This is also the reason why she took the risk to summon these abyss lords.

However, she has also carefully selected these abyss lords, and it didn't take long for each of them to become an abyss lord.

Even if there are one or two senior abyss lords among them, it is a shield they are going to throw out in order to deal with the backhands left by the demon king and the main god.

Although she is 7% sure that she can harvest coal from the fire, but she must also be prepared for a desperate fight between the demon king and the main god.

At the same time, Juliana interrupted the conversations of other abyss lords at this time, and endless temptation emerged in her words: "Since the plan has been made, it is time to implement it, in order to avoid more variables in the long night dream!" , the greed in the hearts of the other six abyss lords made them eager to move.

After all, if you don't get something, there may still be variables after all.

"Since this is the case, let's start to act!" At this time, the corrupt lord took the lead in striding into this passage, preparing to go to that world community.At the same time, the breath of corrupt rules began to spread from this void to that world group, and began to erode that world.

The creatures and vegetation in that world felt the power of decay at this time, their flesh and blood bodies, and even their souls began to show a sense of withering.This kind of power is so terrifying that countless creatures rush towards the church of the seven righteous gods.

"God! Help me!" "God, what did we do wrong? Why did we have such a punishment!" "Damn it, which evil god did it!" At this moment, all living beings are eroded by this corrupting force without distinction.Creatures with extraordinary power decay faster.

Even this power is constantly combining with the power of demons that existed in their bodies, causing them to degenerate and become demons who have no aspirations but only know destruction.

The sound of crying and killing resounded all over the world. Only those high-level extraordinary people could barely resist this force, but those high-level extraordinary people could not protect themselves now.

Only the priests in the Church of the Seven Great Righteous Gods barely resisted this force with the help of the radiance of the gods emerging from the statues.

"God, please grant the power of the night to save the believers who are falling into death!

Accompanied by the seven great gods, a large-scale sacrifice was held, under the statue of the god who descended according to the will of the god.Endless power of faith lingers here, and the prayers of all living beings head towards the kingdom of God where the seven righteous gods reside.

The current seven righteous gods suddenly opened their eyes at this moment.

They are also keenly aware that the power eroding the world and the power entangled them are very similar but completely different.The seven righteous gods all looked ready to fight, after all, that crazy power made them suffer a lot.

At the same time, other abyss lords who have caused turmoil in the entire world are watching from outside the passage before the corrupt lord shows up.At this time, he continued: "You can't let the corrupt guy get so much credit for nothing!" PS: A 4000-word chapter!Begging to subscribe!Begging for customization!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! ! !Mountain.

Chapter 30: Separate calculations, the legacy of the main god

Hearing this, a cruel smile appeared on the face of the Lord of Distortion: "How much credit do these curled ants deserve? Even if he gets the upper hand, so what, the real big head is only on the demon king and the main god, Even the so-called righteous gods and gods are nothing more than small heads!" The Lord of the Plague Demon immediately said: "It is also the place where the main gods and demon kings fell, and there may be something left on them Maybe, if that thing is mastered by the righteous god, even if we are abyss lords, we may die if we are a little careless in the face-to-face, let this Lengtouqing check out the information for us!" The words of the Lord of Plague Demon, the people did not intend to refute at all.

It's just that Joey looked at Lord Wen Mo in surprise, but he didn't expect that he would actually say what everyone was thinking.

Then Joey turned his head to look at the corrupt lord who had already revealed his figure in that world. He didn't look like a stunned man, and he probably had other plans.

However, Joey didn't pay attention to all of this. He wanted to see how the gang of abyss lords planned this game.

When they think that the oriole is behind, they lift the plate by themselves, what will happen to their expressions?

The corners of Joey's mouth curled up a little, and he looked extremely happy when he was in a good mood.

At the same time, in that world group, the consciousness of the seven righteous gods began to connect with each other. After paying attention to the abyss lord who suddenly broke into their world, words full of emotion and excitement resounded.

At this moment, the God of War and Victory said roughly: "The power of this guy is very similar to the power of the fallen "[-]" original creator, maybe we can capture it and study this power! "The Goddess of the Night turned into a black curtain covering the sky and the sun, and the extremely mysterious and gentle words sounded: "Yes, the power in him is indeed very similar to that of the fallen creator, but it is not so magnificent!" Eternal Scorching Sun said hurriedly: "You know, even if we study the power of the original degenerate creator, if we are not careful, it may cause our own madness and turn into a god, and his power is not so powerful. Powerful, it can be used for research!" The God of Machinery and Creation has an extremely complicated pattern on his body, full of punk atmosphere: "If this is the case, then let's do it!" In this myth of machinery and creation When the words fell, I saw the power of mechanical rules transformed into a mechanical torrent that covered the sky: "God's domain unfolds, mechanical prison!" As the prison unfolded, the corrupt lord felt that this force was imprisoning Proliferate with his own rules.

It was originally because he broke into this world group and was suppressed by the will of this world group.

Now under the suppression of this prison, his strength has been further suppressed.

At the same time, living in the world, the surviving creatures are also full of endless emotion and joy at this moment.

"It was the God of Machinery and Creation who made the move, and the evil god will eventually be defeated by the righteous god!" "Are we saved?"

"No... it's not far away, the real crisis is coming now!" In this continent, countless forward-looking extraordinary beings are in a hurry to find a safe place to hide at this moment.After all, with the appearance of this evil god and the god of creation, coupled with the God of Machinery and Creation who just shot, it is conceivable that a battle of gods will start.If they don't want to be affected, then the best way is to stay as far away from the battlefield as possible.

Otherwise, the aftermath of the war of gods would not be something they could bear.

At the moment when the magic of the god of machinery and creation suppressed the corrupt lord.

The sword of the contract of victory in the hands of the God of War and Victory is held high, with the brilliance of victory on it: "War, killing, give me the sword of victory!" Every word spit out, the sword of the contract of victory in his hand , the burst of brilliance is more and more violent.

The God of War and Victory injected its own rule power into it, which can be described as a full shot.

The sword of victory and contract pierced the void, and under the control of the God of Machinery and Creation, broke into the mechanical prison, stabbing towards the heart of the corrupt lord.

At the moment when this brilliance emerged, it even contained a sense of crisis that was enough to make even corrupt lords turn pale.

Moreover, there is an extremely ancient aura hidden in this sharp sword, and that aura is related to the existence of power at the level of the main god.

But in Joey's view, the god of war and victory cannot use it, and can only cast it in his own artifact body to provide energy as the core.But even so, with this kind of energy, the magical power it exerts is at least five times more powerful.

With the power of the God of War and Victory's weak peak divine power, even with the help of this power, he can explode to a level comparable to medium divine power.At the moment when the crisis emerged, the current corrupt lord suddenly turned into an ancient tree full of decay.

After he revealed his true body, the abnormal lord beside Joey suddenly said with emotion: "It turns out that it is a rotten ancient tree. An adult is enough to make the whole world fall into a corrupt mythical ancient tree. No wonder he has such a good grasp of the rules of corruption." It's as good as it is!" In this regard, Joey just glanced at it and was no longer interested, because this so-called ancient tree of corruption is too eye-catching.

"Zizizi!" There was an extremely disgusting and rotten liquid on it, and the moment the liquid dripped down, the mechanical prison was immediately corroded.

With the help of the large hole corroded by the mechanical prison, the corrupt lord put away his real body and escaped from the oppression of the mechanical prison.

Now he began to avoid the edge of the sword of the contract of victory, but under the control of the god of war and victory, he still followed him like a shadow, as if he would not give up until he reached his goal.

Aware of the danger revealed vaguely, the corrupt lord wisely did not fight recklessly.

After all, relying on his corrupt rules, he couldn't take the slightest bit of wear and tear from that weird victory contract sword.It is conceivable that this sword is definitely not simple.

If the hole card is revealed, it can indeed be blocked unscathed.

But exposing the hole cards is an extremely dangerous thing, of course he will not do it.

The corrupt lord roared angrily at this moment: "How long are you going to watch the show? It's your turn to act!" At the moment when the corrupt lord's roar resounded, the original indifferent expressions of the seven righteous gods , suddenly became serious at this moment.If it's just the corrupt lord alone, although they are extremely eager to study him.

It was similar to the power of the fallen creator, but in their minds, it was a breeze to take down this evil god.

However, now this evil god still has companions, who knows how many evil gods there are in this channel.

If the situation exceeds what they can handle, it will be bad.

Therefore, the God of Space Creation and Destruction revealed an incomparably mysterious aura of emptiness.

The moment he stretched out his hand, the rules of space seemed to be attached to him and began to change.

The space storm was thus formed, pressing towards the opened passage, trying to close the passage.

But in the face of the power of the abyss, this space power is so weak that it can't have the slightest impact on the abyss passage.

Seeing this scene, the God of Space Creation and Destruction suddenly frowned, and a simple and mysterious scepter appeared in his hand.

At the apex of the scepter, there is a crystal full of broken patterns embedded in it, and the endless power of space begins to emerge inside: "Destroy!" The moment the words of the God of Space Creation and Destruction spit out, the power of space became more violent.

It even surpassed the limits of his own control, reaching the power enough to threaten the middle level of divine power.

But even so, it still cannot shake the abyss channel.

Seeing this scene, the bone lord had already walked into the passage, and the giant bone hand pulled the two sides of the passage to expand the passage, allowing his huge figure to squeeze into it.

The vast figure like a bone demon emerged, and the rules of the bones poured down.

The endless creatures in this world began to turn into skeletons, and even if they were scattered, they would gather together again, causing countless extraordinary creatures to fight hard.

"It's useless, the characteristics of the abyss, you, a little god, can't resist!" The bone lord's taunting words fell, and at the same time, the giant bone hand that covered the sky and the sun directly moved towards the hand of the god of space creation and destruction. the scepter.

After all, with his eyes, he can certainly see that the particularity of the crystal inlaid on the apex of this scepter contains the breath of the ancient main god...

Just after the Bone Lord shot, Joey was also staring at the scepter, and he could sense that the crystal embedded in the top of the scepter.

The lines formed by the gathering of endless divine power represent the regular power of space. This line seems to be a natural space priesthood.

It's a pity that it was sealed by this crystal lock, but judging from the lines all over it and the power of the god of space creation and destruction contained in it.

He spent a lot of effort to obtain this rune, but unfortunately he still couldn't break through the seal.

But even so, he can still use his own power a little bit, connect with the mysterious lines in the cracks, and increase his grasp of space.

As for Joey, when he saw the rune, he stretched out his hand and stroked his chin and said to himself: "This is a good thing. The natural space god pattern can be turned into a space priesthood. This is one of the top priesthoods. And its authority is very close to the priesthood of the main god!" Not only Joey saw the difficulty of this crystal, but also other people.

I saw Julianna, the dream lord, whose eyes lit up: "No wonder that bone guy is so anxious to make a move. It turns out that it is a space divine script born in the void!" Greedy eyes also appeared in the eyes of the dream lord Juliana. She is preparing to advance to become the master of the illusory rules, and of course the imaginary characters also represent the rules of space.

If she can get this natural space divine script born in the void, it will be of great help to her strength improvement.

At this moment, the Lord of Slaughter followed up and said: "These guys are really rich. They really deserve to be the place where the devil king and the main god fell. If it weren't for the interference of the power of the abyss, I guess They have more than this level of strength!" "Don't delay any longer, everyone is ready to fight together!" At this moment, the death lord was staring at the god of death and new life with fiery eyes.

You know, his strength has reached the middle level of divine power, and those guys with weak divine power can occupy such treasures. This guy must also have it, which is a relic of the devil and the main god.

Everyone was eager to move about the death lord's proposal. Their figures stepped directly into the abyss passage, and Joey also shrugged and walked into it.Juliana, the dream lord who walked at the end, had a cunning look in her eyes: "Soon you will all be mine!" Plague, killing, death, dreams, distortion, and the red sun controlled by Joey The rules, at this moment, suddenly hit the square world.

Looking at the six figures who came out of the empty passage again, they looked like god-like figures.

The terrifying and crazy power 4.1 is erupting, almost arousing the abyssal power contained in the bodies of the seven righteous gods.

But the seven righteous gods fought against this power for countless years, ignoring the words in their ears, and staring at Joey with a look of stupidity in everyone's eyes.After all, there were eight of them, Joey, and the aura exuded by each of them was particularly terrifying.

Even the aura revealed by the three of them, Death Lord, Killer Lord and Dream Lord, made them feel suffocated.

That is the power of the great divine power level that they long for and cannot ask for.

I saw that on the head of the God of Creation, the Creation Crown emerged, which contained the power of creation in the world, and suppressed the power of the abyss that the eight of them, Joey, erupted wantonly.

At the same time, the bloody giant hand of the Slaughter Lord began to grab the sword of the victory contract. He liked this weapon very much.

Watching the moment when the leader of the killing took action, the god of war and victory recalled his artifact, and now the situation is not good for them.

There are eight evil gods on the opposite side, but they only have seven righteous gods.

Moreover, among the eight evil gods, the aura revealed by three of them exceeded their realm.If they didn't have cards now, they would probably be thinking about how to escape now.

At this time, the most powerful goddess of the night, her strength has reached the peak of the middle divine power.

Vaguely, she touched the limit of great divine power. If she is given a little more time, it is estimated that she may be able to advance successfully.

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Chapter 31: Sneak Attack, Evil God Sent Out

"Outsiders, leave now, we will not care about your invasion this time!" The majestic words resounded in the world, and the whole night was constantly beating, as if responding to the call of the goddess of the night.

Joey looked up at the night that wrapped the world in the sky, dotted with stars, containing endless power of stars, and a bright moon hung high in the center.

It's as if they are calling each other with the endless power of the stars, forming a mysterious pattern, and the aura revealed vaguely in it is enough to compete with the gods of the great divine power level.

However, what Joey cares about is not the power that surfaced at all, but the core under the endless bright stars and bright moon.

This Endless Night Curtain is also a master artifact, no wonder she is the strongest.

It turned out that the main artifact held by the main god, that's why he set foot on the path of the night, and held the authority of the night, almost the top god.

However, the abyss lords beside Joey heard the warning from the Goddess of the Night, looked at their appearance as if they were facing a big enemy, and said with a snort, "Frog at the bottom of the well."

The dream lord Julianna's beautiful face, which is enough to charm all living beings, evoked a bright smile: "We have come from a long way, but there is no reason to return empty-handed, so we can only trouble you to sacrifice!" Just as the dream lord Yuli The moment Anna's words fell, the Evernight Goddess knew that this negotiation had collapsed, and a war of gods of war was inevitable.

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