As for today's Holy Land Mary Joya, the hall where the Five Old Stars are located.

As the intelligence department collected the information, there was also a report from the admiral of the navy: "Everything is like this, Roger has become One Piece I"

Hearing this, Wu Laoxing's expression can be described as extremely angry: "Send the order, keep an eye on the trail of the Roger Pirates, you must not let them go, now is the time to wipe out these rampant pirates, and order all the forces of the Navy to mobilize, Obey the order and prepare to encircle Roger Pirates!" Following the announcement, Steel Bone Kong quickly turned and left after receiving the military order.

Steel Gu Kong looked extremely melancholy, he knew that the war was about to start, and he didn't know how many soldiers' lives would be sacrificed this time.

But under the order of the world government, they have nothing to do.

After all, Roger became the One Piece, and the threat was too great.

If he relied on the call of the One Piece King's prestige to let many pirates join him, he still doesn't know how far his power will expand.

However, the Five Elders are still discussing in the Holy Land of Mariejoa.

"Roger went to Lavrude, and he must have known our secret. He will never be able to live!" Good fruit to eat!" "Now we can only settle this matter from beginning to end before Master Im wakes up, otherwise, you can imagine the consequences!" Everyone fell into silence at this time, after all For Im they are terrified by heart.

After the behemoth of the World Government took action, a month passed, and still no trace of Roger was found.

Regarding this situation, Wulaoxing fell into a very angry situation: "You bastards, every year the world government gives you funds, this is how you replied to me, I will give you another seven days, and if you can't find it anymore, I will mention it to you." See you!" With Wulaoxing's furious voice, the head of the CP organization quickly left sweating profusely.

Roger, who is now on an island in the West Sea, has made up his mind to open the door and stride away.

Inside the castle, the woman with pock marks on her face looked at Roger's leaving back with a look of reluctance.

But she didn't say anything, but there was a lonely color in her eyes.

After several days and nights of sailing, Roger quietly came to the bottom of the holy land of Mariejoa by himself, looking at the majestic red land in front of him, Roger took the weapon and held the twilight seal.

The one inside is the Violent Blood Pill produced by the Charlotte family and distributed to the Dark Chamber of Commerce to auction off wealth.

This is an item given to him by the Whitebeard Pirates, and the Explosive Blood Pill has only one function.

That is, eating it can restore one's strength to its peak, or even become stronger, but at the cost of consuming one's own vitality and can only live for three days.

But for Roger, three days was enough.

Moreover, he recalled the darkness and shadows he had seen in Rafrude, and Roger swallowed the Violent Blood Pill with a look of resignation.

As his whole body became extremely red, his whole body appeared to be full of energy and blood, as if he had returned to his heyday and even became stronger.

"That's all I can do now!" "Whew!" As Roger stepped forward, his figure soared into the sky, and the ship under his feet was on the verge of breaking apart, and was directly buried in the bottom of the sea.

During his rapid flight, the sonic boom produced made the Holy Land Marie Gioia move quickly.

Roger looked at the holy city under the moonlight, it was so majestic, but there was unparalleled darkness and filth hidden underneath: "It's better for such a place to disappear!" Slashed by the western sword in Roger's hand, In an instant, an incomparable sword aura directly cut across hundreds of kilometers, as if it wanted to annihilate everything under this sword aura.

At this moment, Wu Laoxing, who was holding a sword in the hall, seemed to feel the sharpness of this sword intent.

"P kick!"

The first generation Onitsu in his hands was constantly shaking, as if longing for an evenly matched opponent.

"Interesting, we've been looking for you for a month, and now you've delivered it to your door!" The first generation of ghosts in the hands of the sword-wielding five old stars were completely unsheathed, and a cold killing intent enveloped the place.

It was like turning into a killing field, and the sword energy was full of unparalleled killing intent.

A bloody sword light instantly cut away, directly colliding with Roger's sword energy.

PS: Begging to subscribe!Begging for customization!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! ! ! ?

Chapter 5: Whitebeard Attacks the Navy Headquarters, Broadcast Globally

At the moment when the two sword qi that crossed the sky and the earth collided, a piercing roar resounded throughout the Holy Land of Mary Gioia.

"Qiang Qiang!" In an instant, the dark cloud-covered sky split into an endless abyss.

In this abyss, the bright moon is in the sky.

The numb slave living in the holy land of Mariejoya continued to lower his head in a daze when he saw the scene in front of him.

It seems that they didn't take this panic into their eyes at all. As slaves, they suffered setbacks day after day, and they had already lost hope of life.But there are still some slaves, their eyes are full of surprise, this situation is like someone attacking the holy land of Mariejoia.

"No matter who it is, as long as you can save us, we will serve you as master!" The prayers of countless slaves were cheering for this unknown attacker.

At the same time, in the entire holy land of Mariejoa, countless Tianlong people were coaxed by their guards?Enter the refuge area.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, and the other four five old stars looked very gloomy: "Is Roger alone? Inform the Navy and call him? Let's come to support!" Accompanied by the dialing of the phone bug, I saw today's Navy Headquarters, inside this majestic building.

The steel skeleton Kong in the Admiral's office was still processing documents overnight.

Today, he looked quite tired, touched the bridge of his nose, and his eyes were full of helplessness: "A month of searching has almost turned this sea upside down, but still there is no trace of Roger. , Where did this guy hide? For him, so many things have been delayed!" In response to Gang Gukong's complaints, He still held his coffee and looked indifferent: "When it's time to find it, I will find it eventually Yes!" Accompanied by the ringing of the phone bug, Steel Gu Kong answered the phone bug with a helpless expression, thinking it was a urging like before.

But what Steel Bone Kong didn't expect was that the thing spewed out from the phone bug was beyond his imagination: "Marshal Steel Bone Kong, Lord Wulaoxing ordered you to dispatch the navy to support the Holy Land Marie Gioia, Roger or Roger Pirates are attacking the Holy Land!" In an instant, Steel Gu Kong cheered up, and his expression changed wildly: "Yes, I understand!" At the same time, Crane who was standing beside him also knew the seriousness of the matter.

They didn't expect that Roger, who was hunted by them, would dare to attack on his own initiative, and directly attacked the holy land of Mariejoa.

"Call the generals, and everyone above the lieutenant general, to set off to support the Navy headquarters!" "Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by the rapid sound of the siren, the majestic Marineford, the headquarters of the navy, started to act quickly at this time.

Now, on the sea not far from the headquarters of the navy, there is a magnificent fleet.

The banner of the Whitebeard Pirates was displayed on it.

Now through the video phone bug carried by Roger, the Whitebeard Pirates also saw what happened in the holy land of Mary Joa.

"Roger has already started to act, and it's time for us to set off to block the navy, but we didn't expect the strength of the Five Old Stars to be so strong. It is worthy of being the world government that has dominated the world for 800 years, and its background is beyond our imagination!" John looked at and Roger said with a very emotional expression on the sword-wielding Wulaoxing who played evenly.

"But it's true, with the resources of the world government, even a pig can become a strong man if accumulated by these resources!" Wang Zhi said with a look of disdain at this moment.

As the fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates began to set off, it directly approached the Navy headquarters.

The patrol personnel who were originally looking at the sea suddenly opened their eyes at this moment, looking at the shadows appearing under the moonlight on the sea.

"Did I read it wrong? A pirate ship is approaching. It is the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates. Hurry up and sound the alarm. Someone is attacking the Navy headquarters!" "Boom, boom, boom!"

With the ringing of the alarm bell representing the enemy's attack, Steel Bones Kong, who was waiting for the arrival of everyone in the Navy headquarters, suddenly raised his head at this moment.At the same time, the correspondent has also brought a message: "Report to the Marshal, all members of the Whitebeard Pirates are attacking the Navy headquarters!" Hearing this, Steel Bone Kong's face is full of incredible colors: "Is that guy with Whitebeard crazy? How dare you provoke our navy? This is provoking the bottom line of the world government. Isn't he afraid of being liquidated by the world government?"

At this time, the chief of the general staff, He said in a deep voice: "It is estimated that Roger's attack on the Holy Land Mary Joa was also discussed with them!" He touched the table in front of him, and countless documents flew like this: "Damn it, Zefa went to sit in the new world, and that guy Karp also went to follow Roger's trail. Now only Sengoku sits in the navy headquarters, and the strength is far from enough. He, the chief of the navy's general staff, was calculating the strength of both sides, and his face became more and more gloomy: "Now it seems that there is only a last stand!" At the same time, the white beard standing on the bow suddenly waved his arms, accompanied by shock The power of the shaking fruit exploded.

"Sea shock!" The power enough to shake the atmosphere was transmitted instantly, and the entire sea suddenly set off a shocking wave.

The huge tsunami hundreds of meters in length and width rushed directly towards the headquarters of the Navy: "Steel Bone gives you a greeting gift!" "This is a dream, how is it possible? Is this something human can do?"

"Such a huge tsunami tilts down, we are doomed!" "Damn pirates, damn white beard!" Under this huge tsunami, in front of the natural disaster of death, countless naval soldiers are in this brightly lit naval headquarters.

They looked at the sky with powerless expressions, and what was in their hearts was powerlessness in the covering sea water!

Their eyes were filled with fear, and Vice Admiral Kuzan, who saw this scene, suddenly raised his head.

The power of the frozen fruit exploded unscrupulously: "Ice Age!" Even if he used all his strength, he could barely freeze the sea area around the navy headquarters for several kilometers.

But even so, today's sailors seem ecstatic.

"Long live, we don't have to die, Lieutenant General Kuzan saved us!" However, it didn't take long for many naval soldiers to be happy!

Whitebeard smiled immediately and said, "Frozen brat, your power is far from enough!" As his words fell, the power surged up again.

A huge tsunami was brought up again, and the sea surface that was not frozen solid was shattered once again.

The endless seawater, carrying huge ice cubes, poured back towards the headquarters of the navy again.

Now Aokiji fell to the ground panting, behind him Sakaski, Steel Gu Kong, Sengoku and others had all come forward.

Kuzan looked at the natural disaster-like tsunami in front of him, with a powerless and miserable smile on his lips.

He struggled to stand up again, but fell to the ground powerlessly: "Damn it, I'm still too weak!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhan Guo stood helplessly in front of Kuzan and comforted him: "This is not yours. Wrong, you have tried your best, leave it to us!" At the same time, in the huge Moby Dick, the pirates under the command of the Whitebeard Pirates controlled a huge video phone bug.

This huge video phone transmits the picture in front of it to the sea in all directions.

Although night has fallen, people are still wandering around with nothing to do. After all, nightlife has just begun.

As the huge screens standing on the islands of various countries light up, everyone looked at the scene in front of them curiously.They saw the picture of a huge tsunami submerging towards the headquarters of the navy.

At this time, everyone showed incredible expressions: "How is it possible? This is a joke!" "Navy Headquarters, is it about to be destroyed?"

At the same time, an incomparable golden light began to erupt from Warring States.

This is the power of the human fruit of the devil fruit phantom beast species, and his whole body is transformed into a golden Buddha.

The huge figure stood in front of the navy headquarters, and the golden light seemed to bring dawn to many navy soldiers, pulling them back from despair. "It's the General of the Warring States Period, we are saved!" Countless naval soldiers stared at the General of the Warring States Period with hope.

Now the arm of the Warring States that turned into a golden Buddha suddenly pushed out, and the shock wave brewing in his hand directly hit the sea water pouring in. "Boom!" Where the shock wave went, countless sea currents collapsed instantly.

But even so, Warring States alone can't take care of all aspects of this huge naval headquarters.

Now the admiral of the navy, Steel Gu Kong tore off his cloak, combining the domineering aura on his body with his physical skills: "Military fist!" In an instant, Steel Gu Kong was as if thousands of troops were attacking, and he followed suit. Wherever the fist wind went, countless sea currents collapsed in an instant.

0... Looking for flowers? ? …

"Boom!" Seeing the scene in front of them, the eyes of countless navy soldiers showed surprise: "It's the Marshal, we are saved!" Not only the two of them took action, but many other lieutenant generals also resorted to various methods. means to offset the ocean currents in front of us.

"Meteor Volcano!" In front of Sakaski, a huge fist made of magma was condensed. As the magma went, countless seawater was evaporated by the magma as high as [-] degrees Celsius.

"Eight-foot Qionggouyu!" A huge golden radiance bloomed from Polusalino's body, and countless laser beams rushed towards the ocean current in front of him. The temperature and speed were enough to penetrate everything.

The tsunami in front of him showed huge pits one by one: "To deal with this situation, it is convenient for Kuzan!" Not only the two of them, but the other lieutenant generals also used their whole body.

Some of them use swordsmanship, and a sword can cut out enough to cut through steel.

The gigantic slash that spanned thousands of meters directly cut the ocean current in half and divided it.

Some of them use the Sixth Form of the Navy to turn them into huge haze feet, which also cuts apart the ocean currents.

After the navy exhausted all means to completely intercept the tsunami, some parts of the current navy headquarters are still affected.

Then a loud laugh echoed in the air: "Hula la la la??...How do you feel about this meeting ceremony that Steel Gu Kong gave you?"

Looking at the white beard who was driving the Moby Dick, Steel Gu Kong didn't say a word, and immediately threw out a punch: "Army fist!" Shock, with unparalleled strength and deterrence. "You are still the same, empty shock!" In an instant, White Beard punched out bursts of fruit power, which exploded in an instant.

Immediately annihilating the aura of thousands of troops, the power of the vibration began to spread towards the steel skeleton.

Today's Gang Gukong's whole body is covered with armed domineering, even his own body has been completely covered.

After all, the power of the shaking fruit can directly attack the internal organs through the skin, so he couldn't help but be on guard.

But even so, Consolidation Control was still beaten back a few steps!

Afterwards, the domineering look on Whitebeard, John and others erupted unscrupulously.

Under the oppression of the overlapping domineering look, the bodies of countless naval soldiers suddenly seemed to become extremely heavy.

Almost everyone fell to the ground, and the one standing on the ground now is the strong man of the navy.

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