They need to see hope for the future.

Even? ? ? ? ...

They knew that the elder brother, including themselves, would not die.

But? …

The kind of hope that the younger generation can inherit is not just talking about it, but a real hope that such a child will appear.Rip!


The other side is already fighting.

Cracker and Mond were fighting like street punks.

Crazy beaters each other.

Cracker said unhappily: "Second Sister! Even if it's you, I can't forgive it. My favorite is my niece!" Mond also roared: "Who is afraid of whom? I just like my little nephew!" Clap!

talking and talking.

As a result, the two of them fought more happily.


The two separated with their noses and faces swollen.

After Ya Xiu and Effie were cured.

If it hadn't been stopped by someone.


The two can continue to fight.

"Hmph!" The two looked at each other, each of them very unhappy.


As Joey came, he chuckled and said, "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

"Brother!" Cracker and Mond watched as Big Brother ran over.

Immediately, he began to yell and chirp.

Everyone is complaining.


He chuckled and shook his head and said, "You two! Why are you like children? Does it matter if you are a man or a woman? The second child hasn't said anything yet?"


Perospero sent the cloud boat away.

Helplessly sighed: "Brother! Can you not call me the second child, I always feel that this name is weird!" Dafu followed behind and complained: "Second brother! You are purely thinking too much of yourself, so Speak! People think too much, and their thoughts are different from normal people. To "

Perospero felt his face turn green.To be complained about?


Perospero is also a very headache.


Consider the situation a little bit.

Perospero also said seriously: "Brother! The younger brothers and younger sisters of the family are all back, this is not too bad..."

Joey said gently: "Don't worry! I've already made arrangements for the Fishman Island, and there won't be any problems. For such a big event, no one can be absent. Moreover! The New Year is coming soon, Isn't that what it should be?"

"Okay!" Listening to the elder brother's words.

Perospero also nodded.

this matter.

Then stop talking nonsense.

Joey said gently: "Let's go and have a good rest. During this time, that girl Wu is about to die."


Everyone left one after another.

Get ready for a good rest.

at this time.

Katakuri walked to Joey's side and said seriously, "Brother!" Joey said gently, "Is there something wrong with the sea?"


Katakuri nodded and said: "Brother! The situation on the sea is very strange. All the major pirate groups seem to have lost their traces. Except for the Roger Pirates, everyone else seems to have disappeared. People find it very strange.”


Joey said gently: "It's okay, some people see through it, and they will naturally hide themselves and wait for a better opportunity!" Katakuri thought for a while.


Katakuri also understood.

Immediately nodded seriously.

That's it!

this moment.

Katakuri thought: "Brother! If this is really the case, our plan can be advanced! He even said "Hmm! "

Joey gently deeps a finger.

Guang J Guang 0 smiled and said: "Don't rush! Don't rush! There is no need to be urgent about anything, can it be said? On this sea, is it so urgent?" Katakuri nodded and said: "Brother! I Got it!" He explained to himself: "Third brother, you grew up too fast, which caused problems in your heart. You need to stabilize your heart and calm your foundation. Do you understand?"


Katakuri nodded solemnly.



My own mentality is also becoming more and more anxious.

Joey continued: "So, some things don't need to be rushed, and they should be dealt with gradually, discussed step by step, and dealt with slowly. Isn't that enough?"


Nod seriously.

Katakuri looked very determined.

Indeed it is.


Never be able to succeed!

Joey nodded with a gentle smile.

Too eager.

On the contrary, it is not a good thing.


The precipitation of time is very important.


Joey said secretly: "The system has also been upgraded recently, what will be updated in this upgrade? But it really makes people look forward to it more and more.

Family system!

Instead, it's like a game.

And waiting for others is like a player.

After the strength of oneself and others reached a certain level.

The system will be upgraded.

ten days ago!

In the family system!

The first strongman whose strength broke through to the gold level 1 appeared.

Of course!

This is not the original power of the world.

But after the succession of the patriarch.

Gradually start cultivating.

The first gold level 1 successfully cultivated.

It took about 21 years before and after.

This is the first gold [level powerhouse who has been cultivated.

Of course!

With the birth of the first gold level 1.


There will be a batch of extremely fast upgrades.


Joey was in no rush.

This is impossible.

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