Why is he being so nice to himself?

For food, shelter, and dragon breath... It's like a black dragon during mating period.

"Is he in heat? Still fancy me?"

Ao Ge knows that pure-blooded black dragons will have a estrus period, and they will court mates frantically at this stage. She, who has only half-dragon blood in the entire black dragon clan, has no estrus period.

And the estrus period is mostly after the dragon son's trial...

Could it be that the estrus period of the Dragon King has really arrived?

But why did you choose her?

There were so many strong and beautiful female dragons in the clan, and she was just a small, squat, ugly half-dragon.

Does he still have a penchant for being ugly?

But, but...

Ao Ge looked at a dragon scale much bigger than her in the distance...

However, the Dragon King's body must be very powerful and strong. He is too big, and she is so small...

Yes, yes, yes... I can't stand it!

Ao Ge blushed.

What the loli in the dragon's lair was thinking, otherwise An didn't know.

At this moment, he looked at the mountain top and his own arm that were smashed into pieces not far away.

Sigh again, the black dragon arm is really strong!

To test it just now, he waved his paw towards the mountain.

Then, the top of the mountain was shattered and flattened abruptly.

"Then, the next test is..."

For the first item, he searched all over his body, but he didn't find his storage ring.

There is nothing else on his body except the dragon scale battle armor with the majestic cloak.

second section.

"Destroying Black Flame!"

"Destroy the Black Flame!"

"Black Flame!"



No matter how he summoned it, his own Black Flame of Nirvana did not appear in his hand.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

"The Nine Emperors pull the coffin!"

"Death and Tribulation Light!"


Well, none of them started.

the third item.


Using the method of turning the black dragon back into its original body in the inheritance of the black dragon, An Ran tried to turn into a dragon body.


His body changed suddenly, and there was no feeling of pain, but a sense of relief and a sense of relief, and then his vision changed.

The mountain that was so high just now needs to bow its head when looking at it now.

I looked at my arm...

Good guy, it's become a real dragon's claw.

That's right, he has really turned into a powerful black dragon!

There is a nameless black mist on the dragon's body hundreds of feet long, and there are many strange phenomena evolving, which are very strange.

The extremely explosive dragon claws bred all kinds of powerful combat skills and black dragon Taoism, as if they could penetrate the sky.

The ferocious yet aesthetically pleasing dragon head has creepy blood pupils, and dragon horns shimmering with terrifying power, and the slightly opened dragon's mouth emits a shocking low growl.

It seems that with just a light leap, he can soar through the clouds and ride the fog for nine days.

It seems that with just one stroke, the ground under your feet can be torn apart.

It seems that with just a light blow, the powerful breath can destroy everything in front of you.


Otherwise, take back the black dragon itself.

After a series of experiments, he can indeed only use the power of the black dragon clan.

Everything else, including his cultivation, cannot be used in this strange world.

What kind of world is this?

Otherwise, An is more inclined to think that it is the past memory that the senior sister does not want to face in her heart, or the catastrophe of the demon... or the world of the demon combined with the two.

But it was just his guess.

No matter what happened to the senior sister when she was young, he will protect her.

The next step is to know the life experience of his senior sister, he thinks there is a story in it.

This matter is not difficult, after all, he is the Dragon King.

After doing some manipulations, and ignoring the Dragon King Ceremony held for him by the Black Dragon Clan, An Otherwise learned the information about "Aoge the Blood-Stained Man" from other people.

As he imagined, this is a slightly bloody story.

Ao Ge's mother was originally a black dragon, and she was the best of that generation of black dragons, known as a genius under the Dragon King.

But he was seriously injured in a battle and was rescued by a human male, and the two fell in love after getting along day and night.

It's a pity that she met an unkind person, and that person found out that she was a dragon, so he colluded with a practitioner to plot against her, trying to slay the dragon...

Long Ma returned to Heilong Island disheartened, but at this time she was already pregnant with Ao Ge...

After giving birth to Ao Ge, Long Ma disappeared in the battle within a few years.

So, this is a bloody story.

It was almost the same as what An Buo had guessed before.

The reason why Ao Ge was excluded and suffered was because she had half human blood in her body.

One is that because she is half-human and half-dragon, she is regarded by the black dragon clan as an alien that pollutes the blood, so she is excluded.

The second is that because of half of human blood, she is far from being as strong as other black dragons.

Instead, she was extremely weak, even incomparable to a human child, which made her suffer from pain since she was a child.

After getting a good understanding, An Ran took a lot of food from the ceremony and returned to his dragon's lair.

Chapter 131: What is unreasonable?

Return to the luxurious dragon's lair.

Otherwise, An didn't find Ao Ge.

But her "nest" is still there.

An Otherwise carefully sensed the breath she left behind.

Heilong's facial features are very keen, he immediately smelled Ao Ge's breath, and chased after him.

Under a forest, Ao Ge was digging spiritual plants lying on the ground.

His little face was dusty, his robe was covered in mud, and his muddy hands kept digging.

She doesn't want to be rejected by Lord Dragon King.

The spiritual energy here is the strongest, and there must be very good quality spiritual grass nearby.

She wants to pick spiritual grass and offer it to the Dragon King... Even if it is very small, she still wants to do her best to repay.

She doesn't want to owe anyone if she can.

A powerful black dragon will not owe anyone anything.

She will become stronger!

She will become a mighty black dragon!

After cheering up, Ao Ge pulled out a spiritual grass and was overjoyed.

After carefully putting it away, Ao Ge continued to search for the spirit grass with her lovely nose twitching.

"This smell is high-grade spiritual grass!"

Excited, Ao Ge hurried towards the smell.

The smell was not far away, and Ao Ge found his target.

It was a beautiful flower that exuded pure aura and had already bloomed.

It was so tempting that Ao Ge couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

She was really hungry.

However, this flower is for the Dragon King, she can't eat it!

Moreover, this flower...

Under her careful observation.

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