
The video call hangs up.

Joey knew it.

According to Stark's unyielding character.

Even if!

Knowing that this is a conspiracy.


He still wouldn't just compromise and accept it.

This is simply the greatest insult to him.

"Huh-" Waited for half a month.

Joey looked at the three cards in front of him but exhaled slightly.Snapped!

Accompanied by a snap of fingers.

~ ~ ~ A terrifying force burst out immediately.but.

Perfectly blocked.

The system is naturally responsible for blocking.


Energy is released.

It directly smashed the holders.

That's the strangest thing.

Trading looked at the purple power gem in front of him.

But he said with emotion: "I really have to be moved! The power of the Infinity Gem is terrifying. Just this purple Power Gem can give people the power to smash a planet!" "But!" Tarot Great Sword: The figure of the devil emerged, and said solemnly: "If you want to unleash the power of the power gem, just like me, it takes time to gradually control it."

Joey said undeniably: "Your strength can reach diamond level 6, and this power gem can also reach diamond level 6."

Follow Joey's spirit across.

77 silver great swords emerged.

One of the big swords stepped out!hum! ! !

She grabbed the power gem in front of her with one hand.In an instant.

The power of terror has covered her.


Not the purple light of the power gem.

But red light.

The color of power was originally pure red!The demon crossed his arms and looked at the changes in front of him with interest.


The devil raised his mouth and asked, "Master! Don't you plan to create another sister?"

Divide according to the sequence of Tarot.

The demon's sequence is 1 5. Now the created power is 8. So!

The power of the sun is what 19To said.

The demon's sister is power, but the younger sister is the sun.

Not bad!

The new two Tarot swords that Joey wants to create.

They are Tarot Great Sword: Strength and Tarot Great Sword: Sun.

Right now!

Accompanied by the absorption of endless power.

The figure of strength has emerged.

But Joey said helplessly in his heart: "It's really troublesome! Because my strength is only at silver level 9, so! The created Tarot Great Sword only has the strength of silver level 9, and the rest are You need to practice by yourself."


A little helpless sigh.

PS: The first - more! 4000 word chapter!Begging to subscribe!Begging for customization!Begging for collection!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! !

Reward & I forced to share I report

Chapter 243: The first gold-level powerhouse!

How to describe it!

It is undeniable!

The power possessed by the Tarot Great Sword is very terrifying.

What the power holds is the diamond-level infinite gems. If you use them all, you can definitely have the power of a diamond level 6.What the devil holds is the overall diamond-level 72-pillar demon god, which can be perfectly integrated and played, and can reach the power of diamond-level 6.But!

Joey only has the strength of Silver Level 9.

This also caused.

No matter how powerful the power they hold ~.

At most, they can display the power of silver level 9.

Follow up.

It is that they need to gradually master the power.

Of course.

They mastered it and gave it back to Joey.

This can be regarded as a path of feedback between the two.

The power of the family increases.

It works on Joey.

As Joey's strength improves, the Tarot Great Sword will improve all followers.

The promotion of the Tarot Great Sword will also directly improve Joey's strength.in other words!

Joey is promoted to gold level 1, and all Tarot swords will be promoted to gold [level.And one of the Tarot Great Swords was upgraded to Gold Level 1.

So? …

Will be the first to drive Joey to Gold Level 1.


All Tarot Great Swords have been upgraded to Gold [level.

That's pretty much the concept.

only? …

Joey doesn't need to practice.

after all.

My family's Tarot Great Sword has wisdom and can practice on its own.

Of course.

The most important point is that Joey is really talentless.

at the same time!

If there is one.

Joey ascends to Crystal level.


Tarot Great Sword is still diamond level 6.

the reason is simple.

The upper limit of this power is diamond level 6.

unless said.

Break your own ceiling.

Only in this way can we become stronger.


Joey has truly mastered the power of omniscience.

There is no need to break the upper limit, but you can directly raise the upper limit with the Tarot Great Sword!

Accompanied by soft footsteps.

A figure is stepping out.

Slowly walk out from the red.



Exudes a breath of strength.

A feeling of power radiates.

o that moment!

She is obviously a charming and beautiful woman.

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