Her sanity is essentially a part of Joy.

just now!

After stripping her from Joey's body, the natural mind just disappeared.

Of course.

The essential power has not dissipated.

Hmm - now to put it another way.

Power is the puppet created by Joey, who possesses his own power, but does not have his own mind.

And what is the next path to take?

Very simple!

Transform the puppet into a complete magic weapon.

Probably it is the concept of natal magic weapon!

Hmm - almost!

Basically, this is the concept that the power of the magic weapon can be used by itself, and the magic weapon can also exert its full power.at the same time!

The magic weapon can form a new life form.

That's probably what changed.

"Condensation!" Crash-bright light emerged, and the magician condensed countless precious materials.

And these countless precious materials are gathered into a card-like form.

Gradually, strength was incorporated into it. ? ? ?

The card instantly expanded countless times!

Hold up the strength.

Tick ​​tock!

The power gradually turned into drops of liquid, dripping into the card.

Followed by.

The magician said solemnly: "Master! It's your turn!" "Yes!"

With a smile on his face, Joey opened one hand, cards emerged one after another, and a large number of power gems were released, of course!These are all gold-level infinite gems, which are directly integrated into the cards.

Tick ​​tock!

Like power, it turned into drops of liquid and merged into the card.


Joey threw out a card, and in this card, a figure with golden hair emerged. 463 She just blended into the card.

~ ~ ~ With everything integrated into it, the magician's magic circle became more brilliant, and gradually everything was perfectly integrated into it.Gradually devour everything, and finally completely condense into a substantially the same force.

boom! ! !

In an instant.

Terrifying power spread to the surroundings, and what burst out was an extremely beautiful card.

And when the cards were dispersed, another figure emerged.


Accompanied by the whispering sound, the figure woke up.

Tall, especially the huge one.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a buffalo!

The clothes are not the same as before.

He has long golden hair and a red diamond-shaped logo between his brows.

Wearing a green gown.

The inner lining is a layer of crimson armor.

Although it is still medieval knight armor, it looks slightly different and more luxurious.

There are countless magic formations and special formations set off on it! "Um--"

He squinted his eyes comfortably, as if he was very dissatisfied with the sunlight.

"Ah!" Shaking her head helplessly, the woman said with emotion: "Really! Has my old lady been refined into a treasure? Well! Is this a weapon? It really makes people feel Helpless!" Crack!

He clenched his fist a little, and said unhappily: "That bastard Uchiha Madara! He even sold my old lady. If there is a chance, let that guy know how powerful my old lady is now."

All Tarot swords are silent.

And Joey smiled and looked at the woman in front of him.


Very mild.


The woman stepped up to Joey, looked at Joey, raised the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile: "Then! Master, do you want me to sleep with you?" Joey smiled and said: "It seems that I don't need it. After all, I really don't lack for women, although your appearance is beautiful, but that's all there is to it, right? The woman said angrily: "Master!Calling a woman's appearance is the same thing, but it's really rude! "Then.

The woman knelt on one knee and respectfully said: "Tarot Card: Sequence 8, Power: Senju Tsunade! See Master!" She bowed her head respectfully.

This carefree woman showed great loyalty and respect.

PS: 4000 word chapter!Begging to subscribe!Begging for customization!Begging for collection!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! ! ! ?

Chapter 291: Natal Treasure: Tarot Cards!


Sequence number 8!


Thousand Hands Tsunade!

Makes a huge difference.

seem? ? ? ? ? ?

It doesn't make much difference.


This is a very different matter.

It is undeniable.

Clow created the Clow Card.


Can he still use the magic of the Clow card?

Can it be used even if it does not use the Clow card itself?

It turns out it is!

you can!

Kuro can still use such magic.

but? ? ? ? ...

Joey couldn't do it. When the Tarot sword was released, he couldn't use the power of the Tarot sword.This is what creates a problem.

Although his own Tarot sword is powerful, his own strength is very weak.

and so.

After the Sakura card was obtained by him, he also had this idea.

Through the magician's research and understanding of Clow cards.

Gradually understand how to deal with it.

and so!

Created a unique Tarot card.

Combine power with Tsunade.

Of course.

In fact, anyone can join.

As long as it's an individual it's fine.

Became a tarot card!

They are the tool spirits of the Tarot cards, and they can't resist Joey at all, they are just a part of Joey.


Tarot cards are still a part of Joy.

It's just that it has been separated from its own power and has become a natal magic weapon.


Actually the difference is not that big.

Whether it is the talisman or the substitute, the path of both belongs to Joey.


The former can use both powers at the same time.

The latter can only use power on one side.

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