Zhang Chen is talking nonsense with his eyes open.

But rather.

Director Wei is not easy to refute.

He was actually worried about that.

It does happen now.

Zhang Chen doesn't care what Director Wei thinks.

Then he said to himself: "Fortunately, the suspect, Ye Fan, has already been put to death, and Brother Wei, you personally took action, and finally managed to save my fiancée's life."

"This kindness is not small. After two days, I will come to the door in person and thank you very much."

Zhang Chen finished speaking.

There is still a smile on his face.

There is no affectation in the eyes and attitude.

As if what he said was true.

But the truth is!

Director Wei and the others are not blind!

Not a fool either.

But they are now.

I found that I could only act as a blind and fool.

Is it difficult?

Want to turn against Zhang Chen?

Think about it.

Director Wei nodded on the spot, "Whatever brother Zhang said, I should do it!"

Good guy!

This is equivalent to being persuaded by Zhang Chen's nonsense.

You have to accept it!

Zhang Chen made his attitude clear, if 873 wants to turn his face today.

So let's not talk about whether we can beat it.

Turning his face doesn't seem to be good for Zhan Mosi.

Zhang Chen is not an ordinary person either.

Identity, status, and even strength!

Proper boss!

He who judges the situation and knows the current affairs is a hero.

Don't people like Director Wei understand this?

He understands so well!

"Then I will trouble you, Brother Wei, for the aftermath work."

Zhang Chen smiled.

He is very confident, unless Director Wei's brain is caught by the door.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to turn against him over such a trivial matter.

The Department of Killing Demons takes the task of eliminating demons and defending the way.

But that doesn't mean you don't know how to adapt.

It's just Lin Xi, and she has just been demonized, and her strength is still so weak.

Can't commit.

Naturally, Zhang Chen didn't need to worry about the aftermath.

Zhang Chen explained directly to the police officers who died in the line of duty tonight.

In his own name, each one is given a million-dollar pension.

This move also made Director Wei take a higher look.

After all, Zhang Chen didn't need to pay for this money.

But Zhang Chen offered to offer it, which is equivalent to winning the favor of their group of people who eat the emperor's food.

It also allowed Director Wei to save a lot of money.

Only the head of the family knows that money is important, and it costs money in every aspect!

The ward has long since changed beyond recognition.

Zhang Chen directly picked up Lin Xi, and Xing Lingyun also took Ye Yiyi with her.

Just leave like that.

What happened next has nothing to do with him.

He got what he wanted tonight.

Kill the son of luck, Ye Fan!

Not only killed Ye Fan.

He also got the piece of Qianyuan Realm from him!

This is good stuff!

In addition, Ye Yiyi was included in the bag openly and aboveboard.

Another heroine was accepted.

No one sees anything wrong with this move yet.

A helpless orphan girl.

Zhang Chen was willing to take Director Wei away and directly acquiesced.

The key is that he is not stupid!

Can't you see Zhang Chen's careful thinking?


As for Lin Xi.

Zhang Chenhui opened his mouth to save her, and did not let the people from the Demon Slayer Division kill her.

The reason is not that I am interested in seeing the color, and I am reluctant to bear it.

But a trial!


Zhang Chen's reason for protecting Lin Xi is simple.

He is probing!

Test the bottom line of Magic Slayer.

"Sure enough, rules are dead, but people are alive."

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

Just now Director Wei finally backed down and chose to turn a blind eye.

By default, Zhang Chen took Lin Xi away, which already proved Zhang Chen's guess.

Kill the magician!

I don't want to offend him!Even if he did something against the wishes of the Demon Slayer.

Still unwilling to turn against him!

"Proclaiming that it is your duty to eliminate demons and protect the way, but you are willing to watch me take Lin Xi away?"

Zhang Chen smiled in his heart.

Then if Zhan Mosi finds out the identity of Xing Lingyun in the future.

What will be the reaction?

This is the reason why he deliberately opened his mouth to save Lin Xi's life tonight!

Try it out!

It's more of an indication!

Let Demon Slayer understand.

I, Zhang Chen, want to protect the people, and I will definitely be able to save them!

No one can stop me!

So domineering!


The second change is still a large chapter of more than 5000 words

As a handicapped person, more than 1 words are updated every day, even I am stunned! .

Chapter 59

many things.

There are only zero and countless times.

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