So, they went to find information for An Otherwise.

"My lord, there is indeed something strange in Tiangong!"

said the ghost bride.

"According to the information I found, the Tiangong ruins will only be opened on specific days, which is equivalent to once in a hundred years."

"And this time, less than 50 years have passed since the last time."

"The intention of Tianji Pavilion is absolutely not good!"

Yan Luowang also nodded and said: "There are nine floors under Tiangong, the first three floors are the mining area, and the meteor sand is excavated from there."

"The middle and third floors are the treasure area, with many rare treasures."

"The lower layers are said to hide ancient inheritance."

"And the last floor is where the Heavenly Secret Pavilion found the emperor's soldiers."

"Starting from the middle three floors, the risk factor will skyrocket."

"By the way, I also wrote down the structure of the Tiangong ruins."

The ghost bride looked at King Yan Luo in surprise: "I didn't expect your investigation to be quite clear."

King Yan Luo said with a smile: "I sneaked into a certain family and saw these secrets."

An Bu nodded: "With these, we can be more confident when we enter."

"By the way, have you inquired about the ancient information of the Tiangong ruins?"

Find the fragments of the formation of Yunxiaolonggong in the demon forest, and the ruins of Tiangong in Tiandao City...

According to the vision and size of the ancient giant beast, the distance between the demon forest and Tiandao City is not far away.

It's even close.

Could Tiangong be a palace of Yunxiaolonggong?

Could the emperor soldier be the weapon of Yunxiao Dragon Emperor Aotian?

If so, An otherwise has a reason to get the Emperor Soldiers.

Because, he is the first heir to Ao Tian's relic!

The ghost bride thought for a while, and said, "There are many, many opinions about this."

"There are two most widely circulated ones. One is that the Tiangong is a fairy artifact built by the ancient human race. It was destroyed here after a war with the monster race."

"There is also a legend that Tiangong is a treasure stored by a certain ancient power, and it is full of treasures of power..."

An otherwise paused.

The first legend, An otherwise cannot be determined.

On the contrary, it is the second legend that sounds a bit exaggerated, which is more likely to be believed by Ning An.

If Tiangong is Yunxiao Dragon Emperor's treasure, then it makes sense.

Of course, these are people's guesses, and there is no actual evidence.

Moreover, Tianji Pavilion, which has been exploring Tiangong for a long time, has never revealed the secrets of Tiangong to the world.

Well, now, there is another reason for An to go to Tiangong.

If the Emperor Armament really existed, An Otherwise wouldn't let Tianji Pavilion get it.

It doesn't matter whether the emperor's soldiers belong to Ao Tian or other emperors, it's the same!

If it is Ao Tian's imperial soldier, otherwise, even if he has the cheek to summon the little red dragon, he will still get it!

The little red dragon has become his trump card.

"Regardless of the legend, have you heard any information about the Zhongzhou envoys?"

The ghost bride said: "There are, and there are many, many."

"Some said it was a conspiracy, while others said that the Zhongzhou envoys were just a bait..."

"I integrated all the information, removed nonsense and exaggeration, and the final conclusion is..."

"Only when the Tiangong is opened once in 100 years, the risk factor is the lowest."

"If it is less than 100 years old, the danger is greatly increased."

"Tianji Pavilion not only intends to deliberately harm the Zhongzhou envoys, but also to achieve some ulterior secrets."

Lord Yan Luo nodded and said, "That's what I overheard from the big family. Everyone in the big family said that the Zhongzhou envoys were sacrifices."

If Tianji Pavilion really did it on purpose, Tianji Pavilion really had completely ignored Zhongzhou.

In other words, he has no fear of Zhongzhou at all.

An Ran's face was slightly solemn: "Tianji Pavilion..."

Ah Qi said: "If Xuanhong can help us get a quota, then we can go in."

"It's time to find out what happened inside."

An Otherwise nodded slightly: "Yeah."

"If the investigation confirms that Tianji Pavilion did it on purpose, then Zhongzhou and Tianji Pavilion will completely break up."

"Tianji Pavilion is no longer that holy place, but an enemy like a demon clan..."

Chapter 549: The Weird Heavenly Palace

The next day.

In the hall of Xuanhong.

"My lord, I have already prepared the quota."

Xuan Hong said with a smile.

She is also happy to be able to do things for her lifesaver.

What's more, this young man is so handsome, after seeing her for a long time, even she, who has not been in love for decades, blushes slightly.

If she were made a few decades younger, she might take the initiative to pursue this young master.

Even the maintenance is worth it!

Anyway, the array machine family has never been short of resources.

It's a pity that she is old... and she is not yet a cultivator.

Compared with real cultivators, ordinary people have a much shorter lifespan.

Even though the Zhenjizi family has been desperately trying to prolong the lifespan of ordinary people, dying is a common thing in life, and the cycle of heaven.

No matter how mysterious the array is, it is impossible to bring the lifespan of ordinary people to the same level as that of immortals.

However, there is a silver lining to everything.

For example, if the formation fragments found in the demon forest can be deciphered and its secrets learned, Xuanhong may be able to obtain the formation talent and step into cultivation.

"An Moudo Xiefu...Miss Xuanhong."

An otherwise hesitated.

Xuan Hong was amused and laughed.

"Young master, this quota is the original quota of our Zhenjizi family."

"If you find something related to the formation in it, please collect it so that I can explain it to the family."

Otherwise, An replied, "No problem."

This is not difficult, even if it is created for nothing, An Otherwise can make a formation of the ancient Yunxiaolonggong.

He has the inheritance of Yunxiao Dragon Emperor Aotian, so he naturally knows the ancient formation.

It's just that most of them are too mysterious, and may not be realized in the current world of cultivating immortals.

Maybe the Zhenjizi family in the Tianji Realm can give it a try.

But otherwise An didn't have much contact with the Zhenjizi family, so it was impossible to hand it over to them.

Just a little sweetness.

"When are we going?"

Ann asked otherwise.

Xuan Hong smiled and said: "You can leave anytime, bring this to prove that you are a member of the Zhenjizi family, and the Tiangong guards will let you go."

An Ran wanted to confirm the information about Ghost Bride and the others, so she said, "Isn't the Tiangong open on certain days?"

"How can I enter at will?"

Otherwise, Xuanhong has nothing to hide from An.

"A few days ago, didn't a group of unlucky people come to Zhongzhou?"

"The Heavenly Mystery Pavilion has long since disregarded Zhongzhou, and the Tianji World is the orthodoxy of the human race."

"So it's a ridiculous thing for Zhongzhou's Xingshi to question the crime."

"Tianji Pavilion is also very ruthless. I don't know what happened to throw those unlucky people into Tiangong, but some changes have taken place in Tiangong."

"Originally, the reason why the Tiangong opens once in 100 years is to reduce the difficulty, and there is only one chance in 100 years."

"Fortunately now, Tiangong has been fixed at the lowest level of danger, so Tianji Pavilion will no longer impose time constraints on Tiangong."

"As long as those who are qualified can enter it."

"Of course, just look for those unlucky bastards, regardless of life or death."

An Bu nodded: "I see."

It's similar to intelligence, but knowing it from Xuan Hong's mouth is more convincing.

Xuan Hong said: "So when will the young master leave?"

"I can prepare equipment and formations for the young master."

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