As time passed, with Joy at the center, the elemental riots in this world became more and more violent, and began to spread in all directions.

From spreading to hundreds of thousands of miles to millions of miles, even spreading out of this world, spreading towards other planes and worlds composed of this world group.The many outer planes and worlds that are attached to the main world form an extremely large world community.

Some of these planes and small worlds were developed by the strong, and some were dragged from other voids to be swallowed by the main world.

Following this elemental riot, it spread to the entire world community.

Countless taboo creatures, as well as gods began to cast their eyes on Joey.

At this time, everyone's eyes showed a look of shock and disbelief.

Because they could feel that the aura on Joey's body was as deep as an abyss, giving them a sense of supernatural power like a prison.

As for Charlotte by Joey's side?Katakuri and Charlotte?Perospero was simply ignored by them.

After all, they are just two ancient giants, and they will not be seen by these taboo existences and gods at all.

Numerous taboos and many gods were also involved in heated discussions at this time.

"Who is this powerful existence? Why is this aura so terrifying? It's just like seeing the main god before!" The moment the main god enters, he will be suppressed by the world!" "Or, the creatures in our world drift to other worlds and return after becoming the main god!"" This is the only explanation that is the most reasonable, if If this is the case, a new faction will emerge with the birth of a main god, and the interests of the world may be reshuffled!" Countless taboos exist, or the gods, or hate, or gloat, or want to Take refuge.Everyone is waiting for what choice Joey will make.

They can also see from this choice, what kind of path he is taking, and how many clues he has analyzed.At the same time, the will of the world seems to have detected the power of many laws contained in Joey.

The vast and stalwart will of the world began to condense into a priesthood exuding colorful brilliance, at the moment when this priesthood emerged.The gods and many taboo creatures suddenly exclaimed: "How is it possible!" "The seven powerful priesthoods of creation, magic, life, death, wizard, power, and the sun are actually gathered in one person!" How can such a priesthood be condensed.Could it be that he has already touched the original threshold, but how is it possible! "Damn it, you dare to touch so many roads!" Countless taboo creatures and gods were stunned. It was hard for them to imagine that the road Joey walked was so terrifying and involved so many roads.In addition to the super-standard priesthood of creation, magic, life, death, power, the sun, wizards, etc. are all extremely powerful priesthoods!Every priesthood can support the birth of a great god, or even the existence of the main god level.

What's more, these priesthoods are all gathered on one person, which is like declaring war on other gods who walk the road of life, magic, death, wizards, power, the sun, and so on.

Now hidden in the kingdom of God outside the main world, this kingdom of God is filled with the breath of life.

Countless lush vegetation grows, and countless fanatical believers are praying, the most of them are humans and elves.

The noble goddess sitting on the throne of intertwined branches of the tree of life is the goddess of life in this world.

In this world, above Haoyang, there are two paths of epic and god!

Epic is not to condense the priesthood, the godhead does not rely on the power of the world, they can leave the main world at will and wander in the void!As for the gods, use the power of the will of the world to condense the priesthood and godhead to open up the kingdom of God and collect beliefs, although the power will be greatly improved.

But they can't leave the main world, and there are other restrictions, such as not being able to descend in the main world!The path of the gods is divided into weak divine power, weak divine power, medium divine power, and great divine power. The above is the main god.

The Goddess of Life is the existence of great divine power. Even she, who has always been gentle, is extremely angry when she sees someone meddling in the realm of life!

At this moment, in her ears, a roar containing endless power of death echoed: "Even if it is a main god, he can't be so arrogant, what do you think, the goddess of life!" Hearing this, the eyes of the goddess of life It became incomparably deep, and the cold eyes revealed a cold killing intent: "Indeed, this new main god, he is too domineering!" Just after the goddess of life replied, a ray of will from the goddess of life directly Projected to, hidden in the small world deep in the endless space gap.

Here, there are several great wills lingering here, condensing six magnificent thrones.

Sitting on the throne, the goddess with countless bright stars engraved on her body, each star on her body is extremely terrifying magic.

In a trance, she could see the magic net covering the world from her body.

She is the goddess of magic who dominates the magic net, and she is also the existence of great divine power: "From the current situation, if he chooses the path of the gods, then he is our enemy. No one wants the glory to dissipate and fall to the position of gods." !" While the cold words of the Goddess of Magic echoed, the other five gods present were also the God of War representing victory and strength, the Goddess of Life, the God of Death, the Sun God, and the God of Wisdom in charge of the priesthood of wizards. None Comments 0…

In other words, they have reached an alliance now because Joey's appearance threatens their status.

If Joey is not prepared to take the path of the gods, this alliance will immediately fall apart.

At the same time, Joey in the continent of Erlas in the main world.Staring at the seven priesthoods in front of him, these priesthoods are condensed by the laws of heaven and earth.

There is extremely powerful power inside, and Joey stares deeply at these priesthoods, seeing the connection between the depths of the priesthood and the world.

"Is that so? Well, I choose to accept it!" Joey said lightly.

The moment his voice fell, the alliance formed by the six gods with great divine power was established instantly.

At the same time, the will of the world began to gather extremely powerful power, and the seven priesthoods were directly integrated into Joey's body.

The next moment, through the power of the priesthood, Joey's soul came to the depths of the world, which is the sea of ​​origin power in the world.

Here, there are countless laws and the power of rules flowing here. The gods absorb these primordial forces with the help of the power of the priesthood, and then transform them into divine power through the tempering of the godhead.

However, it is not so easy to absorb the energy here. These priesthoods are authorities, and the large and small priesthoods represent the authority of large and small, and also represent the status and absorption speed of the gods here.

The seven priesthoods that Joey is in charge of are obviously extremely powerful, and the priesthood of creation even occupies the highest position.

The vast vitality was unscrupulously swallowed by Joey, and at the same time he was condensing the godhead, using it as a transfer point for these priests to inhabit.

If it is an ordinary person, it is necessary to ignite the fire, but with Joey's current strength, skip this step directly.

Accompanied by that, irregular crystals with seven sides emerged, like indestructible gems, exuding supreme power from above.

The vast divine power began to flow in it, directly absorbing the entire main world, even countless planes and countless small worlds through the power of the priesthood.

Beliefs about creation, magic, the sun, life, death, wizards, power, etc., that have no owner, or beliefs that do not have a clearly specified goal.The vast power of faith is also accumulated in this godhead, and in less than a moment, the godhead is flowing with divine power Wang Yang.

After three hours of absorption, the entire sea of ​​origin power seemed to be peeled off.The will of the world directly beat Joey's will back.

Regarding this, Joey curled his lips in disdain and said, "It's really stingy!" Many other gods who are connected to the Sea of ​​Yuanli through priesthood and perceive the situation here suddenly looked at Joey speechlessly.

Almost absorbing the sea of ​​origin force and weakening it by one layer, one can imagine how much origin force he absorbed and how much divine power he transformed, which is not enough for 4.1.

In the depths away from the sea of ​​primordial power, there are several wills that are extremely terrifying, far surpassing the great divine powers such as the goddess of life, sleeping here.

Because of God Joyden, they woke up briefly.

"Another main god was born, but I don't know what path he chose? I don't know if he can be drawn to our side!

"You can imagine his ambition just by looking at the clergy he has condensed!" "An arrogant person who walks on a powerful path at the same time is simply reckless. Does he want to become the king of the gods?"

Joey didn't have time to pay attention to these figures hiding in the dark, or their plots and words.

His eyes looked down at this main world, which was extremely vast, even far exceeding the world he originally lived in.

However, this can only be a good thing for Joey. After all, the more resources they can plunder, the faster their growth can be accelerated.Now is also the time to open up the Kingdom of God.

Then the vast divine power emerged from Joey's body, and the priesthood of creation in the godhead exuded a vast atmosphere: "I said that there will be a world opened up here! At the moment when Joey's words fell, there was a vast world in front of him, Immediately, it was developed directly from scratch.

But such a price is also extremely high, and Joey can feel that the world he has opened up can already be regarded as a middle-level world.And the price is that the divine power that is as vast as Wang Yang in the godhead has almost disappeared by nearly 1/5. PS: Please subscribe!Begging for customization!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! ! ! ?

Chapter 12: Every step of the way, the land of chaos

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However, even with such a huge cost, Joey still has no intention of stopping.

After all, it is very important to walk the path of gods in this diverse world and open up the kingdom of gods.

On the road of gods, apart from the most crucial godhead and priesthood, the kingdom of God is the embodiment of its own power.

The fighting power of a god with the blessing of the kingdom of God cannot be compared with that of a god without the kingdom of God.

After the world opened up, looking at the emptiness in front of him, Joey frowned slightly: "The world should have sun and moon, and the changes of yin and yang will be determined!" In an instant, a big sun and a bright moon hung high above the sky. , the power flow of the law of yin and yang determines the day and night of the world.

"I said that there should be oceans in the world. Continents should emerge on top of the oceans, and there should be islands dotted over Wang Yang. On the continents, there should be mountains, rivers, lakes, and vegetation overgrown..."

As Joey's words fell, the power of the world's rules continued to circulate in it.

The ocean covers this world, and the continents stand above the ocean.

However, countless islands are dotted all over the ocean, dotted with the magnificent sea.

The earth cracked, rivers appeared and gathered water to become lakes, and countless vegetation began to grow in clusters on the continent.

But for a moment, this world seems to be alive.

Except for the lack of biological activity, it was a whole new world.

At the same time, at the moment when this world was born.

His act of creating the world also feeds back the priesthood of creation, making it stronger and even making the godhead have a tendency to increase significantly.

After all, in this multiverse world, the gods conform to the rules of the world, so as to gain the favor of the laws and the world.

However, because of the birth of this world, the background of the world community is enhanced.

Therefore, the reward of the world's will directly strengthens the foundation of this kingdom of God.

Seeing this, Joey looked at his kingdom of God, which was strengthened again by the reward of the will of the world.

Now even if it is an ordinary main god, it is extremely difficult to break into his divine kingdom without his permission.

At the same time, Joey's act of creating the world 03 is in line with the creation priesthood's means of creating the world and evolving everything, making countless gods and epic powerhouses see the changes in the world in front of them.

They can be said to be fascinated by it, and even gain a lot.

There is also a deeper understanding of the operation and mastery of the laws.

Charlotte following Joey?Katakuri and Charlotte?Perospero, too, is rewarding though Charlotte.Katakuri has not yet broken through the pincer gold stage, but his aura is getting stronger and stronger, and he is obviously in the stage of comprehending the law.

As for Charlotte?Perospero, his strength has jumped several stars.

Seeing this scene, the countless ancient giants who were originally in this area were simply envious.

But thinking of the intimacy they have felt since their appearance, these two are definitely the juniors or favorites of the Lord God, otherwise, they would not have received such benefits.

With the opening of the world, it is located in the void, attached to this world community, and gradually began to hide.

Endless power of faith, based on Joey's soul imprint, gathers in this kingdom of God to strengthen the foundation of the kingdom of God little by little.

Because Joey feels that there is no reason for the existence of living beings in the Kingdom of God, the community in this world only needs to be living beings who believe in the priesthood he has mastered.

If he dies during this period, he will be connected to his divine kingdom and become a prayer to contribute to Joey.

Regarding Joey's move, the other gods were afraid of Joey's mighty strength as the main god, so they didn't dare to make any moves at all.

They even allowed the souls of these believers to enter Joey's kingdom of God through a hidden connection.

It is good to sell Joey directly, and want to form a good relationship with this, and some even want to use this to join Joey's command.

Although I don't know Joey's origin, but he can possess the power of the main god level, and there is no godly existence behind him.

Even if one of the men beside him is about to break through and reach the point of weak divine power, this still does not hinder their enthusiasm.

After all, the existence of a main god is enough to open up a huge god system, as the saying goes, it is good to enjoy the shade under a big tree.

Now the first person to eat crabs will definitely make a lot of money, and it is even possible to improve their strength.

Originally many neutrals, even Cong Gods under the command of the Goddess of Life, God of Death, etc., already have many ideas in their hearts, and they are also quietly implementing their own plans.

However, Joey, who has already entered the Kingdom of God, brought Charlotte?Katakuri and Charlotte?Perospero entered the center of the Kingdom of God.

Here, the vast palace is formed by the condensed energy of the Nine Heavens and the origin of the world. This palace looks extremely gorgeous and brilliant.

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