"That's right, I am the son of the An family, the one who will destroy you."

An Otherwise waved his arms.

The blood mist on his body rose up.

Converging into a weapon in front of him, the blood-colored Fang Tian painted a halberd.

Fang Tian's painted halberd was overflowing with blood-colored mist, with delicate and ancient inscriptions, and a red gun barrel.

This is the protection given by the Devil Emperor An Lan to future generations.

As long as the power of the blood is activated, you can call her name and summon her weapons to fight.

Of course, this is not a complete imperial weapon, but fragments of an imperial weapon.


Hei Ni suddenly let out a roar that sounded like fear and anger.

The black mud moved a little further from the Samsara River.

An Otherwise resisted the negative emotions that kept coming up in his heart, and said, "Samsara Dahe, help me!"

The Dao of Reincarnation practiced by Ghost Emperor, and he also mastered the law of reincarnation, so he tried to communicate with the Dao of Reincarnation.


Suddenly, the entire Samsara River was splashed.

Every drop on the water splash has a picture, it is a reincarnation, the spray is one after another, An Bu jumped up, stepped on the spray, and raised Fang Tian's painting halberd to strike the black mud.

Bloody thunder gushes out from Fang Tian's painted halberd, and the Samsara River directly evolves the law of reincarnation, helping An or not.

Wherever the blood-colored thunder went, the black mud avoided it, and if it touched a little, the black mud would scream.

"Hmm, get on!"

An Otherwise roared.

The figure turned into a blood shadow, and rushed into the black mud. The blood light suddenly appeared, and the black mud wailed all over the field. The law of the great river of reincarnation made this starry sky directly evolve into an area covered by water, and the black mud could not escape. .

Of course, An Otherwise's state is also extremely bad at the moment.

After knowing that the black mud and those negative emotions are of the same type of power, otherwise An knew that he could not procrastinate any longer and had to make a quick decision, otherwise he would be the first to lose.

Fortunately, Samsara Dahe might have been annoyed by the black mud before, but now he has dealt with the black mud with a dead hand, helping An to suppress the remnant soul of the soul emperor.

In the end, the black mud was wiped out and only a little bit remained.

An Ran stood in front of that point, and accused Fang Tian with a halberd.

The black mud curled up into a round, sticky thing.

Like jelly, but grosser than that.

It looks disgusting.

It's a black slime!

Chapter 494: The Captive Mingming!

The round, sticky black slime curled up obediently.

Facing the persecution of Samsara Dahe and An Buan, it trembled a little and was very afraid.

Otherwise, An knew that time was running out, so he didn't hesitate any longer, and directly punched the black slime, pouring bloody energy into it.


The black slime exploded like a balloon being smashed, and the deep black spewed out, and was wiped out by An Buan's bloody mist, without a single trace of it escaping.

"This is……"

After killing the remnant soul, An Ran felt waves of energy rushing towards him, like a steady stream of nutrients.

"Is this a gift?"

An Otherwise looked at the Samsara River.

At this moment, the big river was silent, returning to its original posture.

If it hadn't been for a large scene of drowning the remnant soul of the Soul Emperor just now, An would have thought that the Great River of Samsara had no spirit.

Otherwise, An quickly returned to his original state. The state of activating his blood was consuming his sanity every minute.

Fortunately, it was a success.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

He won the battle for control, then, next he...

Suddenly, a huge suction force descended from the sky, and Anoran was involuntarily sucked away. In the process, Anoran's consciousness fell into a blur...

No matter how conscious he was, when he opened his eyes, what he saw was a coffin board made of jade.


"Don't get close, we don't know if he is the king yet!"

"But I feel that he is Xiaoran."

Beside the coffin, the Ghost Bride and King Yama looked at this side vigilantly.

An Ran sat up suspiciously, feeling that they were a little strange, and asked, "What's wrong with you? I'm... X? My voice?"

From the throat came a slightly hoarse but distinct female voice.


An otherwise looked at her hands.

It was a pair of white and flawless hands, and then touched his face, and hair...

An Otherwise confirmed that he successfully entered the ghost emperor's body and took control of it.

"Your Majesty!"

"Xiao Ran!"

The ghost bride and Yan Luowang also confirmed that the ghost emperor in front of them was An Otherwise, very excited and happy.

There was an unconcealable look of joy on his face, and he was about to pounce on him.

It's just that An is now controlling the ghost emperor's body, how dare they do this.

"My lord, you can come out and take two steps now to test the power of the ghost emperor's slough!"

The ghost bride said with anticipation.

King Yan Luo said: "The ghost emperor is an existence with all-powerful methods, so he must be very powerful!"

An Otherwise nodded and crawled out of the coffin.

At the beginning, it was indeed a little uncomfortable and uncoordinated.

After all, the weight on his chest was still quite heavy, and his crotch was cold, so he was uncomfortable with something missing.

However, under the drive, An Oro barely stood up and walked a few steps.

An Otherwise tried to punch forward.


I saw a scene of space shattering appearing in front of me, and then, a mushroom-shaped explosion was shot out on the sea thousands of miles away.

This punch is terrifying!

"So strong!"

"Just a normal punch."

The ghost bride and Yan Luo were shocked.

"Is this the power of the emperor's body?"

"No wonder so many guys want it."

An Ran nodded.

He could feel the terrifying power hidden in this body.

But otherwise An would not lose her color.

After all, he had seen the more powerful and domineering Golden Dragon Emperor before.

The ghost emperor should not specialize in the body, but the soul, and... reincarnation.

Reincarnation...An Otherwise thought of the great river of reincarnation, where the long river is the ghost emperor's sea of ​​consciousness.

Dijun is really the pinnacle of the road.

The ghost emperor should not be called the ghost emperor, but the lord of reincarnation.

"We can get out of here now!"

Yan Luowang said loudly.

The ghost bride thought of something, and whispered: "Your Majesty, you said you would take me away, is that true?"

An Otherwise said: "Of course it is true."

The ghost bride showed joy at first, and then said anxiously: "It's on the ground, I'm a ghost with no relatives and no reason, what should I do?"

An Otherwise glanced at her: "Then just follow me."

The ghost bride glanced shyly at An Buan and said, "Then let's leave quickly, no, the king's master seems to be still in the sea of ​​darkness..."

An Ran nodded: "Before I leave, I have to do one more thing."

An otherwise looked at Minghai.

Before, he couldn't beat Mingming and could only rely on his master to protect him, but now it's different.

He wants revenge!

Take revenge with this ghost emperor's legacy!

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