She was amazed by the response she got!

It turns out that Sun Wukong not only did not worship Bodhi Patriarch as a teacher, but was accepted as an apprentice by a mysterious person.

And ultimately want to be.

Not long ago, Sun Wukong was only at the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, but now he has broken through to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian!

This directly aroused Nuwa's strong interest.

She smelled the word "conspiracy" strongly.

"Who is this person who took Sun Wukong as his disciple?"

"Is he trying to stop the great prosperity of Buddhism, or is he trying to cut off Hu Puti's chance?"

With such gossip in mind, Nuwa began to figure out who Sun Wukong's master is.

But the result was nothing.

Nuwa was surprised again! !

She is a saint, and the only thing he can't calculate is the saint!

"It certainly can't be the two of them, Zhunti and Jieying, and it's not me. Then there are only three of them, Yuanshi, Laozi, and Tongtian."

"Is it Tongtian?"

Nuwa was the first to place her doubts on Tongtian.

Because there are only Tongtian and Zhunti, Jieyin has the greatest hatred.

Among all the saints, only Tongtian's character would do such a thing against the general trend of heaven.

"No, there is another possibility!" Nuwa's eyes suddenly lit up.

She thought of Ying Zheng's mysterious master, the existence behind the faceless statue!

a long time.

Nuwa shook her head again: "It should be impossible."

"The cultivation method on the monkey is the orthodox prehistoric cultivation method, which is completely different from the cultivation method practiced by Ying Zheng."

"Their master should not be alone!"

Now, Nuwa's curiosity 10 was completely seduced.

Who is Sun Wukong's master?

With this doubt, Nuwa refocused her eyes on Monkey King and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

She wants to see if she can find some clues about the master behind him in Sun Wukong.


Chaos, Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun also set his sights on Monkey King and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

And also deduced the secret, knowing the whole story.

"Huh? This monkey was not accepted as an apprentice by Zhunti Shanshi, but was accepted by others and taught him skills."

"Interesting, interesting!!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was very happy.

During the Battle of the Conferred Gods, three of his apprentices, the Twelve Golden Immortals, were directly abducted by Zhunti and turned into Buddhist Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra, and Manjushri.

Even the deputy leader, Taoist Ran Deng, was abducted and turned into the Di Deng Buddha of Buddhism.

For Yuanshi Tianzun, this was simply slapping him in the face.

And Yuanshi Tianzun is the most shameless saint, so he has always kept this hatred in his heart.

Now seeing the changes in Buddhism's Journey to the West plan, I am naturally very happy!

"Let the deity take a look, who broke the good deeds of Buddhism."

Thinking in this way, Yuanshi Tianzun began to communicate with the way of heaven and deduce the secrets of heaven.

But it turned out to be nothing!

This made Yuanshi Tianzun frowned slightly.

"It's impossible to calculate the secret!"

"Could it be that one of our sages was the one who badly proposed and led their journey to the west?"

"Is it Tongtian?"

Yuanshi Tianzun listed the first object of suspicion on Tongtian.

"My dear brother, in the last battle of the Conferred Gods, you have already violated the general trend of heaven."

"Don't you understand that the general trend of heaven cannot be violated?"

"If you are still so obsessed with obsession, you must fight against the general trend of heaven."

"As an older brother, I can only do it myself to set you right, lest you continue to fall into the quagmire!"

this moment.

Yuanshi Tianzun made up his mind, if the master behind Monkey King is Tongtian.

Then he will make another move, like the First Battle of the Conferred Gods, to prevent the leader of the Tongtian Church from making mistakes!

This is his responsibility and obligation as an elder brother!

Yuanshi Tianzun's younger brother control attribute is fully revealed here!


Chaos, Sanqing courtyard.

Taiqing Laozi Yuanshen has just returned to his body, ending the deduction of the secret.

His eyes opened suddenly, and he whispered four words: "Another variable."

"Who is this Monkey King's master? Which one of us? What's his purpose?"

"Tongtian, is it you this time?"

The first person I suspected was also Tong Tian.

But like Nuwa, she thought of another person.

"Could it be him!"

In Lao Tzu's mind, the figure of the faceless statue appeared!

But he shook his head again: "It's not like that."

"There is no similarity between the exercises practiced by Monkey King and Ying Zheng."

Taiqing Laozi felt that he was going to have a headache again.

The variable that appeared in Ying Zheng last time has not been clarified yet, this time there is another variable that appeared in Monkey King.

"Journey to the West is obviously just a catastrophe. Why are there so many variables?"

I was very puzzled, he was a little skeptical, and continued to follow this path.

I'm afraid that the original Great Tribulation of Journey to the West will become a Tribulation of Journey to the West!


Chaos, the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

Zhunti and Jieyin originally thought that Sun Wukong was still in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

So when I just received the report from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, I didn't care about it.

Otherwise, Jieyin wouldn't have spoken out, so that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva would not hurt Sun Wukong.

But look now.

Good guy, when did Sun Wukong break through from the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian! !

This is too fast!

Kuai Zhunti's eyes widened in shock.

"Who, who is going against my Buddhism!!" Zhun stood up directly from the lotus platform in a fit of anger.

In such a short period of time, Sun Wukong's cultivation was brought from the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian to the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

If there is nothing wrong with it, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed Zhunti.

"Tongtian, it must be you, it must be you!!"

In Zhunti's mind, Tong Tian's figure holding Qingping sword and looking full of hatred flashed across his mind.

Monkey King is an extremely important part of their Buddhist journey to the west.

From Zhunti's point of view, it is very possible that Tongtian will make a move in this link!

at this time.

Jieyin's originally sad face also turned into a dignified expression.

"Brother, I'm afraid something is not good!"

"Look, Sun Wukong, with the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian's peak, was tied with your disciple Jizo in the physical body competition!"

Let's take a look at the words.

Sure enough, I saw the scene where Monkey King and Ksitigarbha were fighting hand-to-hand, evenly matched.

Immediately shocked!

Ksitigarbha is his disciple, and he knows better than anyone how strong Ksitigarbha is.

Now, Monkey King is able to tie with Dizang with the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian at the peak.

The meaning contained in it is simply too great.

While shocked, Zhunti became even more angry.

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