Zhang Chen's tone was serious, but he said what he said.

The corners of the mouths of Director Wei and the others twitched.

"But your sister is somewhat innocent, and she shouldn't suffer that fate because of you."

There's nothing wrong with that.

0.2 The corner of Zhang Chen's mouth raised, and he said, "Nian is getting to know her for a while, and I will take good care of her for you."

in short.

Sister Ru, I will take care of her.

Zhang Chen felt that he was really kind.

"You can go to hell with peace of mind and make a good atonement."

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he took out another Taoist talisman.

Double lick again!

Director Wei and the others have already begun to become numb.

As for this Taoist talisman, Zhang Chen didn't realize it at all.

【Advanced Rebirth Curse】


Zhang Chen's purpose is very simple.

Even if Ye Fan is dead.

in front of him and others.

By Lin Xi's own hands!

Shredded abruptly.

But Zhang Chen was still worried.

"Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate."

Zhang Chen has always believed in this wise saying.

"For a thing like the Child of Destiny, who knows if there will be a resurrection and rebirth."

In order to prevent future troubles, all possibilities are killed in the cradle.

Zhang Chen said nothing.

Rebirth curse a sticker!

The purpose is to completely purify Ye Fan's soul.

To put it mildly, it is purification.

Hard to say.

In fact, it is to let his soul fly away!

Never overbirth!

Suddenly, a burst of golden light lit up the entire ward.

Zhang Chen still felt that it was not enough.

After the curse of rebirth.

He flicked lightly.

"Anyway, you are the son of luck, so I will give you a ride."

Samadhi is on the stage.

less than a second.

Ye Fan's body was completely wiped out.

As such.

Zhang Chen felt that even the air became sweeter.

I feel extremely happy.

He is really a kind person.

Not only is she planning to help Ye Fan take care of her sister inside and out in the future.

He also personally sent Ye Fan off for the last time.

For this sake, there is really nothing to say!


Today’s first update, last night’s chapter was closed for more than an hour

If you haven't seen it yet, you can turn back

I heard that chapters with too many words are easy to be closed?


Chapter 58

Zhang Chen made a series of operations.

The rebirth curse supersedes Ye Fan's soul.

Samadhi real fire destroys corpses and wipes out traces!

Back and forth, it was done very simply.

Director Wei and his three subordinates were dumbfounded when they saw it.

"Director, Young Master Zhang's technique is simply more skillful than ours!"

Han Bai couldn't help but whispered.

no way.

They usually go out to kill demons, but in fact they also encounter aftermath work to clean up the scene.

Most of it is simple.

But there will also be some occasions that require transcendence and destruction of corpses and traces.

Demon Killing Division has its own set of methods.

But compared with Zhang Chen's simple, convenient and effective method.

Their methods are weak!

Director Wei nodded, "Yes, brother Zhang's aftermath work is really perfect!"


Really not!

Zhang Chen also heard Director Wei's flattery.

He explained with a smile: "You can't leave the corpse here."

"It was supposed to be the aftermath work we were going to do, but Brother Zhang did it himself."

Director Wei smiled awkwardly, "Of course, this also saves me from sending someone to deal with it."

In fact, Zhang Chen didn't clean it up.

Demon Slayer will also do it.

Ordinary dead people, the body is fine.

The Demon Killing Division would not bother.

But Ye Fan's body was different.

Die at the hands of demons!

It means that it is easy to become a dead body!

Even if the body is no longer complete, there is no guarantee that it will be fine.

And more important!

Ye Fan's soul after death!

Absolutely full of resentment!

If this is Zhang Chen's original plane space.

When a person dies, he dies.

There are no demons and ghosts, and naturally there will be no evil spirits.

But now this plane.

Started 21 years ago.

It has experienced a terrible recovery!

Isn't it normal for evil ghosts and resentful spirits?

Save the souls of the dead!

Clean up the corpses!

It was originally intended to prevent secondary demonization.

All possibilities are directly blocked in advance.

Zhang Chen is well aware of this, and knows the style of the Demon Slayer.

Only then will Ye Fan be smashed to ashes in a grandiose manner.

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