Regarding this, Seraphim exuded an incomparably sacred aura, and expelled the abyssal aura that accompanied Shi Guanglong's body like a shadow: "Abyss, you dare to spy on it, you are looking for death!" Nodding without words, Seraphim and Dragon Clan are allies.

"I'm just curious about how powerful the abyss is, but I didn't expect that I would be hurt by seeing the shadow of the abyss from a distance through this half-formed passage. This abyss is indeed terrifying!" As for the Storm Titan Seeing Shi Guanglong's emotions, he forced himself to suppress himself and didn't look anywhere, but the fighting spirit on his body was indeed unscrupulously erupting.Joey looked at the half-formed passage, and the power of the mysterious rules in his hand turned into runes, sealing it.

However, he didn't shoot to wipe it out, and Joey had other plans in mind.

Afterwards, Joey's figure had returned to the Tyrothir world community, and the vigorous battle against demons in the entire Tyrohir world community could be said to have come to an end.

As for those evil gods and malicious gods, the demons transformed into them have been obliterated by many gods and epics!

Now they are still liquidating the favor of the world that they have received, thinking about what to exchange for the world's treasures, treasures that are helpful to their own strength.

At this moment, Joey said in a deep voice: "All the gods and epics come to the Pantheon to discuss the matter of eliminating demons together."

Joy's vast words conveyed the entire Tyrohir world community, countless gods and epics, even the epics that were slowly awakening from a deep sleep and were comparable to the main gods, and the main gods sleeping in the sea of ​​​​power opened their eyes.

For Joey's sound transmission, many gods and epics have many thoughts in their hearts.

To discuss the matter of eliminating demons, one must discuss how to maximize one's own interests in this accident.

To slay demons to gain the favor of the world, in exchange for many treasures in the world's treasures, to enhance one's own strength, is a cycle.

In addition, now that there is a demon god in the abyss, the balance has been broken.

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Chapter 20: The meeting of the gods, ascending to the throne of God

In today's era, if they cannot keep up with the tide of the times, they will eventually be abandoned by the times.

So whether it was the main gods and epics who had just woken up from sleep, or the gods and powerful epics with great power, they all headed towards the Pantheon.

"That guy summoned us to the Pantheon for a gathering. I don't know what he wants to do. He discusses the matter of eliminating demons. I don't know what he wants. I don't know what benefits I get from it."

"However, everything has been adjusted accordingly. After all, now he has obtained the strength of a main godhead, and his strength has surpassed you and me now!" The dragon shadows of the world hovered here, and the high-pitched dragon chant echoed.


He is the Dragon King of this world, an existence revered by all dragon races, and an epic powerhouse comparable to the main god.

Beside him was a man with a handsome appearance, dressed in white, exuding an incomparably sacred radiance, and carrying 36 wings of light feathers on his back.

He is the king of angels of the Seraphim family, and he is also comparable to the epic of the main god.

"Zizizi!" Suddenly there was wind and thunder on the sky, and a majestic figure stood on the sky.

The muffled voice echoed here, and the words contained extremely complicated meanings: I never thought that we would have a day to spend together hand in hand!

Regarding this, the Dragon Emperor looked at the Titan Emperor who appeared, and immediately snorted coldly: If it weren't for the birth of the Demon God, we would never have a day of cooperation.

For the two arrogant friends beside him, the Seraph King shook his head helplessly.

The "[-]" figures of the three of them came to the void, very close to the position of the Tyrothir world community!

There is a vast and magnificent hall standing here, with the words Pantheon engraved on it.

The Pantheon gathers almost the entire Tyrothir world community, and nearly 1/5 of the original power is responsible for suppressing the Tyrothir world community.

At the same time, as long as there is a god in the world community of Tyrothir, his seat will be gathered in the pantheon, condensing his authority, and announcing his birth to all the gods.

Of course, the epic is not included here, just when the three kings of their races came here.

In this pantheon, the large and small god seats are almost full, and almost all the gods have arrived.

But yes, the gods can communicate with the Pantheon and occupy part of the authority of the Pantheon, but the difference in authority is nothing more than that.

They can also project their avatars on the throne of the pantheon through the method of descending from the gods, and they can switch between avatars and real bodies.

At the same time, in this pantheon, countless epics came, and after their arrival, by the will of the world and their own power, they condensed the position of the gods to directly oppose the other gods in the pantheon.

Just when the three kings of their race, the epic that could rival the power of the main god arrived.

In the first stage of this pantheon, there are seven gods there, and when they sit on it with their figures.

The three of them sat in this position in a humanoid posture. At the same time, the Jinjin Dragon God and the five-color dragon mother who possessed great divine power among the dragon clan respectfully saluted the Dragon King: "Master Dragon King welcomes you!" Wake up from a long slumber!" Regarding this, the Dragon Emperor glanced at them: "Hmm!" Unlike the Titans and Seraphs, the Dragon Clan is quite scattered. There are epics and gods, and they have a lot of voice in the Dragon Clan. .

In addition, the Dragon Emperor is sleeping and too lazy to manage, so the Dragon Clan is basically a mess.

But now with the awakening of the Dragon Emperor, it is estimated that the situation of the Dragon Clan will no longer be like this.

So the gods below, watching the appearance of the Dragon King, have many calculations in their hearts.

Many of them will enslave the Dragon Clan. Under the current situation, it seems that they have to make good friends with the Dragon Clan. Otherwise, it will be bad if the Dragon Clan is liquidated.

At this moment, the Dragon Emperor looked at the four vacant thrones beside him: "Why, this is your home stadium, so why did you come here to show something?"

Just as the Dragon Emperor's unkind words fell, I saw the golden throne with the eyes of destiny condensed, suddenly shining brightly.

Inside, the goddess of fate, who is graceful and luxurious, full of arrogance and domineering, condenses out.

Holding the scepter of fate in her hand, she calmly watched all the gods and epics below: "Dragon Emperor, why are you in a hurry?"

"That's right, we old guys just woke up from a long slumber!" An extremely old sigh that seemed to contain time echoed here.

On the silver-white divine seat, a figure between the virtual and the real condensed out.

He is the god of time, also known as the old man of time, and he seems to see the long river of time rushing endlessly in his body in a trance.

Finally, on the colorless throne, a young figure suddenly condensed out, holding a precious orb in his hand, exuding extremely strong spatial fluctuations, he is the god of space.

The three of them are the main gods that existed in the original Tyrothir world group, and they compete with the three kings of the Dragon, Titan, and Seraphim clans, leading the epic camp and the god camp respectively.

Just after the three main gods appeared, all eyes were on the remaining seat.

There are incomparably heavy patterns engraved on this divine seat, and these patterns are condensed from this innate divine pattern.

In it, many powers such as creation, magic, life, death, wizard, power, sun, etc. can be sensed.

The King of Seraphim frowned slightly, and under the cover of the vast holy light, he couldn't see his appearance or his expression clearly.

The words without the slightest ups and downs echoed here: "The Lord God and we have both arrived, as the initiator of this meeting, why don't you show up yet?"

Through the connection with the seat of God, Joey has all the situation in the Pantheon under his eyes, but Joey doesn't look nervous at all about their urging.

Now Joey looked at his two younger brothers, Charlotte instead.Perospero and Charlotte.Katakuri.

Especially Charlotte?Katakuri, now he has been favored by the world after killing many demons.

It can be said that his strength has broken through that limit, he is almost suppressing himself, otherwise it is estimated that he will break through to the goldsmith stage immediately.

As for Charlotte?Perospero, he also has the strength to break through to the pinch gold level.

In this regard, Joey looked at the two of them and said softly: "Are you determined to become gods?"

Hear that, Charlotte?Perospero and Charlotte?Katakuri, the two of them looked at each other, then nodded solemnly: "Yes, brother, your growth rate is really too fast, if we can't keep up, it will be useless, become With the help of this multidimensional world, the gods can grow up quickly and help the eldest brother!" Then, Charlotte.Perospero immediately added: "As for the shortcomings of being a god, we are not like these natives. With the help of our elder brother, we can leave at any time, so don't worry about this!" Looking at the many advantages and disadvantages they considered Disadvantages, obviously they made the decision after careful consideration, so Joey did not object.

"Since this is the case, let's start. However, the law of your glutinous fruit is relatively weak. You take this death godhead." Joey reached out and turned it over, and death appeared in his hand. The Godhead of the God of God.

Although the god of death is demonized, it will not have any impact on the godhead.

Looking at this godhead that exudes vast divine power, the power that is almost equivalent to the limit of the ninth level of clamp gold gathers in it.

charlotte.Katakuri looked at his elder brother's serious attitude, and helplessly reached out to take the godhead.

In this regard, Joey agreed and said: "Your substitute is invincible death, which can be used to fuse this death godhead and quickly improve your own strength. As for the favor of the world on you, let's get together and exchange for nobles. The three titles of God, Art, and Emperor helped Perospero to condense God God I"

Hear that, Charlotte?Perospero and Charlotte?Katakuri nodded, no objection!

Afterwards, the vast world condensed from the three of them rushed to the treasure house of the world, and among them, the three priesthoods of art and nobility and emperor were selected.

It can be said that these three priesthoods can only be regarded as medium-level priesthoods, not even top-level priesthoods, and it is even more incomparable to the super-standard priesthood created by Joey.

But for now, these three priesthoods are for Charlotte?Perospero is enough.

As for other powerful priesthoods, after his strength improves and other authorities are involved, he will continue to expand his path.

Besides Charlotte?What Perospero is walking is the road of outer gods, and the godhead condensed in this world is 0...

In the end, when they become real outer gods, they will turn into old fetuses and be swallowed by the gods as resources to support themselves.

With the conversion of the priesthood, the three priesthoods stay in Charlotte?In front of Perospero.

Regarding this, his expression was incomparably dignified, the vast power of the soul, constantly rubbing against the law, instantly ignited the divine fire.

The blazing divine fire seemed to burn his soul to death.

At this time, Charlotte?Perospero instantly placed the three priesthoods in the divine fire and burned them lazily.

Accompanied by vast power, emerging from him, at the same time, Joey connected to the sea of ​​Yuanli, opened the channel, and the vast Yuanli poured into Charlotte.Perospero's body.

At this moment, Charlotte?Katakuri absorbed the godhead that belonged to the original god of death, because it was the reason for absorbing the godhead.

All the will in this godhead has been cleared away by Joey.

So it was directly absorbed by him, and in an instant he was on the throne of God.

As for, Charlotte?Perospero transformed the vast primordial power into divine power under the burning of this divine fire!

It began to wrap three priesthoods and turned into an indestructible godhead.

In this moment, Charlotte.Perospero became a god in an instant, condensing his seat of God in the Pantheon.

charlotte.Katakuri disliked the position of the original god of death, and re-condensed its destruction to form a brand new god seat of his own.

Although he had just successfully ascended to the gods, his seat was transferred directly behind Joey's vast seat under Joey's will.At the same time, the figures of the two of them appeared on the throne, and Joey's figure also appeared on the main seat.

Did the gods in the Pantheon also notice Charlotte?Perospero and Charlotte?Katakuri's ascension ceremony.

For Charlotte.Perospero didn't notice it, but it was only the peak of weak divine power, and even if it went further, it was only medium divine power that could be destroyed easily.

But Charlotte?Katakuri, now that he has just succeeded in being a god, he is a medium-level divine power.

Moreover, he also holds a top priesthood such as death. It is simply a matter of time before he wants to reach the great power of the former god of death.However, considering the identities of these two little guys, they are the younger brothers of Joey, the main god, so it is normal to have such a start.

Afterwards, Joey looked calmly at the tens of thousands of strong men below, and finally looked at the three epics and the three main gods around him.

Leaving aside the three epics, the three gods of destiny, time, and space are all concept gods, and in fact, their priesthoods are all top-notch existences.In Joey's perception, their strength is extremely strong, basically between the third and fourth diamond levels.

After figuring out the background of the Tyrothir world community, Joey said calmly: "Nowadays, the pattern of the multi-world has changed, and you all know it in 4.1. The law of heaven brought down by the will of the multi-world is a great opportunity for us to improve our strength. , if you don’t catch it, the Lord God will be nothing more than cannon fodder when the war breaks out in the future!” After Joey’s words fell, everyone was silent, and the Pantheon fell into a depressing atmosphere.

In the eyes of the Goddess of Fate, the wheel of fate turns, as if there are countless fates and causes and effects intertwined. She is watching the countless possibilities of the world.

But because it involves the existence of the demon god level, and the struggle with the entire multi-dimensional world.

The prying of her fate can't be guessed at all, so I can only speculate in the best direction as possible: "Is that why you summoned us here to talk about this?" Joy chuckled lightly and said, "Of course not, since the war cannot Avoid, then we need to take the initiative to attack and improve our strength as much as possible, since the abyss has not yet come, then let us take the initiative to invade!" Hearing this, the entire Pantheon was full of heated discussions, and all the gods were very angry Staring at Joey in disbelief.

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