Fight the Landlords!

after all.

It's a holiday!

After all, we still have to study some interesting things to play!


It's not a good thing to be too boring.

Of course.

These three brats are playing poker here.

other places?

Also very relaxing. "Um-"

Mond, Armand, Yaxiu, Effie.

The four sisters all looked at the table in front of them.

His eyes were very serious.

They are all exceptionally important.

"Second Winter]"

Zj X?

"Huh!" "Damn!!!" Looking at Armand, he was confused again.

Mond couldn't help but swear: "Why? Why is this? You shouldn't! Why do you keep winning, Armand! Did you cheat?"

Armand calmly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Cheating is not cheating! Can't you see it? This doesn't seem like a big problem, does it?" "Hmm——"

Mond also frowned.


Something is not quite right.



Armand is right, there is a gap in their strength.


This gap is definitely not particularly large.

It is impossible for the other party to cheat without being able to see it.

This is absolutely impossible!

"Huh!" But.

What Mond didn't know was.

Kingdom of Knights!

But Armand's substitute!

All of the above are essentially created by Armand.

Even if it is not.

As long as you enter the kingdom of knights.

What is alive cannot be changed.


It is not difficult to control the lifeless.

Under such circumstances.

Hehehe - Mond wants L?

That is almost impossible!


It is an absolutely impossible thing.

As for Yaxiu and Effie who didn't speak from the beginning to the end?The trick of three people cheating one person.

Still pretty good.

As for what would happen if it was found out?


Absolutely impossible!

"To three!" "To five!" "To eight!" Compared to others.

Perospero, Compote, Katakuri.

These three people played very seriously.

even say.

The three of them even used their knowledge and domineering aura.

From the beginning to the end, the domineering and arrogance of knowledge and knowledge is frantically motivating.tick!

Tick ​​tock!

Played poker for about an hour.

Drops of sweat began to drip from the foreheads of the three of them.

It's just too tiring.

after all.

It would be the strangest thing if the three of them played poker without getting tired. "Um--"

Bloyer tilted his head, and while watching the excitement, he muttered: "Second Brother! Eldest Sister! Third Brother! I didn't say, you can't do it, right? It was obviously during vacation and vacation, but the three of you seemed to be following It's like fighting, isn't that enough?"

Compert said seriously: "Little girl! What do you know? This is not a question of poker at all, it is a question of dignity!" "Huh?"

Broyer tilted his head, still not understanding, why does a Doudizhu rise to the question of dignity?

Katakuri also said seriously: "That's right! This is about dignity!" "Hmph!"


Looking at the three oldest brothers and sisters in the family except the eldest brother, staring at each other here.

Broyer still couldn't understand it at all!

"Sister!" Bree tugged on Blowyer's clothes, then said quietly: "Actually, I know why."

Broyer also asked curiously: "Sister, why?"

Bree said quietly: "The New Year is coming soon, every year! During the New Year, cakes and desserts that are dozens of times more delicious than usual will be prepared! Broyer nodded and said: "I know!Moreover, isn't this something that everyone in the family has. ? ..."


Broyer looked at the three brothers and sisters in disbelief.

No way?

Are they betting on this?

Bu Lei nodded and said, "Yes! The second brother, the eldest sister, and the third brother, they are betting on desserts and cakes."

"Sh~~~" Blowyer took a breath, and said seriously, "That's right! This is really a war about dignity!" Bruyer also said cutely but seriously: "Yes Ah! Yes! This is a war of face and dignity!" Clearly.

Desserts and cakes.

Especially the most outstanding cake brought out on New Year's Day.

For everyone in the family.

That is definitely a matter of dignity and face.not to mention!




Those are the top faces of the family.

If this is lost.

There are no cakes and desserts during New Years.

That would probably be embarrassing to death!

Joey also walked by and watched the game, shaking his head to say.

My own family still has this wail.

on vacation.

It turned out great!

Eight out of ten people are playing poker and mahjong.

The remaining two people are dead at home.

"Fuck!" "Are you so excited?"

Cracker watched the anime and yelled.

That's right.

Probably can't believe it.

The cracker is one of the three stars of dessert.

Actually a dead house.

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