An Otherwise looked at the sky and the surrounding environment.

The resentment is already very strong, almost to the point of turning into water.

Visibility ahead has been greatly reduced.

Perhaps, it is very close to the opening of the tomb.

An Otherwise sighed inwardly, hoping that what the coffin shop owner said was true.

One day on the ground is equal to one month in the ghost domain.

That way, if Si Yan is found, he can go back as soon as possible and solve the collusion between the old sect and the Tianyi Sect.

I also hope that the An family can calm down, but don't really establish any magic alliance.


Suddenly, the sky shook.

Massive grievances stirred up.

I saw that all the grievances went underground, as if being sucked away by a certain force, or as if a certain existence opened its huge mouth to eat.

At this moment, An Otherwise felt a chill deep in his heart.

This feeling...was almost the same as when he first met Golden Dragon Emperor Ao Tian!

The Ghost Bride grabbed An Buan's hand tightly: "The tomb is about to open, Your Majesty, get ready!"

An Ran nodded, "Okay."

Otherwise, grab the ghost king Yuxi tightly.

Yuxi radiated blood-colored light.

This light seeped into An Buo's body bit by bit.

An Otherwise felt a strong call.

It's a call from the ghost emperor's grave!


In the next moment, a huge roar resounded in the place where the ghost emperors were fighting.

Immediately afterwards, the ground under An Buan's feet spread and cracked, and the cracks were huge, like gaps.

And there is still a faint blue light blooming.

At this time, An Otherwise found that he could no longer control the air, as if restricted by a certain air-forbidden restriction.

The ghost bride said anxiously: "My lord, if we jump down, we can enter the tomb of the ghost emperor!"

It turned out that it was going to fall.

An Oro no longer fought against the air ban, but grabbed the ghost bride's wrist and jumped straight down.

The depth of the crack in the ground is unknown, and a quarter of an hour has passed since the falling process, but it still hasn't bottomed out.

However, the inexplicable feeling in An Ran's heart became stronger and stronger.

As if approaching some behemoth was getting closer.



The two fell into the water.

And the water is very, very cold.

As if it was water aimed at the soul, even the ghost bride shivered from the cold, and hugged An Buo tightly.

An Ran destroyed Nirvana Black Flame, dispelled the chill for himself and the ghost bride, and also used the power of the black dragon to illuminate the front, leading the ghost bride to swim up...

Chapter 481: The Tragic Ghost King

This is a black lake.

The cold water of the lake made the ghost chill.

Only the Nirvana Black Flame can dispel this chill.

After An Buan's struggle, he finally brought the ghost bride ashore.

The Ghost Bride shivered with her delicate body in her arms, one could imagine how much the black water had hurt her.

An Otherwise observed the surrounding environment.

It was dark and lifeless.

Looking up, I can't see the crack when it fell.

Is this a small world?

When she came back to her senses, the Ghost Bride was still shivering, and An Oro easily let the Nirvana Black Flame radiate heat.

At this time, the ghost's sky-killing thing has become the thing that the ghost bride lives on.

An Ran asked, "Have we come to the tomb of the Ghost Emperor?"

Relying on the strange fire, the ghost bride temporarily got rid of the cold: "Yes, this is the tomb of the ghost emperor."

"Although it's underground in the Land of Ghost Emperor Conflict, but before it is opened, no matter how hard you dig, you won't be able to find it."

Otherwise, An is sure that this is a small world.

"Next, we just need to find the main hall of the tomb in the tomb of the ghost emperor. There is the remains of the ghost emperor there."

said the ghost bride.

An otherwise nodded.

This is different from the ghost emperor's tomb he imagined. He thought he could see the master right away, but he had to work harder.

The ghost bride said: "In the tomb of the ghost emperor, the ghost king Yuxi can play a huge role."

An Otherwise took out the jade seal full of resentment.

At this moment, the jade seal is shining slightly, the crimson light is not dazzling, but it is very deep and a little frightening.

The ghost bride went on to say: "Yuxi can lead the ghost king to where he should go, and he will be rewarded by the ghost emperor."

Why are the ghost kings keen to offer war sacrifices to the ghost emperor?

In addition to the belief in the ghost emperor, there is also a reward that makes all the ghost kings crazy.

Of course, this time, when the ghost kings entered the tomb, what they wanted was not only rewards, but also the ghost emperor's slough that bloomed every ten thousand years.

The ghost bride said: "Originally, the dispute between ghost kings will only end in the land of dispute, whether it is a gift or a reward."

"Only this time, the ghost emperor's tomb was opened once in ten thousand years, and news of the ghost emperor's remains spread among the ghost kings of all parties..."

"Everyone is crazy."

An is otherwise silent.

He once suspected that Ghost Emperor Yishui was the cover used by Tianji Pavilion to design Si Yan.

But I didn't expect that this thing really existed.

But if you think about it carefully, doesn't Tianji Pavilion, which first-hand obtained the information about the ghost emperor's remains, have no intention of taking action against the ghost emperor's remains?

Isn't this kind of opportunity better than seizing the authority of Yunlanzong?

Could it be that there is a danger in the remains of the Ghost Emperor that makes Tianji Pavilion afraid?

So Tianji Pavilion decided that Si Yan would never come back after entering the ghost emperor's tomb?

An Oro shook his head, then breathed out, and said, "Let's move forward."

Ghost Bride: "Okay."

Only by being close to An, can she feel the warmth.

That black water is really terrifying, it is water formed by condensed resentment, any ghost who falls into it, besides losing his mind, will be frozen for thousands of years.

That is no different from self-disappearance.

The ghost bride didn't expect them to be so unlucky, and this is where they jumped off.

But if there is An, his black flame can just dispel resentment and dispel the chill.

This kind of hell difficulty is nothing.

Ghost Bride: "Your Majesty, you can sense the jade seal to obtain information about the Ghost Emperor's tomb."

"It is said that if you collect all the jade seals, you will gain control of the ghost emperor's tomb."

An Ran nodded and used a bit of soul power to communicate with Yuxi.

Yuxi exuded a cold breath, but An Bu closed her eyes and got a lot of information.

That's the information about the ghost emperor's tomb, its overall structure.

On the whole, it is much bigger than An or imagined.

However, the main tomb is in the center of the tomb, and the direction the jade seal is leading is the main tomb, where the ghost emperor will reward him.

That's good, presumably everyone who gets the jade seal will go there.

Master Si Yan is no exception.

After finding the direction, An Buo and the ghost bride speeded up and headed towards the main tomb.

However, there were some accidents along the way.

The passage of the tomb was lifeless and damp, and the ground was covered with all kinds of bones.

When passing by, if the noise is too loud, the bones on the ground will be awakened, and they will wake up and attack them otherwise.

Moreover, these skeletons are also extremely tough, even if their limbs are broken, they still will not stop, and will continue to attack An or the two.

However, it would be their misfortune to meet An.

Otherwise, a cluster of black flames could burn them all.

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