It's even a matter of whether his life is still alive or not.

The fate of the human race cannot be desecrated.

Yingzheng wanted to combine the luck of the human race with the luck of the dynasty. How could it be possible not to pay the price after failure?

And the price is death and daoxiao!


Monkey King suddenly found that he could not understand the conversation between the master and the younger brother.

"Master, what are you talking about that is too high-level secret code, advanced?"

Ask if you don't understand, this is Sun Wukong's good character.

Chu Xia explained: "Your junior brother successfully combined the luck of the human race and the luck of the dynasty into a Tai Chi diagram of luck."

"So the potential of his original holy-level secret tome has greatly increased, and he has advanced to the super-high-level secret tome."

"That is to say, in the future, your junior brother will be a genius who can cultivate to the Supreme Promise Realm!"

Sun Wukong's eyes suddenly widened!

He looked at Ying Zheng with admiration on his face: "Junior brother, my grandson has convinced you!"

Everything that happened just now, Sun Wukong has been watching clearly from the sidelines.

Although it was Chu Xia who made the move in the end, Ying Zheng successfully combined the luck of the dynasty with the luck of the human race and turned it into a Tai Chi map of luck.

But if it weren't for Ying Zheng's own whimsy and hard work, Chu Xia's final move would never have been made.

Therefore, the root of Yingzheng's advanced skills lies in Yingzheng himself!

Didn't see it?

Even a terrifying existence like the master personally praised the younger brother as a genius.

this moment.

Sun Wukong secretly made up his mind that he must also find a way to advance the Nine Transformations of the Demon Ape to a super-superior skill.

I also want my master to praise me as a genius!

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother is just a fluke. It's the master's misrepresentation. Junior Brother, I'm not a genius." Ying Zheng waved his hand modestly.

Then he looked at Chu Xia.

"Master, this disciple has a request."

"The disciple wants to leave Taohuayuan and return to Qin."


Ask for flowers! ! !Ask for a monthly pass! ! !Ask for a reward! ! !Ask for flowers! ! !Ask for a monthly pass! ! !Ask for a reward! ! !Ask for flowers! ! !Ask for a monthly pass! ! !Ask for a reward! ! ! .

Chapter 18

Ying Zheng asked to leave.

This was beyond Chu Xia's expectation.

He was a little curious about the reason why Ying Zheng wanted to leave. After all, Ying Zheng had only been in Taohuayuan for only one day.

"Yingzheng, why did you leave Taohuayuan?" Chu Xia asked.

Monkey King on the side also showed curiosity.

Is there anything wrong with this peach blossom garden?

Ying Zheng explained: "Master, the disciple also wants to be with the master."

"However, the special way of cultivating the disciple's exercises is destined to return to Qin."

"Lu Buwei, the Prime Minister of the Qin State, although he is not a monarch, actually controls the great power of the Qin State."

"He also has the luck of the dynasty and the luck of the human race."

"The luck should have belonged to the disciples, but it was stolen by Lu Buwei."

"The purpose of this disciple going back this time is to get rid of Lu Buwei and take back the luck of the dynasty and the luck of the human race from him!"

"Furthermore, the disciple's cultivation method, Forging the Holy Dynasty, has not yet been truly cultivated successfully."

"If you want to truly succeed in cultivation, you must turn the Qin Kingdom into a holy dynasty, announce it to the world, and canonize all the officials of the holy dynasty!"

According to the content of Zhusheng Dynasty, if you want to cultivate Zhusheng Dynasty successfully, the last step is to change the dynasty into a holy dynasty, announce it to the world, and canonize the officials of the holy dynasty.

These hundred officials are not canonized casually!

Because, once you are canonized as an official of the holy pilgrimage, you can enjoy the luck of the holy pilgrimage.

Obtain the strength corresponding to the official position!

"In that case, I will agree to your request as a teacher, and you can leave Taohuayuan later."

Chu Xia nodded in agreement.

Ying Zheng is right, his cultivation is different from Monkey King.

His cultivation cannot leave Qin.

Moreover, if Yingzheng can take back the stolen human luck and dynasty luck from Lu Buwei.

Then Ying Zheng's cultivation will break through again.

After all, that's what Ying Zheng did.

The more and richer the luck in the body, the higher the cultivation base and the stronger the strength.

vice versa!

"Thank you, master!" Ying Zheng kowtowed three times again: "The disciple left!"

"The disciple is not filial and cannot always be with the master. Please forgive me!"

After finishing speaking, Ying Zheng got up slowly.

Looking at Sun Wukong: "Brother, I'm leaving Peach Blossom Land."

"If senior brother goes out in the future, he must remember to come to Nanzhan Buzhou to talk to junior brother about the old days."

Sun Wukong smiled and said, "Nan Zhan Buzhou? My old grandson will remember it! Don't worry, I will definitely go to my junior brother to talk about the old days."

Ying Zheng nodded, then bowed to Chu Xia before turning around and leaving.

Looking back three times at a step, after walking for a long time, the figure gradually disappeared on the Baiyu Square.

Ying Zheng walked out of Baiyu Square, followed the Taolin path, and returned to the Shimen that appeared first.

I don't know when.

A door of light glowing with seven-colored shimmer has already appeared on Shimen.

Ying Zheng didn't hesitate, and stepped directly into the light gate.


Southern Zhanbuzhou.

State of Qin, in the imperial garden.

Because of Ying Zheng's disappearance, the palace of Qin State was in great chaos.

Those eunuchs and court ladies who followed Ying Zheng to the Imperial Garden were all beheaded!

at this time.

Near the wall where Yingzheng disappeared, a group of Qin soldiers were guarding here.


A light door appeared on the wall, and Qin Zu immediately noticed the abnormality!

"Quick, hurry up and report, and say that the Guangmen that disappeared with the king has appeared again!!"

A Qin soldier had just left.

The next moment, a foot stepped out from the light gate.

It was Ying Zheng who came out of the gate of light!

After Ying Zheng walked out of the light gate, the light gate behind him slowly disappeared.

But there was a feeling in his heart.

As long as he has a thought, no matter when and where, the Light Gate will appear again and take him to the Peach Blossom Spring.


Those Qin soldiers have long been dumbfounded!

A Qin soldier stuttered and shouted: "Big, big, big, king!"

"The king is back! The king is back!"

Swish! ! !

All the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty knelt down one after another: "See Your Majesty!!"

Ying Zheng was expressionless, standing surrounded by Qin Zu like stars and moons.

Wearing black royal clothes and a crown on his head, the majesty of the emperor is fully revealed!

Coupled with the pattern of the round of luck Taiji diagram on his forehead, and the cultivation base of a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

It even sets off Yingzheng as if a god-man came into the world! !

Majesty, not to be desecrated.

The surrounding Qin soldiers all lowered their heads firmly, not even daring to move.

Knowing that Ying Zheng slowly opened his mouth and said, "Be flat."

"Thank you king!"

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