The changes brought about by this can be said to be very huge.

Cracker looked around and said softly, "Brother! We will reach the Red Earth Continent in about three days."

Katakuri said indifferently: "Arriving the Red Earth Continent is just the beginning! The people on the World Government side should have already prepared.


He chuckled and said, "You two boys! Take it easy, some things don't need to be so tense, it's undeniable! The world government must be fully prepared, but! Their preparations will definitely not impress me here. If they really If you do that, something will happen.”


"Okay!" - People occupying positions ----? X zn ZI1X Pie, 0 but.

Never let down your vigilance.

Can't be careless.

If something happens to the eldest brother, it will be troublesome.

We have reached this point.

I can't let my eldest brother have an accident because of the carelessness of the two of us.


I laughed and didn't say a word, and I didn't talk too much, just sitting on the deck reading a book and drinking tea.Actually.

His own strength is not weak at all.

I have the strength above Silver Level [-], and what does this strength bring? Need I say more?There is no doubt about it!

What's more, his silver sword is very terrifying.


Since it is a good thing for my younger brothers to be vigilant like this, vigilance is always better than relaxation.

I don't need to say anything more.

Crashing—the ship sailed slowly towards the red earth continent.

Not that no one has ideas.

after all!

Anyone who is not an idiot knows, if Charlotte can be killed?Joey the man!


As long as you can or leave, the world government will never be stingy with rewards for you.

But here lies the problem.

You want to kill?

This is almost impossible.

And it is almost impossible to get this reward.


some things.

Just think about it.

Really want to take care of it all?

It is simply impossible!

Of course!

Whether it is possible or not.

Absolutely cannot deny.

It is true that someone wants to do it.



With the waves soaring into the sky, a super huge ship has emerged. This ship has no coating, and it just rushed out of the deep sea.this moment.

It can make everyone look full of disbelief.


Joey had already guessed the same.

Instead, he said gently: "Mr. Neptune, Princess Otohime has been gone for a long time."

That's right.

The owner of this ship is the owner of the Dragon Palace Kingdom.



Wait for Fishman Island?People from Dragon Palace Kingdom.

There is no need to say more about them appearing here.

Neptune laughed and said, "Chief Joey! Long time no see, I really miss you very much!" Otohime also covered her mouth and said gently: "Chief Joey! Long time no see!" "Yeah!"

Joey smiled and nodded, "It's been a long time."

Tiger also stepped out!

Looking at Joey, he said respectfully: "Master Joey! Thank you for your help, otherwise! Fishman Island is still in dispute."


Joey shook his head and said, "Don't say that! That's what Katakuri did, and it has nothing to do with me."


Tiger froze for a moment.


This straight-hearted murloc hero.

Tiger still isn't very good at these corners.

And Otohime said gently: "Of course I have to thank Mr. Katakuri, if he put the temperament of the big-mom pirates on the fish-man island, the fish-man island would not be so peaceful. 0..." Katakuri calmly said: "This is nothing!" "Hmm!"

Anyway, thank you.

And this time.

Tiger also reflected it.

some things!

Everyone knows that there is no problem, but it is impossible to really lift this layer of window paper.


This is a very difficult thing to handle.


This kind of situation is not a strange thing.

Joey said calmly: "Okay! Mr. Neptune, it's better not to say so many things. It's better for us to arrive at the Red Earth Continent as soon as possible. Let's chat on the way."

"Okay!" Crashing—the two ships quickly set sail.

And on the way to sail.

Night falls!

Neptune, Bhime, and Tiger.

Joey, Katakuri.

Five people gathered in the huge cabin room.

Otohime worried: "Dragon Palace Kingdom has participated in the World Conference again after so many years! And?????. Will there be some problems when entering the Red Earth Continent like this7"


After giving up the so-called idea of ​​peaceful coexistence.

Otohime is a wonderful woman.

Also understood a lot.

She is very clear.

If you really encounter a lot of problems, it is simply impossible to deal with!

Neptune was also very worried and said: "Yes! The Red Earth Continent is in great trouble. If this is the case, it will be a very headache!" Joey smiled and said: "Mr. Neptune, You can rest assured about this matter, but! You just need to remember one thing, Princess Otohime and Mr. Tiger! You two are my people, and! On this ship, remember, except Ni All but Mr. Putton are my people."


Joey stood up and said, "Okay! I'm tired too, Katakuri, we should go."

"Understood, brother!" Stand up.

Katakuri followed his brother and left.

There were three people left in the room.

Tiger was taken aback for a moment, then reacted and said: "This.?????"

Otohime nodded and said: "Yes! I know what this means! But! Didn't I expect that Patriarch Joey would do such a thing?" "Oh!" Neptune said calmly: "Things What it is, I know."

Neptune knew exactly why Joey did what he did.

On the Red Earth Continent!

What can happen to Joey?

Nobody knows!


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