Bitter Entertainment Critic

Vol 2 Chapter 85: I'll help you

   People come and go.

  Xuzhou City is a city with a slower pace of life.

   After high-speed development, into a period of weakness, housing prices have not been turned over and over again, it is considered a more suitable city for living.

  Gu Hongsheng did not have the intention to watch the surrounding scenery, even if the autumn wind sweeps the leaves, it will become extra texture under the lens.

   The traffic is full.

  He beckoned a car on the roadside.

   "Go to the review network!" Gu Hongsheng said after getting on the bus.

   "Is there a specific address?" the driver asked.

  Gu Hongsheng spoke up and smiled: "I have just arrived, or will you navigate!"

   "Okay! Fasten your seat belts, we can hold tight." The driver smiled politely.

   The car started to move forward, and the surrounding scenery slowly receded.

   Time seems to be back many years ago.

  Gu Hongsheng didn't go out for a long time, this feeling made him especially miss, but I felt very bitter.

   Half an hour.

   parked downstairs in the comment net building.

  Gu Hongsheng paid the fare and dialed the phone of the moderator who had contacted him in the comment area.


   Fang Feiyu was here at Xue Yingzhuo to inquire about any recent good songs. At this time, when the phone rang, he remembered that he had made an appointment with an important person today.

   "Hey hey, Mr. Mo, people seem to be here." After all, Fang Feiyu raised his mobile phone towards Mo Zhuo Si and said that the phone came.

   "Okay, I'll wait for you in the VIP room, you pick him in." Mo Zhuosi patted his butt, this sits a day to have activities.

   Fang Feiyu answered the phone and walked to the stairs.

   "Hey, hello, are you here?"


  Muo Zhuosi greeted Chen Guoqing, and then came to the guest reception room on the second floor, which was empty for a long time. Except for the crowd during the development of the cloth meeting, the windows and doors were usually closed.

  He came to the reception room to open the window and the air conditioner.

  After about five minutes, footsteps came from outside.

   "Please here!" Fang Feiyu's voice came over.

   The door was pushed open.

  Mo Zhuo Si turned his head, finally saw Gu Hongsheng, his expression was a little stiff, and then loosened, beckoning: "Mr. Gu, I finally saw you!"

  Gu Hongsheng's face flashed with a trace of surprise, he didn't expect Morzos to be so young.

   He just looked at each other’s resume. Although he had seen the photo, he thought it was a previous photo, but he didn’t expect it to be a recent photo.

  After sitting down, Gu Hongsheng couldn't calm down for a long time.

   Morrows squinted, Fang Feiyu poured a cup of tea for the two, and then went back to work.

Two people.

   was silent for a moment.

   Morzos said: "I suspect that you are the victim. "Legend of the Flying Blade" is a copy of your "Xu Tian Ji", right?"

  Gu Hongsheng showed a ridiculous wry smile, "It's useless. I've fought a lawsuit and won't win. I've lost more than 1 million."

   Morrows frowned slightly, raised his head, and asked seriously: "You answered me, did he copy you, or did you copy him?"

"He copied me, and this guy has a background. After he copied my book, he immediately contacted publishers and investors to start film and television adaptation. When I knew it, it had already started to be broadcast on TV." Gu Hongsheng said excitedly : "He is a scum!"

   "I told you that he asked me to settle it privately at the beginning, and said how much money I would compensate, I said no, I want to protect my rights!"

   "As a result, he made a lot of money, trusted someone to find a relationship, bought the lawyer I hired, so I lost the case!"

   Morrows looked stunned, this... this Nima is also okay?

  Gu Hongsheng laughed self-deprecatingly: "I am like a fool, did you know that at the time? Lawyers vowed to tell me that they would definitely win, and the result was a total loss."

   "I lost more than one million?" Morzos asked incredulously.

   "Yes, all my savings have been lost. People in the court still visited me many times. I have no face to face my family. I haven't returned home for five years!" Gu Hongsheng opened his heart, and his eyes were a little wet.

   "I am really desperate, do you know?"

   "I don't know what else to do, I lost the lawsuit, the money is gone, and face the blockade."

   His voice trembles, his face is very painful, very sad.

  Muo Zhuosi can feel the desperate breath from the other party's language, struggling but weak emotions.

   "I went into hiding at the time and found that all of my works were taken off the shelf. At that moment, my whole life was really dark."

   "Those so-called pictures going in and out of the red light district are fake, but no one **** helped me speak!" Gu Hongsheng's last sentence was scolded out loud.

   "No, there is no one who helps me, all people who are outrageous, and I have all broken down." Gu Hongsheng said gritted his teeth.

   Morzos was shocked: "You mean, after losing the lawsuit, there are people who deliberately fabricated fake photos to slander you?"

   "Yes, so I said he was a scum, plundered other people's works, and bite back." Gu Hongsheng was very angry.

   "The reason why he wants to slander me is that I can't turn it over." Gu Hongsheng sneered: "You see the works behind him are all messed up, all supported by popularity."

  Muo Zhuosi did not speak, this is indeed worth considering.

   "But it's useless. There is no guarantee in the original creation. As soon as you write does not mean that the following book is well written, so it cannot be evidence." Gu Hongsheng murmured to himself.

   "Tell me about the blockade!" Morrows took a sip of water.

  Gu Hongsheng pressed his head hard, that was his most sluggish period.

   As a person who writes for a living, his work is blocked, that is, he is smashed into his job.

   "Can you imagine? My bank card was frozen, and I didn't have a penny. I don't want to go home, nor do I want to involve them, let alone see the twisted faces of relatives."

   "I'm not hungry, I took the bread in the bakery and turned and ran."

  Gu Hongsheng was taunting, like mocking himself, and mocking destiny.

   Morzos didn't say anything, he could imagine how terrible and sad that was.

   "Later, I really had nowhere to go. A book friend accepted me, but I couldn't always delay others, so I ran out and started writing books under other pen names."

   "But the situation is not good, even if you use other pen names, you still have to verify your identity information when you publish it. At this step, they directly cut me off."

   "Later, I started writing poems and writing stuff, but some people read it."

  Gu Hongsheng's eyes were full of melancholy and anger, he did not cry from beginning to end.

   He bit his teeth and said, "I have been telling myself that tomorrow will be better tomorrow!"

  Muo Zhuosi fisted slightly, he felt that he might try to help this person.

   This world has never been fair.

   But at least, we can fight for it.

"I'll help you."

   Mo Zhuosi's sentence is very light, very light, but there is an inexplicable force, so Gu Hongsheng froze the whole person.


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