But there is no intention of showing mercy or anything else.

Katakuri said calmly: "The problem is not big, everything has been dealt with almost."

Gormash smiled and said: "These guys! They still made a smart choice, which is not bad!" He curled his lips in disdain.

Now that the other party has surrendered.

Of course, I can't take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

That is too weird!

Golmash just doesn't care.

It's not a big deal anyway.


A large number of people began to act.

The fast mover carried a large amount of supplies and took away all the giants.

It can be said.

All this is already familiar.

after all.

The various races of the giant race have always been taken away so easily.It's not a big deal.


It is the mighty return voyage.

Of course.

The whole world is very clear about the actions and situation of the Charlotte family.

But the problem is!

Again, just because you know it doesn't mean you can stop it.

The strength of the Charlotte family is simply too strong.


The chances of you preventing success are almost slim!


Cracker, Compote, Perospero.

These lunatics are making an uproar above the sea now!

If anyone dares to cause trouble, these crazy people.

I'll be at your door right away.


Think about it for a while, forget it, it is really impossible to provoke this group of lunatics.

It's simply not appropriate, it really doesn't make sense.

that's it.

The giants swaggered back to Totland.


Joey chuckled and said, "In this way, the giants are also included in Totland's range, next! Everything is already under control, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The Inhumans are completely under control.

Inhuman Utopia!

It has been achieved!

No matter in what way.


The real thing has come true.


In the eyes of many people, everything that used to be has long since deteriorated.

But for Joey, his mother's dream has come true.

"Hoo-" He let out a breath of foul air.

Rubbed his eyebrows.

Joey still felt a slight headache.

after all!

His injury has not fully recovered, and the current situation is not surprising.

With an incomplete recovery of mental strength, his state is basically unqualified.Shaking his head slowly.

Joey let his state gradually recover.

no way!

My current state is really too bad.

want to reply.

Or continue to break through.

Either exhale again, and Joey said gently: "Magician, how is your magic research going?

~ ~ ~ One emerges!

It is the phantom of the magician.


She slowly opened the mouth and said: "Master! About [-]% of the research has been completed, and the rest will take at least one or two years, and! The most important thing is to step into the gold, otherwise! Even if the research is successful , is also an almost meaningless thing."

Joey rubbed his eyebrows and said: "It's okay! It's not a big problem, just deal with it slowly in the future."

after all.

With the blessing of the sun, his strength is improving rapidly, which is not a big problem.


Joey also buys from many people.

Now that there is already a research method for the next road, of course it is necessary to start to grow more seriously.

Many things are gradually being studied, and many things are gradually growing!

It takes time to come and go.


It doesn't matter anymore.

Joey is already ready.

As everything is handled in sevens and eights.

At that time!

Joey's strength will be greatly improved.

Perhaps very strange.

after all.

Joey is not good at improving his own strength.

But? …

This man can do it.


This is fate!

A person who is the least good at fighting, or even doesn't care about cultivation at all, has improved his strength so quickly.

It's really weird.


Thinking about it a little bit, it seems that these are also very normal things.

after all!


The name already represents everything.

Just like Joey said all along.

own name!

It is enough to represent everything.


oAt this moment.

With the sound of footsteps, Armand stepped into the room and said, "Brother! The giant clan has already made arrangements! However, the clan, Beamon, Angel and Beast clan rule, so they plan to resist. "

Hmm - it's worth mentioning!

(adeb) Totland now.

Roughly speaking, the four major races integrate all races except elves, undead, goblins, and orcs.

Formed a tribal empire!

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