accelerator and the car quickly stopped in a small restaurant.

  Dong Shaohua was not satisfied with his current job, but he dared not resign.

   "How are you doing?" asked college student Jiang Feiming.

   Dong Shaohua shook his head with a smirk: "What else can it be like this!"

   "No, you shouldn't be so bad!" Jiang Feiming said happily: "In our bedroom, you are best mixed with the second hair."

   "Second shot?" Dong Shaohua showed a surprised expression. He hadn't contacted his classmates for a long time.

   "Yes, what co-founder he is now, old and powerful, open Porsche!" Jiang Feiming admired for a while.

   Dong Shaohua showed a hard smile: "That's really powerful!"

   "Hey, you asked me to come out today, and you said you want to change jobs?" Jiang Feiming asked curiously, "Are you leaving the syndrome?"

  Don't say how hard Dong Shaohua feels, originally thought that he could get on the ship of Chen Dongdong, how could it matter?

   Turns out to be busy for a long time, and others still don't listen to themselves.

   He couldn't help but fist up, he seemed very unwilling!

   "Why don't you speak?" Jiang Feiming asked.

   "No, nothing!" Dong Shaohua perfunctoryly said.

   "I said, you should take advantage of your child's young age now, or you have to endure it, otherwise the child will go to school and you will be more stressed." Jiang Feiming sighed.

   Dong Shaohua drank a glass of beer: "I know, it's been really uncomfortable recently."

  Jiang Feiming also drank beer, he frowned and asked, "Is it too low to pay?"

   In fact, this job was introduced by Jiang Feiming, and it didn't take long for the result, Dong Shaohua said that he wanted to change jobs, which made him unable to accept it.

   "It's not too low to be low, but it's acceptable, but I feel like I'm muddy every day." Dong Shaohua murmured.

   "You still have a mentality problem." Jiang Feiming shook his head with a smile.

   At this moment, Dong Shaohua's cell phone suddenly rang, it was a strange call.

  He hesitated for a while before he connected.

   "Hello, is this Mr. Dong Shaohua?"

   Dong Shaohua frowned: "Yes, it's me, are you?"

   "I am Chen Wanxia, ​​the human resource of "Star City Film and Television", do you have any interest in acting as the department head of our company? Is it responsible..."

  Don't wait for the other party to finish, Dong Shaohua was depressed, he said: "No, I didn't go to you to submit a resume!"

   "Not like this, it was introduced by your friend. You are Mr. Dong Shaohua. He used to be the manager of the review department for one and a half years in the review network and graduated from Haitian Conservatory of Music."

   Dong Shaohua was instantly stunned. What he said was so clear, it seemed that he was not mistaken!

   He suddenly had an unexpected surprise, "Star City" is a giant company!

   "Well, what kind of supervisor are you talking about?" His face is a color of joy that can't be concealed. Although it is not clear what type it is, the supervisor is always stronger than the current small employees?

   "Mainly responsible for the introduction and management of new artists."

   As soon as these words came out, Dong Shaohua was shocked. This is no ordinary post!

   Recruitment of new artists, that is a job with plenty of weight and a lot of oil and water, or a supervisor. This is a great thing!

   "Then I will go to the interview tomorrow?" Although Dong Shaohua was still doubtful, he was unwilling to miss this opportunity.

   "Well, are you coming in the morning or in the afternoon?" the other party asked very politely.

   Dong Shaohua frowned, this is an interview! How can you feel so polite to yourself, is it not a scam?

   He took a breath and asked again: "Am I going to "Star City Film and TV" for an interview?"

   "Yes, if you are convenient, come here in the morning."

   Dong Shaohua is still a little confused, how can it be his turn for such a good post? what's going on?

   He suddenly remembered that when the phone first came, he said he was introduced by his friend?

   He quickly asked: " I can easily ask, which friend recommended me to go?"

  Dong Shaohua flipped it through his mind, and didn’t think of any big guys in the entertainment industry? Not even a leader working in "Star City Film and Television"?

   Hesitated over the phone for a while, and then answered: "This is arranged by Master Lin."

  Dong Shaohua's heart set off a storm, this is impossible!

  I don't know Lin Shao at all.

   There was a few seconds of silence on the phone.

   "Hello? Are you sure you are coming tomorrow?" The other party asked tentatively, as if there was no sound.

   "Okay, no problem, I will go by at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." Dong Shaohua quickly agreed that if it was really a scam, it would not be possible to lie to the office building of "Star City Television".

   Beep, hang up the phone.

  Jiang Feiming was shocked to see his classmate Dong Shaohua, and immediately asked in amusement: "Whose phone is this? How did he get involved in "Star City Television"."

  Dong Shaohua felt the same as dreaming, he said with wide eyes: "People in "Star City Film and Television" just asked me if I want to go to the interview, to be a supervisor, but still recruited by the artist."

   "Lying grass, fat!" Jiang Feiming exclaimed.

   This thing, just a little thought, you know how cool.

   "Yes, it was recommended by a friend of mine, and I haven't figured out who it is now!" Dong Shaohua felt a kind of unbelievable feeling. Happiness came too suddenly, unexpectedly.

   At this moment, he received a text message on his mobile phone.

   "A friend just said that there is a vacant position in the department. I recommend you to go."

   That simple sentence made Dong Shaohua stunned and motionless as if he had lost his soul.


It's him?

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