Cavalette's body changes rapidly.

for a short time.

It has completely changed into a beast with the body of a lion.

There was a terrifying light in his eyes.

Cavalette, however, gradually suppressed the terrifying aura, slowly regained his composure, and said ferociously, "Brother!"

Joey nodded and said, "Cavalette, don't scare the manager."

Cavalette returned to human form and said, "Okay, big brother!"

Immediately, he returned to his human form, while Cavalette moved his muscles a little.

Let's not talk about the abilities brought by the phantom beast species.

Simply from the aspect of physical fitness.

Cavalette has been improved in all aspects.

From Bronze Level 3 Direct Explosion is generally upgraded to Bronze Level 6.

Opera, Conte, Cavallet, Gallas.

The four brothers are all at the same level of strength.

Only Kadanz has no devil fruit yet.


The devil fruit suitable for Kadanz, Joey is also ready, the news has been confirmed, and it is now in the North Sea.

It just so happens that Beihai is also my next destination.

After confirming the authenticity of the Devil Fruit, Joey said, "Then, it's time for us to leave."

The manager said respectfully: "Patriarch Joey, go slowly!"

It only takes half an hour to come to the auction.

Joey had already left with something he was satisfied with.

That's what rights are for.

Take everything and leave.

Day two!

As the ship sailed slowly, the group had already left the Chambord Islands.

Joey warned Cavalette: "Stinky boy! Familiarize yourself with your devil fruit ability, don't be in a battle, and you can't even display [-]% of your strength."


Scratching his head in embarrassment, Cavalette also knew that he had a violent temper, but he couldn't change it.

Hearing the elder brother's warning, he nodded hurriedly and said, "Elder brother! Eldest brother! Don't worry, I understand."

Joey turned his head to Kadanz and said, "Kadanz, you watch this brat for me."

Kadanz said seriously: "Brother! Don't worry."


Joey nodded in satisfaction.

Everyone else is easy to say.

Whether it is Opera, Conte, or Gala, they don't care. As for Kadanz?That's not to mention!

Only Cavalette, a brat, has a bad temper and likes to steal and play tricks. If he doesn't reprimand him well, he might go to heaven.

Arrange for five brothers.

Joey calculated: "The only thing left is Kadanz's devil fruit. According to the original information, it should be located in the North Sea, but! The specific information is not the case, and it needs to be considered for the time being."

Devil Fruit for Kadanz.

Joey only knew the information.

After all, he is his younger brother.

First of all.

Definitely a Phantom Beast.

But the problem is...

Where are the phantom beasts so easy to collect?

Green Dragon Fruit, Yamata no Orochi Fruit, Phoenix Fruit.

This is what I already knew.


If you want to find it, you have a fixed range, and this is what you can get.

As for the sphinx fruit?

This can only be said to be pure luck.

The devil fruit that is suitable for Kadanz, in the past ten years, this is barely suitable.

Broyer came over and asked, "Brother! What's the matter?"

Joey shook his head and said, "It's nothing serious, I'm just thinking about Kadanz's devil fruit."


Broyer chuckled and said, "Brother, Brother Kadanz is not in a hurry at all."

Joey said: "Of course I know, but as a brother, I need to consider everything for them. There is already news about the devil fruit suitable for Kadanz. After the situation in the Alabasta Kingdom is dealt with, we can prepare to go to be killed."

Blowyers pondered: "Kingdom of Alabasta! Brother, are you really sure that the world government will not stop it secretly?"

Joey shook his head and said: "Little girl! You still don't understand that in some countries, he has already threatened the status of the world government. If he has an accident, the world government is very willing to see it."

Kingdom of Alabasta!

This well-known superpower, super rich country.

Joey wants to cooperate with others?

Coupled with the special status of others, it is not enough to simply threaten.

There are many bends in the middle.

and so.

Joey finally chose a special means.

ps: The new book sets sail!Kneel for a wave of support!Begging for a wave of favorites!Beg for a wave of flowers!Beg for a wave of monthly tickets!Begging for a wave of rewards!Begging for a wave of evaluation!

ps: 100 floors will be updated!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a monthly pass!

Chapter 47: The Kingdom of Alabasta Besieged by Ten Nations

St.Tin Island.

Kingdom of Alabasta.

this country.

It is too special.


Twenty nations united to create a world government.

And the royal families of these two countries became Tianlong people.


Only the royal families of 19 countries became Celestial Dragons.

The royal family of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

The Naferutali Clan!

They did not choose to go to the red earth continent, but stayed in this country.

It is for this reason.

The care taken by the World Government for the Kingdom of Alabasta has always been enormous.

Let the wealth of the entire Alabasta kingdom grow in a terrifying way.

Today it is today.

There are 15 decision-making states surrounding the kingdom of Alabasta.

This is simply a terrifying amount.

This also threatens the status of the world government.


Crocodile, as the king's Shichibukai, secretly ruled the Alabasta Kingdom, Wu Laoxing really didn't know?

Stop it.

This is absolutely impossible.


It is absolutely impossible for Joey to make a deal with the Kingdom of Alabasta.

There is no shortage of money or people.

Most importantly.

On the face of it, Joey couldn't make a move against the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Let mom do it, and the navy will be there.

It can be said.

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