By that time.

Getting out of the body is a very good thing.

maximum possibility.

The Charlotte family was completely destroyed.

There is no doubt about that.

Every man is innocent of his guilt.

This is the most terrifying thing.


External factors are now pushing the Charlotte family, you have no way to stop, you can only go on step by step, all the way to a farther road.This is the most important and most important thing to do.


When you want to stop, you will face the most terrible thing.


In the face of strength, death is really not the most terrifying thing.

Even say!

Death is something that makes you feel very simple.

And the most terrible things are those that will be unparalleled, and death is always only the beginning.

Life is better than death!

Or even say? ? …

To suffer forever and ever!


all of these!

They all exist, and they are also the most terrifying. "Um--"

Joey thought for a while and said: "Cracker, you tell Armand, if Roger finds us here by looking for the historical text of the road sign, then leave it to him, it's not important anyway! And! I But let's see what changes will be brought to the world if Roger goes a step further."

The smile on the corner of his mouth was unusually strong, which Joey found very interesting.


What will it be like?

Hehehe -- this is a very interesting thing.

Cracker was taken aback, then nodded and said, "Brother! I understand, then I'll go to rest first! It's really very tiring to train in the training space!" Joey shook his head and said: "Look at Katakuri."

"Don't!" Cracker said without hesitation: "I can't compare with the third brother. The perseverance of the third brother is too firm and too terrifying. The third brother really doesn't have any fatigue." ! Every day is crazy hard training."

Shaking his head hastily, Cracker also left.

Joey smiled without saying a word.

but? …

~ ~ ~ A ray of light flashed by.

A ray of light emerged from Joey's body, accompanied by this bright and holy light.

Index emerged.

She lay directly on Joey's body, and said unhappily: "Joy! Joey! Index is hungry, hungry! Hungry!" Joey said gently: "If you are hungry, go find something." Just go and let them prepare it for you if you like to eat."

Index smiled happily and said, "That's right! That's right! Sakura-chan has something to ask for you!" Finished speaking.

Index bounced and ran away.

~ ~ ~ With the departure of Index, a ray of light emerged.This ray of bright light turned into a beautiful breath.

What emerged was a figure.


At the same time, Sakura emerged holding a tarot card.

Sakura said softly: "Master, the time is almost up, next! It's time to start."

Joey nodded and said: "Yes! It is indeed time to start. The casting of the Kingdom of God needs to start. After the Kingdom of God is built, everything that follows can begin. The next stage of the Charlotte family is time. It's time to start."

Kingdom of God!

It is the next stage of the Charlotte family, and it is also the most important stage.

Over time.

The Charlotte family has been promoted rapidly.


It has always been found that the improvement of the Charlotte family is still within a limited range, and if you want to go beyond this range, you need to break this limit and go a step further.

And the best way is to establish the Kingdom of God.

"Let's get started!" "Yeah!" Looking at the master, Sakura also nodded seriously.


about to start.

The building of the Kingdom of God!

~ ~ ~ Bright divine power emerges, in a moment (adeb).

Turned into endless light.

what is that?

The dazzling light shines, and the Tarot cards in his hand have begun to shine brightly.

Sequence 21?world!

This is the only special Tarot card among the Tarot cards.


All tarot cards represent words of various powers.

So? ? ? ? ? ?


It represents the power to embrace everything.



The two are the most special.

The Fool represents omniscience and omnipotence, that is, the cycle of everything.

Like a rattlesnake.

Contain everything in the body, gather everything perfectly, and become a fool.

The world is different.

The world represents a perfect world in which everything is contained.

Turn the whole world into one.

Perfect control!

This is the world!

Fools and the world!

The most special of all tarot cards.

just now!

What Joey and Sakura want to create is the world.

This is one of the most special tarot cards.

It can be said.

The particularity of this tarot card is self-evident, and it is also the most important and special tarot card.

~ ~ ~ Wisps of light shine.

With this ray of light.

Joey put many treasures into it.

Ego Gem, Power Gem, Time Gem, Space Gem, Mind Gem and more!

All the perfect seven Infinity Stones were thrown into it.


It's not over yet.

Not only these seven infinite gems, but also more infinite gems were put into it.


Joey spent a lot of money to buy a large number of infinite gems from Stark.

These Infinity Stones have Diamond tiers, Pincer Gold tiers, and even the weaker Gold tier Infinity Stones.but? …

No matter what it is, when the number reaches an extreme, that huge number has gathered into an endless light.

~ ~ ~ Wisps of light bloomed, and with the blooming figure, a wisp of breath suddenly emerged from Joey's body.It is directly integrated into the Tarot cards that are being born.

"what is this?"

"what happened?"

Both Joey and Sakura were stunned.

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