They are essentially people from the underground world.

among them.

Pirates are known as the most despised people.

Although it won't go away.

But it is indeed looked down upon.

No matter how many years you run rampant, it will eventually come to an end. There has never been an example of a pirate group becoming a powerful force?Both the state and underground forces will continue to develop for a long time.

Only pirates don't.

and so.

For pirates, in fact, the big figures in the world are not taken seriously at all, they are just another prop used to maintain the world.Sometimes such a presence is needed.

The power of pirates is beyond doubt.


Are pirates really invincible?

Stop it.

If the whole world takes action together, exterminating pirates in a mere area is just like picking something out of a pocket.

It is simply too simple to be exaggerated.

It's just that it can't be wiped out and has the value of existence.



The two brothers said strangely: "Brother! What are we responsible for?"


Katakuri took his younger brother, younger sister and older sister out to become a pirate.

Perospero took over the family business.

What about the two of us?

Joey chuckled lightly and said, "You two brats, why do you have to be responsible? Just go where you need it, except you can't be pirates, you can take responsibility for everything, we are one Human family, where do we need so many questions?"

This sentence made everyone stunned.

Their original idea is to perform their own duties.


Joey smiled helplessly: "You stinky brats! You don't understand at all, we are a family! Don't always think about what you are responsible for. As a member of a family, don't you have to go to the family to meet the needs of the family? Deal with it? Pirates don't need you, but no matter what the family is doing, you all need to participate in it!!!" Listening to Joey's words, everyone nodded silently.

- Between hours.

They are the ones who react.


They are members of a family!

They are all brothers and sisters, where there are so many requests and considerations, just go to help if needed.


Joey said with satisfaction: "A group of brats, don't discuss this issue, Dafu, Owen, how is the handling of the Ten Thousand Nations Sea Area that you two are in charge of?" Kingdom?Totland!

Of course it is impossible to build on the pastry island.

even say.

On the pastry island, Joey will directly move everyone away and destroy it.

The location of this island is really too cheating.

Almost a chaotic location.

Not suitable.

The Ten Thousand Nations Sea Area is very suitable.

Dafu nodded and said solemnly: "Brother! The central area has been reserved, and all the islands have begun to be cleaned up. According to your request, now there are only 36 islands left, and all the others have been disposed of."

Owen continued: "'々Besides that! The little people, the ghosts, and the dwarves have arranged islands respectively. After choosing a suitable island, I started to hire craftsmen and a large number of people to transform the three islands. and built."

These ones.

Indeed, it takes a lot of money.


Money is not an issue at all.

after all!

As long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, it is really nothing to the wealth accumulated by the Charlotte family over the years.

After thinking for a while, Joey said, "Dafu, show me the map of the entire Sea of ​​Nations surrounded by 36 islands, and I'll take a look."

"Okay! Brother!" Dafu immediately spread the map of the sea area on the desk in front of Joey.

Joey looked at the map of the sea area slightly.

Everyone also came together.

After a moment.

Joey said: "There are problems with the location of many islands. Dafu, I will redraw the sea area map tonight. Starting tomorrow, you and Opera will secure these islands according to the location I arranged. Remember Hold! No matter what method you use to measure, you must not miss a single cent.”

"Understood!" "Understood!" Both brothers nodded seriously.

This matter is definitely very important.


My eldest brother can't be so serious.

Joey continued: "In addition to the gnomes, ghosts and dwarves, I brought back the giants during this voyage, but! This time I brought back the gnomes and giants."

Shake his head.

I am also very helpless, there are too many things, and there are too many things to deal with.

Perospero said: "Brother! There is no way to do this. There are so many things, it is impossible to deal with them in a short time. There is still a year and a half before the next World Conference. We still have enough time."


Joey nodded and said: "There is enough time (alright), the next stage! The family has entered the development stage, starting from business! Construction! Founding the country! These preparations are all handled together, Perospero, Daifuku, Irving, Opera."

"Brother!" All four looked at Joey with burning eyes.

Joey said solemnly: "The four of you are responsible for these, pay attention to safety! At the same time, the transformation of the Sea of ​​Nations is the top priority, and no accidents are allowed. You can dispatch the power of all families. After the matter of the Valley of Gods is over, I asked Katakuri to come back and help you."

Everyone nodded seriously.

We all know.


This is the face of the Charlotte family.

Joey sails with such fanfare.

Finally, what if there is a problem in the Sea of ​​Nations?

Hehehe——that would be really embarrassing and thrown home, and it is estimated that they will be laughed at by those guys to death.

This is not a joke, it's a fact.

When you are deep in this position.

If it is embarrassing.

Then others will not take you to play next time.

When you are in the corresponding position, you must show the corresponding strength and posture.

The meeting is here for the time being.

It stopped.

Everyone was discussing something, and Joey was also thinking about many problems.


The development of the family will be in a stable period, but also the most dangerous period.

There are a lot of people who don't want to see the Charlotte family grow up.

Before the World Conference in a year and a half.

There will be countless troublemakers! ! !

ps: Ten updates on the first day!The ninth update is on the shelves! 4000 word chapter!Begging to subscribe!Begging for customization!Begging for collection!Beg for flowers!Begging for a monthly pass!Begging for a reward!Guiqiu evaluation! ! ! ?

Chapter 67: The Kingdom of Adam!The storm is coming!


Most of the people left.



The two are still in the conference room.

Joey smiled and said: "What Perospero wants to say, just say it."

"Brother!" Perospero sat down and said softly: "Really, brother! I really don't have confidence!" Joey said gently: "Perospero, why don't you have no confidence? You have to remember Your confidence is standing behind you, big brother, I’m still here, as long as I’m here, you just have to move forward, no matter how huge the damage is, big brother will help you deal with it.”



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