
A higher level exists!

In other words.

In the eyes of God at this level.


It's just a joke.

Can be created at any time, can be subverted at any time.

Such is the horror called God.

The demon shrugged his shoulders and said, "Then there is no way! Other than that, everything else is not a problem."

Look at the information in front of you.

Joey said gently: "Demons! I'm curious about one thing. Although the power of the 72 pillars of demon gods is the power of demons, Gaetia formed by their gathering! It should be a beast with the principle of mercy, belonging to the Beast. One is right?"

at this point.

That's what I'm most curious about.


Represents the seven evils of mankind.

It's not the power of demons at all, is it?


The devil shook his head, and said with emotion: "Master! This point is that you are too small-minded. In fact, evil represents all evil! Not only the evil of humans, but also the evil of demons, or the evil of God."

"So that's it!" Joey said clearly: "If I say that, I already understand, it's not so much evil! It's just darkness, is this the essence of demons?"

The devil said coquettishly: "That's right~~~Master, the essence of a devil is darkness. If I can transform into darkness one day, then I will be a god at that time???" The color of pursuit appeared in his eyes.




This is what everyone is after.

From demon to darkness.

Isn't the devil at that time the level of God?

This should be beyond doubt.


Joey said gently: "Don't think about so many things, let's discuss it a little bit, the follow-up path is more appropriate! According to your power, you can fuse 72 pillars of demon gods, and you can get the power of the beast with the principle of 'mercy' !" It's time to get down to business.

The demon also said seriously: "Master! What I have now is the power of the 72 pillars of the demon god, and! Even if I have all the power of the 72 pillars of the demon god, it is so easy for me to master the principle of 'compassion'." Things!" Shaking his head.

The devil also said helplessly: "Master! The essence of beast power is love for human beings! When this love reaches the extreme, it will want to destroy human beings. In other words! If human beings have never been destroyed, No matter at any time, I will never be able to truly grasp the power of that beast."

"And!" thought.

The demon thought: "Compared to the power of beasts, it would be more appropriate to change to some worlds, if you can get the power of the seven great demon kings." "Hehehe-"

Joey joked: "Don't think too much about it, the power of the Seven Great Demon Kings is so easy to obtain!" "No!" Joey, the demon owner, said charmingly, "Master, you forgot Is it? There is a world! It is the easiest to obtain the power of the Seven Great Demon Kings."


Joey has figured it out.

What the hell is the devil saying.

Clearly nodded.


Joey thought about it: "Demon! I will make a deal with this matter later, but! Do you think the power of the demon king and the power of the beast! Is there any possibility of fusion?"

The devil said gently: "Master! This is of course beyond doubt. The essence of the devil king is the seven deadly sins, and the essence of the power of the beast is the seven evils. It is even said! Even if it is the seven virtues held by angels, I can Integrate it into the body perfectly."

Listen to the demon's confidence.

Joey was stunned.



Joey hadn't thought of it.

The devil actually has such confidence!but? …

Think about it carefully and think that there is nothing wrong.

Seven deadly sins!

The Seven Deadly Evils!

Seven Virtues!



They are all special sins, virtues, and malice separated from human beings!

Master these.


In essence, these forces are all one, as long as the perfect fusion is enough.

but? …

One more question that Joey needs to consider is.

Looking deeply at the demon.

Watching the demon.

I said slowly: "When you transform again, what will you represent?"


The devil smiled coquettishly and said: "Master! No matter what the concubine is, it is a part of you! Isn't this the inevitable result? You! You are the master of the concubine, no matter what time it is!" Loyalty !

This will never change.

PS: The fifth update! 4000 word chapter!Begging to subscribe!Begging for customization!Begging for collection!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! !

Reward & I forced to share I report

Chapter 241: Hard-working Mom!Steadfast little princess!

The demon is gone.


Joey felt it instantly.

Clearly nodded.

Crash--spread with one hand.

The chains have emerged

"Roar!" Indistinctly.

It was the roar of a demon.

this moment.

Joey understood it completely, and said clearly: "Tarot sword! In other words, it is a manifestation of my spiritual will, and they have turned into entities! This is also the essence of a substitute. In such a situation Next, when they return to my body, I can also use all their power."


Tilting his head, he also murmured in a very strange way: "Why is the substitute a woman? Could it be that! Is it true that I was born to be an LSP?"

Consider this situation.

Joey also felt quite a headache.

It's really strange.

What is this all about?


this matter.

Think about it for yourself a little bit.

Forget it.

Still don't think about it.

ready to rest.

The night is already deep.

According to my own work and rest rules, I have already started to rest now, and it turned out.

It is for this reason.

He actually broke his routine.


He stood up and returned to his palace.

Bring Doras, who is attending bed today.

Just like that, he returned to the room.

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