Chu Xia was puzzled and said, "Bai Xiang, why do you ask about the method of beheading corpses?"

"Didn't you get a holy-level exercise, the Holy Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength, from the exercise building?"

"As long as you continue to practice according to the strength of the sacred elephant, you can go straight to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Why do you study the way of beheading corpses?"

Bai Xiang explained: "Master, the disciple didn't ask for himself."

"The disciple is asking this question on behalf of the disciple's former senior sister, the Holy Mother of Wudang."

"Senior Sister Wudang has broken through to the pinnacle of the quasi-sage for many years, but she found that the way forward has been cut off."


Chu Xia interrupted: "So you think of being a teacher?"

"I want to help you see, Master, where is the way forward for this way of killing corpses?"

Bai Xiang nodded and said, "That's it, master!"

"Master is worthy of being a master. Before the disciple has finished speaking, he knows what the disciple is going to say."

Chu Xia laughed and said, "Okay, then stop flattering your teacher."

"For the sake of pinching your shoulders so hard for the teacher, I will help you see where the way of killing corpses lies."

The words fall.

Chu Xia began to deduce the way to kill the corpse.

When he read novels in his previous life, he knew that there are several key points in the way of beheading corpses.

First of all, killing corpses requires innate spiritual treasures as sustenance.

The stronger the innate spirit treasure used to entrust, the stronger the strength after beheading the corpse.

Secondly, beheading corpses is beheading good corpses, beheading evil corpses, and beheading self corpses.

There is no order among the three, whichever one can be cut can be cut.

After the three corpses are all cut out, you can try to combine the three corpses into one.

If you can successfully combine the three corpses into one, you will be able to immediately prove the realm of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

Of course, this is the setting in those novels in the previous life.

Chu Xia also didn't know what the real way of beheading corpses was like in Journey to the West.

That's why he took the opportunity of being invincible in Taohuayuan to deduce how to practice the way of killing corpses.

However, the more Chu Xia deduced, the more surprised the expression on his face became.

Seeing Chu Xia's gradually surprised expression, Bai Xiang was also full of question marks, not knowing why.

He really wanted to ask, but he was afraid of disturbing Chu Xia's deduction.

Finally, amidst Bai Xiang's curious face, Chu Xia's deduction ended.

As soon as the deduction was over, Chu Xia was speechless and said, "Tsk tsk, I don't know if I didn't deduce it, but I was shocked when I deduced it."

"Hongjun played a big game of chess!"

Bai Xiang immediately sensed something was wrong from Chu Xia's words, and asked anxiously, "Master, is there a problem with the way of beheading the corpse?"

Chu Xia smiled and said, "It's hard to say, you can say yes, or you can say no."

Bai Xiang asked: "Master, what's the explanation?"

Chu Xia said: "The way of beheading corpses, you should know how to cultivate it, so I won't say much about it as a teacher."

"It's just, after deduction as a teacher."

"Professor Hongjun's method of beheading corpses for all sentient beings is not comprehensive, and there are still some changes."

Bai Xiang's eyes widened immediately! !

He just suspected that there was something wrong with the method of beheading corpses taught by Daozu Hongjun.

But now after hearing Chu Xia's words, he is 100% sure that there is definitely something wrong!

So he hurriedly said: "Master, please tell me quickly, don't hang the disciple's appetite."

Seeing this, Chu Xia didn't continue to play tricks.

Instead, he said: "The real practice method of killing corpses should be to kill five corpses, not three corpses!"

Bai Xiang frowned: "Cut five corpses?"

Chu Xia nodded: "That's right! The real way to cut corpses is to cut good corpses, evil corpses, self corpses, seven emotion corpses, six desire corpses, this is five corpses!"

Bai Xiang's eyes widened in astonishment, he took a breath and said, "Master, it turns out that the real way of cultivating the method of cutting corpses is to cut five corpses."

"Doesn't that mean that all sentient beings have been on the wrong path?"

"Have we been deceived by Hongjun from the beginning to the end?"

"Damn it, I and all the prehistoric beings respectfully call Hongjun the Taoist ancestor, but I didn't expect him to lie to us!!"

Chu Xia shook her head and said, "Bai Xiang, you are wrong, Hongjun didn't lie to you!"

Bai Xiang was stunned for a moment.

He was a little confused, and asked: "Master, didn't you say that the real way of cultivating the way of cutting corpses is to cut five corpses?"

"However, this guy Hongjun told us to kill three corpses."

"He obviously lied to us, master, why do you say that Hongjun didn't lie to us?"

Chu Xia smiled and said, "Bai Xiang, that's why just now, when you asked if there was any problem with the method of beheading corpses taught by Shi Hongjun."

"As a teacher, it can be said that there is a reason, and it can also be said that there is no reason."

"You know, preaching to all living beings is an agreement between Hongjun and Tiandao."

"If the method of beheading the three corpses taught by Hongjun cannot prove the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, then first of all, he will not be able to pass the level of the Dao of Heaven."

"Secondly, do you really think those three thousand guests who listened to the sermon in Zixiao Palace are all fools?"

"If Hongjun's way of beheading the three corpses cannot prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, will they not be able to see it?"

"So Hongjun really didn't lie to you. According to the method of beheading the three corpses he taught, he can indeed prove the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian after the three corpses are merged into one."

"It's just that he played a little trick and made an information difference with you."

"What he didn't tell you is that practicing the method of beheading three corpses is a million times more difficult than practicing the method of beheading five corpses!"

"It can also be said that there is almost no possibility of proving the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian."

After listening to Chu Xia's words, Bai Xiang suddenly felt that his brain was not enough!

He was a little puzzled and said: "Master, what is Hongjun doing this for?"

Chu Xia laughed and said, "Of course Hongjun did this to prevent the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian from appearing among the prehistoric sentient beings!"

"The purpose is to restrict sentient beings from becoming stronger!"

Bai Xiang didn't understand again, and asked, "Master, why is Hongjun restricting sentient beings from becoming stronger?"

"He is in line with the way of heaven, and he can be called invincible in the prehistoric world. No matter how many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians appear among all living beings, they will not be able to threaten his status!"

Chu Xia shook her head and said, "Bai Xiang, this is the height you are standing at, which limits your vision."

"What do you think about the way of heaven?"

"The way of heaven is the will of all beings, the aggregate of the will of all things."

"If sentient beings become stronger, wouldn't the Dao of Heaven also become stronger?"

"This is the reason why Tiandao and Hongjun made an agreement to let Hongjun preach to Honghuang."

"The stronger you prehistoric beings are, the stronger the way of heaven will be."

"However, here comes a paradox."

"If the prehistoric beings are too powerful, but the power of all things fails to keep up, it will lead to the destruction of the prehistoric world."

"The destruction of the prehistoric world will also weaken the way of heaven."

"That's why Heaven has been working hard to achieve a balance between the prehistoric beings and all things in the world, and is constantly devouring the energy of chaos to expand the prehistoric world."

"Once the prehistoric beings are too powerful and threaten the prehistoric world, then Heavenly Dao will launch a catastrophe and weaken the power of the prehistoric beings."

"This is the great calamity, the origin of the calamity!"

"For Tiandao, the best state is that he absorbs the energy of chaos and strengthens the prehistoric world. At the same time, he makes all living beings of the prehistoric world stronger simultaneously with the strengthening of the prehistoric world."

"Bai Xiang, do you understand?"

Bai Xiang nodded half-understood and said, "Master, I understand."

"However, what does this have to do with Hongjun's restriction of all sentient beings becoming stronger?"

Chu Xia hated iron but said: "You are stupid!"

"Didn't you say it just now? When all living beings are strong, the way of heaven will follow suit."

"Hongjun's restricting the development of all sentient beings is restricting the development of the Dao of Heaven in a disguised form!"

"Hongjun's real purpose all along, is not to restrict the prehistoric beings at all, but to restrict the way of heaven!"

"You prehistoric beings are nothing more than a chess piece that Hongjun uses to limit the power of Heaven!"

Boom! !

Chu Xia's words made Bai Xiang's mind thunder!

He didn't expect that there are so many invisible and intangible secrets hidden in the seemingly ordinary way of killing three corpses! !

It completely subverted the three views of Baixiang.

He hurriedly asked: "Master, why did Hongjun limit the power of Heaven?"

Chu Xia sneered and said, "You don't understand that!"

"If the Dao of Heaven is too powerful, how can Hongjun devour the Dao of Heaven and seize the Dao Fruit of Pangu?"

Bai Xiang exclaimed: "Hongjun wants to devour the Dao of Heaven!"

"This... this is too crazy!"

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