"No matter how powerful, the existence of the arbitrariness of the ages will be reduced to loess by the Supreme Named Time..."

"Only me, eternal and eternal."

Looking at the human immortal cultivator lying on the ground, the monster peacock, and the black dragon in the jade coffin, a trace of doubt flashed in Jin Longdi's eyes.

"Dragon son?"

"It's ridiculous, wanting to devour the Golden Dragon inheritance before birth."

The Golden Dragon Emperor raised the long spear formed by the condensed golden light, intending to retrieve the Golden Dragon Ball.

At this moment, a breath suddenly came from behind.

Jin Longdi's expression froze, and he turned around to look.

On the ground, that petite figure stood up unexpectedly, she pulled out the golden spear, her abdomen was still bleeding.

"I won't... let you hurt him!"

Little Chilong's face twisted, and he was so painful that he couldn't speak.

"Oh? So what?"

Jin Longdi said indifferently: "If you want to die, then come."

Rays of golden light condensed into golden spears in the sky behind her.

The little red dragon gritted his teeth, moved his short legs, and ran on the ground, stepping on the ground, with an invincible aura.

However, when she was running, the heavy armor on her body fell off one by one, exposing her petite body.

Jin Longdi looked on indifferently: "The courage at the end is worthy of praise, but it needs life to set it off."

Thousands of guns shot out behind him like bullets with powerful power.

Even though she is just waking up, even a little bit of Dragon Emperor's power cannot be resisted by anything in the world.

"Go to hell, weak dragon."

Jin Longdi, who hated the weak extremely, said indifferently.

Under the supernatural power of the guns raining down, the little red dragon was covered with cuts and bruises, and his face was covered with blood. His body, which was well protected in the past, was now covered with scars.

Deep in his heart and even deep in his veins, warning signs are constantly sending out.

The one in front of you is a Dragon Emperor!

Supreme Dragon.

One step further, it is the abyss!

In the past, whenever there was some danger, she should retreat and protect herself with the strongest shield and armor.

But now, she has given up her armor and the heavy shield that has protected her for countless years.

Because they hindered her progress.

"No way, no way!"

"Ow, roar!"

The roaring voice changed from delicate to mature.

The little red dragon ran faster and faster, and gradually the golden light spear couldn't catch up with her afterimage, and while running, she was growing up, growing up in a real sense!

Jin Longdi stared blankly at what happened in front of him, his expression changed from indifference to astonishment.

The pupils shrank slightly, and just about to move, but was stopped in place.


A fist with a crimson streamer hit Jin Longdi's face right in the middle, her head was turned to an abnormal angle, powerful force poured into her body, she sank into the ground and rubbed backward thousands of miles, embedded in another mountain peak.

What happened in an instant, the spear was still firing, but the owner was shot away.

After a burst of dust and mist, a tall crimson figure appeared on the spot.

Chapter 448: Red Dragon

A red figure.

Long crimson hair, as crystal clear as burning red crystals, delicate to almost perfect facial features, mature and beautiful appearance, crimson pupils blazing with fire, and two coral-like pupils on his forehead horns.

The figure is particularly tall, belonging to the normal proportions of a dragon-like humanoid, with a perfect curve of protruding front and back.

There are a total of nine star-like small stone talismans swirling around her body. Behind her head, there is a phantom dragon roaring, and engravings like volcanic cracks appear on the ground under her feet. These engravings spread Covering the entire earth, I do not know its vastness, perhaps covering the entire earth.


The red dragon stepped on the ground, causing an earthquake, the ground cracked, the surface protruded, and the sand condensed into long spears, which flew towards the sky continuously, thus forming a terrifying scene.


Looking at the little red dragon that had completed its own transformation, the Golden Dragon Emperor couldn't help but sigh.

"The earth..."

The earth and the red dragon are linked together, and power is continuously transmitted to the red dragon through the earth.

Looking at the huge engraving that spread across the earth, it was like making an enemy of the entire earth.

"Okay, very good, this is right, this is the battle!"

Jin Longdi showed a bloodthirsty smile.

She held up the golden spear, and invisible power spewed out, forming a golden sky in the sky. The spears formed by countless golden laws spread all over the sky.

"Emperor Dragon Sky Curtain!"


After throwing countless long spears together, the figure of the Golden Dragon Emperor disappeared, and at the same time, the red dragon left an afterimage on the spot.

In the sky, or in various positions on the earth, distorted images appeared one after another, like water patterns, but there were no figures of the two of them, only the occasional aftermath that set off huge waves of aftermath.

The two were fighting at an extremely fast speed, and all the space distortions were left by the two fighting.

The red and golden spears bombarded each other continuously, falling like dense rain, and below was a battle invisible to the naked eye.


The golden figure descended from the sky like a meteor falling, piercing through more than a dozen high mountains and sinking into the depths of the earth, forming a crater almost like an abyss.

Call ~

The red figure fell on the ground, and the red dragon waved to the ground.


At a distance of less than a hundred meters from her, the ground suddenly protruded, and a billowing heat wave gushed out from it. With the rumbling sound of mourning, crimson magma erupted towards the thousand-meter sky, and the black-red smoke engulfed the magma, spreading around like a mushroom cloud Falling down, the scarlet magma left countless fiery scratches in the sky.

But this was just the beginning, and then, led by the red dragon, volcanoes erupted with roars, and the golden figure was shrouded by the volcano and pushed high into the sky by the impact of the earth.

The red dragon slapped the ground with a palm, and with her as the center, red cracks were blasted open. Large chunks of rock, the ground, and magma rushed towards the golden figure.

They collided with the golden figure like cannonballs, and combined with other substances. A series of crimson imprints appeared on the surface. This is a huge supernatural power.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, a crimson "blood moon" was created by the red dragon in the sky, braving disgust and spilling magma. In the center of the blood moon is the Golden Dragon Emperor...

The battle of Chilong Jinlongdi was no longer limited to Leiming Mountain.

In Ximo City, thousands of miles away, countless immortal cultivators stared blankly at the crimson sky and the bloody moon in the distance.

"It's such a huge breath, it weighs me... a little out of breath."

"What happened to Thunder Mountain?"

"The battle of the saints broke out?"

"Idiot, how could there be such horror in the battle of the saints?"

The high-ranking immortal cultivator looked into the distance frowning.

Some immortal cultivators discovered the strangeness of the earth. There were scarlet imprints on the surface, which were very long and seemed to spread from Thunder Mountain.

Originally, there were a large number of immortal cultivators who wanted to escape from Ximo City. It is the nature of casual cultivators to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, but this earth engraving spread far away, no matter how they flew, they did not leave this range.

On the city wall, Ji Xiangyu frowned, looking worriedly at the red sky in the distance.

An Otherwise is on Thunder Mountain...how is his condition?

"Boss, let's get out of here quickly!"

"Stupid, do you know how far this engraving spreads?"

"Moreover, because this engraved teleportation array has failed..."

"But what if the battle on Thunder Mountain is getting more and more fierce? Immortals fight, and mortals suffer!"

Two partners are arguing.

Ji Xiangyu calmly said: "There is a reason why the high-ranking cultivators in the city don't escape."

The bald head asked, "What's the reason?"

Ji Xiangyu shook her head and said, "That blood moon has such an imprint on its surface, I'm afraid it's an unimaginable Taoism."

"If it is cast on the ground, not to mention the West Desert City, or even the entire Western Region will suffer."

"In the event that the teleportation array fails, no one will be spared."

"If this is the case, the cultivators can still save their lives, so I worry that the existence is not limited to this..."

As soon as Ji Xiangyu finished speaking, everyone looked at the sky in a daze.

I saw a crimson meteor in the sky, from the high and unreachable sky, that faint star next to the real moon, shining red light and stream tail, "slowly" towards the created The blood moon falls...

"Star, star, the stars are falling!"

The bald man yelled in despair.

Ji Xiangyu's expression turned ugly, she didn't expect her guess to be correct...

"Quick! Tell the city defense to open the big formation, and tell all the cultivators, all the cultivators, to instill spiritual power to support the big formation!"

Ji Xiangyu shouted frantically.

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