Chapter 242: Tarot Great Sword: Power!Tarot Great Sword: The Sun!

Armand looked at Joey to say.

It would be better if someone else said this.


If my elder brother said this.

"Hehehe—" After a brief silence, Joey couldn't help but complain, "Little girl, what do you mean by hehehe?"

Armand said very calmly: "Brother! Literally, others are qualified to say this, are you qualified to say this? Isn't your strength just something you get for nothing? Moreover! The Tarot Sword can be practiced by yourself, there is no need to ask You practice."


Armand, a mature and elegant royal sister outside, even showed a look that made me want to throw up.


Amaterasu, Gion, Garona, Doras.

The four girls couldn't help chuckling.

Of course.

Joey didn't change his face either.

even say.

With a gentle smile on his face, he said softly: "Girl! Brother recently felt that he has too much work and is too tired. This is good. After a while, the position of Queen of Totland will be give it to you."

After a short silence, Armand begged for mercy without hesitation: "Brother! I was wrong, I'm sorry! It's all my fault! I'm really sorry! At this moment.

Armand silently bowed his head to the boss.

Stop it.

Totland is a frightening mess right now.

Of course.

It's not that there has been a fight internally.


Of course Totland is not fighting now.


It was a terrible mess.

between races.

This is all the case.

This is the pressure of my elder brother.


This is no problem.

If it is replaced by yourself.

Although it is no problem.


How tired are you?


Joey patted Armand on the shoulder gently, and said with a smile: "Girl, so, remember to think about what you say in the future, after all, not everyone is as easy to talk as big brother!" After finishing speaking.

Joey got up and left the room.

Armand is shivering and cold!When will the younger brothers and sisters, myself and others be able to stand up?This moment!

"Alas!" Finally.

Thousands of words converged into helpless sighs.

Armand didn't know where to start when he wanted to complain.

Shake his head.

Armand looked aside.

From start to finish!

Bloyer was just watching the fun, but he didn't say a word.


She dared not take part in it.

Stop it!

The corners of Armand's mouth curled up, and he smiled and said, "Blowyer, have you been free recently, girl?"


Brohuayer tilted his head, and said cutely: "Third sister, what are you talking about? You don't know, the conflict between the little people and the undead is almost giving me a headache to die, alas! I also hurried Going back to deal with it, it’s really too busy.”


Broyer turned around and ran away without hesitation.


What are you doing here?

Looking for death?

My sister will definitely find a way to clean up herself.


Looking at Browaier who ran away in a hurry.

Armand also shook his head silently.


If you want to solve the problem, you still can't find these little girls.

Shaking his head with emotion, he turned around and left.

From start to finish.

can only say.

The Charlotte family is very introverted now!

The big ones bully the little ones.

Small ones bullying even smaller ones.


The smallest little princess still has the biggest love.


Be loved by all.

Anyone who dared to attack the youngest princess would be acting as if he was committing suicide.

In general.

Charlotte family.

It is in such a peaceful but not peaceful day.

―Development step by step.

Transformation step by step.

Three days!

But it is fleeting.

"Order!!!" The video call was connected.

Joey said gently: "Laughing Bat, it seems that I have already got what I want!" The Laughing Bat raised a card and said with a smile: "Of course I have already got it, do you need it?" What about the inspection?" Joey said with a smile: "Laughing Bat, it seems that you still don't know very well, the system's detection is very scary, if it is a confirmed transaction, if one party loses money, then I will not only deal with everything Belongs to my goods, and! What kind of punishment you will get, you definitely don't want to know."

How many patriarchs (adeb) are selected by the family system?


That's right!

It has reached an unparalleled and terrifying amount.


In such a terrifying amount.

This majestic to the extreme amount.

There are always people who want to take a risk and try it.

At last!

What will be the result?

Hehehe——As long as you are not an idiot, you are very clear about how those patriarchs who suddenly disappeared every year disappeared?

In fact, it goes without saying.

after all.

No one wants to try.

"Hee hee hee__"

The Laughing Bat smiled and said: "Then! There is really no need to hesitate!" He said.

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