Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 77: 1 play for 3 people

  Chen Guoqing glanced at Mo Zhuo Si, gestured: "You can do it yourself!"

   Morrows went straight to the subject and said, "You came because of plagiarism!"

   Chen Dongming was cheeky, took a chair and sat down, smiling and asked, "Is there a special department to supervise and manage the plagiarism?"

   At this time, Morrows retorted: "Can everyone also help monitor?"

   The two were diametrically opposed, and no one gave in.

  Chen Dongming asked Zhou Xiaofeng sideways: "Mr. Zhou, do you say that? I always respect Mr. Zhou!"

   With a smile on his face, he thought that the two would join hands to criticize Morzos.

  Chen Guoqing also smiled bitterly, and happened to be coincidentally, the two actually came to the door at the same time.

   As a result, they were all forced in the next second.

  Chen Dongming looked at Zhou Xiaofeng dumbfounded, with an unbelievable look on his face.

  Because Chen Dongming said, "I think Mr. Mo makes sense. Literary works cannot be supervised only by the relevant departments. It is also very important for the masses to report."

   "Crack", Chen Dongming's face was swollen, and his face was ugly to the extreme.

   originally expected Zhou Xiaofeng to help him speak, but in the end he pulled his mouth back and his face was red with pain.

  Chen Guoqing's mouth instantly "O" up, almost laughing urine!

  Zhou Xiaofeng actually helped Mo Zhuo Si speak?

  Can it be solved that loophole problem?

  Chen Dongming only discovered at this time that Zhou Xiaofeng's look at Morzos was obviously different from his own. What is going on here?

   "I said it was slandering you, everyone can see you in court!" Morrows said very hard.

   Even Chen Guoqing was taken aback.

  Chen Dongming instantly raised his face. He found that Dong Shaohua was really right. This person is very hard and not easy to persuade.

   He whispered: "Really there is no room for recovery?"

   Morzos shook his head firmly, spit out two words, "No!"

  Zhou Xiaofeng's mouth grinned, good guy, he really didn't give a face!

   "Do you know why no one dares to say that I copy?" Chen Dongming asked with a threat.

   "Know!" Morrows smiled, "What does it have to do with me?"

   "You..." Chen Dong was obviously anxious, not knowing what to say.

  Zhou Xiaofeng persuaded: "Dongming! Some things can be done, some things can't be done, even if others don't say, they will think in this way, you block others' mouths, they cannot block others' hearts!"

   "So, let's go back to shore!"

  Chen Dongming gritted his teeth, even if he didn't persuade the other party, he had wanted to threaten him, but Zhou Xiaofeng was here, and he planned to be able to do nothing.

   Just like that, all three people froze!

   Mo Zhuosi touched his nose and pointed at Chen Xiaofeng with a smile: "You just do what I said! Don't let the reader wait too long!"

   "Okay, this time I really want to thank Teacher Mo for helping me a lot!" Zhou Xiaofeng said sincerely.

   Although this loophole was discovered by Morrows himself, since it was not out of nothing, it means that he did not consider it enough, and now it is a blessing to be able to solve it!

  Chen Dongming suddenly panicked. I just couldn't figure out why Zhou Xiaofeng would help to speak. Now it seems to understand.

   And looking at this situation again, it seems that the relationship between the two is not bad!

   The situation suddenly exceeded his expectations, and Chen Dongming didn't want to make it too big. Instead, things were too stiff. Instead, there was no room for recovery. I really wanted to go to the court, and my plagiarism might just settle down!

   This is exactly the same. Morrows will be fearless. He looks at each other with a smile on his face. There is that kind of feeling. I like the feeling that you hate me but can't beat me.

  Chen Guoqingqiang could not help but laugh, it was really a peak turn, who could think of Chen Dongming looking for the door thousands of miles away, actually ate it!

   The more proud of Mo Zhuo Si, the more Chen Dongming gritted his teeth, hated it!

   Although Zhou Xiaofeng will not offend Chen Dongming, he does not need to give his opponent a face. Sitting on the side is a shock. Since his position has already been stated, he will have to see what Chen Dongming wants.

   The atmosphere froze at once!

  Mo Zhuo stood up and patted his butt, said leisurely: "Just so, my work today is not finished yet!"

  Zhou Xiaofeng also stood up and smiled, "Yes, when things are over, you have to take time to ask Mr. Mo for a meal."

  Although these words are polite words, they fall in Chen Dongming's ears, but they are equivalent to warning hints!

   The hearts of the two did not care about Chen Dongming at all, and walked while chatting.

  Chen Dongming sat at the same place, and his anger suddenly rushed into his heart. Is this justified? This is when he didn't arrive?

  Chen Guoqing intentionally reminded: "Will Mr. Chen take a rest here?"

   "Take a break, you wait!"

  Follow, Chen Dongming glared at Mo Zhuosi with a black face and asked aloud: "Last sentence, do you want to change it or not?"

   "Don't change!" Morrows replied neatly.

   "Good, very good, I asked for bitterness!" Chen Dongming said angrily.

  Mo Zhuosi looked at Zhou Xiaofeng funny and asked, "Are you suffering?"

   "It's bitter!" Zhou Xiaofeng smiled very cooperatively: "But it has benefited a lot!"

  'S sentence is obviously intentional acting.

   But that's it. It was shaking all over Chen Dongming.

  Chen Guoqing finally couldn't help but laughed with a puff, and when he arrived here, Chen Dongming finally left without a face, and left angrily.

   After the event.

   This matter spread within the unit.

  Everyone was discussing with enthusiasm, especially Chen Guoqing bragged in the unit for a while, and everyone was even more enthusiastic.

   Speaking of Chen Dongming proudly praised Zhou Xiaofeng and wanted to pull the relationship to criticize Mo Zhuosi, but when he was beaten, everyone laughed forward and back.

   "Too funny!" Fang Feiyu laughed and scolded: "Chen Dongming is a Relying on his dad's status, dare to do anything!"

After some discussion, everyone returned to their seats and continued to work.

  Muo Zhuosi was pulling Chen Guoqing and asked: "Oh, is there any progress in the defamation of Weibo?"

   "No, but it is said that Hua Dong takes it seriously." Chen Guoqing laughed funnyly.

   "Well? He has to praise me well, otherwise it will be a big deal!" Morrows smiled cheekily.

  Chen Guoqing's eyes narrowed with a smile, "If he praised you, wouldn't it be like slapping himself?"

  Mo Zhuosi joked: "Maybe he has the habit of self-masochism?"

   The two laughed suddenly.


  Zhou Xiaofeng was going to fly back at the airport. At this time, the phone rang and was edited by editor Li Qing.

   "Xiaofeng, I have good news!" Li Qing said excitedly.

   "I also have good news!" Zhou Xiaofeng said with a smile while sitting in the VIP lounge of the airport.

  Li Qingleng a moment, and then said: "Famous critic Li Xun said he can help you."

  Zhou Xiaofeng's face was somber, he didn't like this person very much, "Isn't it free?"

   "Well, by this time, you still have nothing to do with free, first solve the problem!" Li Qing persuaded.

  Zhou Xiaofeng sneered: "You let him save snacks! I don't need to ask him to drive!"

   "This..." Li Qing was silly all at once, and he asked incredulously: "The good news you want to say, has it been thought of as a solution?"

  Zhou Xiaofeng grinned: "Go back and say! The novel critics, maybe a real guy is coming out!"

  Li Qing asked doubtfully: "Is it so powerful?"

   "Not easy!" Zhou Xiaofeng praised.

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