Sun Wukong smiled and said: "It's natural, brother, the supernatural powers I obtained in the Library Pavilion can condense an incarnation of darkness with the same strength as the main body!"

"It can instantly increase my grandson's strength by more than twice!"

Ying Zheng exclaimed sincerely, "Unexpectedly, there are such supernatural powers in this world!"

"Brother, I am not as lucky as you, brother. I just obtained a supernatural power called the universe in the palm of my hand."

He briefly talked about the magical power of holding the universe in his hand.

Sun Wukong immediately scolded with a smile: "Junior brother, you're acting like a good boy for taking advantage of it!"

"Just listening to your description of this supernatural power, it is no worse than my old grandson's supernatural power!"

Ying Zheng smiled embarrassedly: "Brother, you are joking."

"Where do we go next?"

He didn't want to continue talking on this topic, so he changed the topic directly.

When Sun Wukong heard the question, his eyes showed anticipation: "Next, let's go to the Shenbing Pavilion!"

"My old grandson has never been to this place."

"I don't know, what kind of good fortune will be inside!"

Ying Zheng's eyes lit up again: "Shenbing Pavilion!"

This place sounds like a place where weapons are placed!

Now, in Ying Zheng's heart, Chu Xia is already an existence that reaches all over the world and is invincible in the world.

There is such a place where weapons are kept, can there be bad things in it?

"Let's go, brother, let's go quickly." Ying Zheng urged.

Sun Wukong laughed: "Junior brother and my grandson want to go together, but my grandson can't wait for a long time."

"go together!"

After speaking, he pulled Ying Zheng away.

Leaving Zangshu Pavilion, Ying Zheng looked back at the rows of bookshelves in Zangshu Pavilion.

I secretly said:

"On the rows of bookshelves, there are all novels that can let us comprehend supernatural powers."

"And most of every novel can let us comprehend the great supernatural powers of the universe in the palm and the incarnation of darkness."

"Such a big deal, I am afraid that only the master can do it in the whole world!"

The more he understood, the more Ying Zheng understood Chu Xia's terror.

At the same time, I am even more fortunate that I can become Chu Xia's disciple.

"I, Ying Zheng, am really lucky to be able to become the master's disciple!"


Ask for flowers! ! !Ask for a monthly pass! ! !Ask for a reward! ! !Ask for flowers! ! !Ask for a monthly pass! ! !Ask for a reward! ! !Ask for flowers! ! !Ask for a monthly pass! ! !Ask for a reward! ! ! .

Chapter 15

Leave the library.

Ying Zheng and Sun Wukong walked for about a quarter of an hour, and finally arrived in front of the Shenbing Pavilion.

Both of them set their sights on the huge plaque in Shenbing Pavilion.

Shenbing Pavilion!

The three big characters are painted with silver hooks, murderous.

Even if Sun Wukong has already broken through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian, he still feels a little uncomfortable when facing this murderous aura.

On the contrary, Ying Zheng, who had no cultivation, didn't feel anything unusual.

"Shenbing Pavilion, it really is miraculous!"

Sun Wukong first sighed in his heart, and then smiled at Ying Zheng: "Junior brother, is it you or my grandson first?"

Ying Zheng immediately said: "Of course, the senior brother invites you first!"

But Sun Wukong said: "It doesn't matter who comes first and who comes later. Anyway, the Shenbing Pavilion is probably the same as the Gongfa Building and the Cangshu Pavilion. What kind of fortune you can get depends on your own fate."

Ying Zheng nodded: "Brother, let's go together."

The two walked to the door together, pushed the door open and entered.


With the sound of the door opening, the scene inside the Shenbing Pavilion was revealed in front of the two of them.

But the next moment.

Their eyes full of expectation stared at the boss! !

I saw that inside the Shenbing Pavilion, it was like a utility room, with all kinds of things scattered all over the place and randomly piled up together.

Originally, Monkey King and Ying Zheng thought that there should be rows of shelves in the Shenbing Pavilion.

On the shelf, swords, guns, swords and halberds, sticks, hooks and forks, pearls and circle towers, eighteen kinds of weapons are neatly arranged.

But now it seems that the two of them think too much.

"Brother, is this really the Shenbing Pavilion?" Ying Zheng looked puzzled.

If it is not barely able to see the shadow of the weapon from the piles of sundries.

Ying Zheng wondered if he had come to the wrong place.

Sun Wukong was not sure: "It should be."

As he spoke, he took two steps back.

Looking at the plaque above it again, there are indeed three big characters of Shenbing Pavilion written on it.

Then he returned to Ying Zheng and smiled wryly, "Junior Brother, it seems that Shenbing Pavilion looks like this."

After finishing speaking, he took the first step and entered the Shenbing Pavilion.

Ying Zheng followed closely behind.

The two of them closed their eyes at the same time, and followed the routines of Gongfalou and Zangshuge with ease, and sensed.

But after sensing for a long time, there was nothing.

After a long time, Ying Zheng, who got nothing, couldn't help asking: "Brother, have you sensed your fate?"

Sun Wukong opened his eyes, shook his head and said, "My old grandson didn't feel his fate either."

Ying Zheng frowned: "Could it be that there is no fate for us in this Shenbing Pavilion?"

Sun Wukong immediately said: "This is impossible!!"

"Since the master asked us to come to the Shenbing Pavilion, there must be his deep meaning."

"In this Shenbing Pavilion, there must be our fate, but we haven't discovered it!!"

Ying Zheng thought so too.

The Master asked them to come to this Shenbing Pavilion. With the terrifying existence of the Master, every word he said and everything he did must have his deep meaning.

The master asked them to come to the Shenbing Pavilion, which proved that they had their own fate in this Shenbing Pavilion.

The reason why they haven't discovered it is because they haven't found a way to discover the predestined relationship.

So, Monkey King and Ying Zheng began to observe in the Shenbing Pavilion.

See if there is anything special about it.

Not to mention, they found a book on a counter.

"Junior brother, there is a book on the counter there, which is quite strange, let's go and have a look." Monkey King pointed to the book.

Ying Zheng followed Monkey King's expectations, and sure enough, he saw a book lying quietly on the counter.

The two immediately went over to check.

I saw that there were three big characters written on the book, "Shen Bing Pu".

Sun Wukong picked up the book of magic soldiers and turned the pages of the book.

The next moment, the pages of the book were brightly illuminated, emitting immeasurable light.

Sun Wukong saw only one thing in the pages of the book, and that was a long black stick.

The moment he saw the black stick, he had a feeling.

This black stick is his fate!

What Ying Zheng saw was different.

He also only saw one thing on the pages of the book, which was a big golden seal all over the body.

There are mountains, rivers and shrines on the Great Seal, and the phantoms of the common people flash past.

Ying Zheng also had a feeling the first time he saw the big seal, this big seal was his fate!

"Brother, I have found my fate!"

"Junior brother, my old grandson has found his fate!"

The voices of Monkey King and Ying Zheng were surprised at the same time.

Immediately, both of them showed doubts.

"Junior brother, what did you see in the book? What my old grandson saw was a black stick." Sun Wukong asked.

Yingzheng replied: "Junior Brother sees a large golden seal, why do we see different things respectively?"

Suddenly, the words Chu Xia once said appeared in the minds of both of them.

"Wukong, there is a Shenbing Pavilion over there, take Yingzheng there to take a good look."

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