
But he said that he should be mentioned and guided.

The two of them, brothers and sisters, finally arrived at Zixiao Palace after a difficult trek.

Seeing Zixiao Palace, the aggrieved emotions of Zhunti and Jieyin, oh no, the essence of drama is exposed.

I saw that they spit out big mouthfuls of blood first, and their breath became more sluggish than before, as if they were dying.

Then it landed on the square in front of Zixiao Palace.

Kneeling and crawling towards the gate of Zixiao Palace.

While crawling, with tears in his eyes, he shouted with a voice of endless grievances: "Teacher, you have to make the decision for us!"

"Then Taiqing Laozi, united with Tongtian and Yuanshi, secretly took action to prevent my Buddhism from flourishing and destroy my plan to travel to the West!"

"Now it's even more indiscriminate, beating me and my senior brothers like this!"

"Teacher! The great prosperity of Buddhism is the general trend of heaven. Taiqing Laozi, Tongtian and Yuanshi are doing this, they are defying the destiny, and they are against you!"

"Teacher, I ask you to be the master for the disciple! Uphold justice for the disciple!"

The voices of Zhunti and Jieyin are as miserable as they want.

It can be said that smelling sad makes the listener cry.

If an uninformed person sees such a scene.

You will definitely think that Laozi Taiqing, Yuanshi and Tongtian are some heinous villains!

And they are the poor and honest people who have been bullied by the bad guys!

But soon.

Something embarrassing for Zhunti and Jieying happened.

They performed so hard, but after a long time, they didn't get any response from Hongjun.

After crying for a long time about Zhun mention and receiving, I also found something was wrong at this time.

"Senior brother, why did the teacher not respond to us?" Zhunti asked through sound transmission.

Receive and guide back: "Junior brother, something is wrong."

"We've all been crying for so long and the teacher hasn't responded to us."

"Could it be that the teacher is indifferent to what happened to us?"

Zhunti shook his head desperately, he did not believe that Hongjun would be indifferent to what happened to the two of them.

So he guessed: "Brother, could it be that the teacher has entered a deep retreat, so he has no time to take care of us?"

Jieyin thought about it, and felt that Zhunti's conjecture was very likely to be true.

So he said: "Junior brother, it seems that the teacher may really be in retreat and has no time to take care of us."

At this moment.

Zhun asked a soul-piercing question: "Brother, are we still kneeling here and crying?"

Pick up:  ……

He was suddenly embarrassed.

After a long time, he said without changing his face: "Since the teacher is in retreat, we, as disciples, don't bother the teacher."

"You and I, brothers and sisters, go back to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss first, and heal your injuries."

"After the teacher leaves the customs, I will list the crimes of Laozi Taiqing, Yuanshi and Tongtian!"

Make sure you understand what it means to receive.

Now there is no one who upholds justice.

Who are their seniors acting for?

Get out now!

So he nodded and smiled, "Senior brother is polite."

After finishing speaking, the two senior brothers Zhunti and Yingying were also neat and tidy.

Without procrastinating, he left Zixiao Palace.

So what is the teacher they are talking about, Daozu Hongjun, doing now?

That's right.

Hongjun is still suppressing the riots at the source of Heavenly Dao.

The riot at the origin of the heavenly dao this time was so intense that Hongjun had no time to care about other things.

Even Zhunti and Jieying came to look for him, but they didn't sense it.


But it's Sun Wukong's side.

He performed the holy method of fighting, held the magic ape stick, and smashed the magic stick of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with one stick, and smashed one of his arms into a pulp.

It didn't stop there.

And 123 is the pursuit of victory!

"Baldy, my old grandson said long ago that if my old grandson used all his strength, you wouldn't be able to survive three rounds under my old grandson's hands. You still don't believe me!"

"Do you believe it now?"

"It's a pity that it's too late! I'll give my old grandson another shot!"

Saying that, Monkey King knocked Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva again with a stick.

A stick fell, and the void shattered.

Di Ting, who was watching the battle from a distance, said in horror, "Don't kill my master!"

While talking, he was about to rush to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva reprimanded with a ferocious face, "Listen carefully, don't come here!"

"Your master doesn't die so easily!"


Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva greeted Sun Wukong's Demon Ape Stick with the Demon Subduing Tower held in his other arm.

But without exception, the Subduing Demon Pagoda shattered under Monkey King's Demon Ape Stick, turning into debris all over the place.

At the same time, the arm of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva holding the Tower of Subduing Demons was smashed into a pulp by Monkey King again!

"My old grandson wants to see how many arms you have left for my old grandson!"

Monkey King was merciless, and shot again: "Take another stick from my old grandson!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva didn't care about the pain caused by the back of his hand being smashed into a pulp, so he continued to resist.

This time, the demon pestle in his hand shattered!

And, another arm was sacrificed.

"No, I can't go on like this!" Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva yelled in his heart, "If this goes on, I will die at the hands of that monkey!"

Then, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's eyes flashed fiercely, and his heart became violent.

Attack the remaining three innate spirit treasures, the Demon Subduing Orb, the Subduing Demon Stick, etc. towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong showed contempt in his eyes: "Bulk, you dare to use these rubbish magic weapons in your hands to attack my grandson!"

As he said that, Monkey King had already swept his stick towards the three innate spirit treasures that were attacking.

But at this time.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva suddenly shouted, "Explode!!"

Boom! ! !

The three innate spirit treasures exploded.

A shocking explosion unfolded in front of Monkey King!

Sun Wukong's complexion changed slightly.

Quickly circulated mana, waved the magic ape stick, and resisted the power of the simultaneous explosion of the three innate spirit treasures.

And while resisting, retreating.

Although these three innate spirit treasures are only the most common ones.

But it is an innate spirit treasure after all!

The power of the self-explosion of the three innate spirit treasures directly sent Monkey King flying thousands of miles away!

He directly blasted Monkey King, flying upside down and crashing into a mountain.

The entire mountain collapsed completely, and Monkey King's figure stopped this time.


next moment.

Monkey King shook off the gravel that was pressing on his body, and flew out from the gravel.

He flew to the sky and looked at the former location of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

However, where there is still the shadow of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

"Want to run?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva disappeared, and Monkey King was not panicked.

Instead, run mana and eyes.


From Sun Wukong's eyes, two beams of light piercing the sky suddenly shot out.

This is Sun Wukong's innate supernatural power to break the false golden pupil.

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