"Save, save my life? What do you mean?"

Obviously this answer made Ye Yiyi full of doubts.

In addition, after waking up in the morning, I always feel that the memory in my head is a little confused.

For a moment, he was stunned.

It's a pity that Zhang Chen has already left. Last night, he double rowed several times on the top of the canyon.

Even if the body can bear it, the stomach will still be hungry.

Ye Yiyi is full of doubts now.

Her last memory was obviously still a few days ago.

Xing Lingyun is obviously much gentler than Zhang Chen.

She came to Ye Yiyi, and said softly, "You have just recovered, and your body is still weak, so go down with me to eat something."

Compared with Zhang Chen.

Xing Lingyun is not only beautiful, but also gentle.

Ye Yiyi was immediately captured by her, subconsciously nodded in trust.

"it is good."

She is indeed full of doubts now.

But Ye Yiyi is very smart.

At this moment, I can also see that I should be in the villa of a rich kid from a rich family.

What she saw later also confirmed her guess.

Ye Yiyi found herself involuntarily facing the man who took her first kiss away.

Generated an extremely strong curiosity!

That feeling is amazing.


Or some other more complex emotion?

Of course the most important thing is.

Ye Yiyi told herself so in her heart.

"Why doesn't he look like what my brother said? Didn't he say that the children of rich families are all ugly, fat and big-eared, with evil eyebrows and mouse eyes?"


This is what Ye Yiyi knew about the children of rich families before this.

At the same time, it is also the concept that Ye Fan has instilled in his younger sister intentionally or unintentionally over the years.

So, prejudice!

It's all about prejudice!

But Zhang Chen's appearance.

Let her discover that all her cognitions were wrong!

Ye Yiyi: "Could it be that what my brother said before is all false?"

Suddenly Ye Yiyi realized the problem.

Where is her brother?


Today's first update, a girl like Ye Yiyi with perfect attributes will definitely not give up

Are you right?

It was on the shelves for a week, but the results were still pretty dismal, and I cried and fainted.

Chapter 60

Rich man's day.

Start with a hearty breakfast.

When had Ye Yiyi seen such a sumptuous breakfast?

There is also a beautiful and gentle maid who serves by her side.

It made this little girl from a poor family feel uncomfortable all over.

Of course compared to these.

What Ye Yiyi wants to know most now is why she is here.

And her brother Ye Fan!

Intuition told her!

Something must have happened!

"eat first."

Zhang Chen saw that Ye Yiyi had many questions.

But just smiled.

The tone is flat, but it seems to have an irresistible magic power.

Ye Yiyi pouted, but finally finished her breakfast obediently.

She admitted that she lived 19 years.

It was the first time to eat such delicious food.

"Eat slowly, no one will rob you."

Seeing that Ye Yiyi was eating like a wolf.

Zhang Chen smiled and didn't make a sound.

Xing Lingyun likes Ye Yiyi very much.

As for the reason?

Zhang Chen secretly guessed that Ye Yiyi probably reminded her of her sister.

Ye Yiyi's little face was a little red.

She also knew that the way she ate just now was a bit indecent.

But the stomach is really too hungry!

Ye Yiyi felt strange.

"I, my appetite is actually not that big..."

The voice of these words was almost only heard by Ye Yiyi herself.

What a shame!

Zhang Chen couldn't help but smile, "It's okay, eat more, it's time to grow your body."

Double entendre.

means something.

After all, he had already measured it himself last night.

Although it is not as good as Xing Lingyun, but compared with Lin Xi, the gap is not too big.

After dinner.

Zhang Chen signaled Ye Yiyi to follow him to the study.

Naturally, he brought Ye Yiyi back not just because he was a naughty old man.

Naturally, there are other purposes as well.

for example!

Qianyuan mirror!

Zhang Chen tried it last night.

Qianyuan Mirror is the most powerful golden finger and treasure on Ye Fan, the son of luck!

Now Ye Fan has been put to death, and his soul has disappeared completely.


A treasure like Qianyuan Mirror has become an ownerless thing.

Zhang Chen can easily take it as his own.

Who would have thought!

He failed!

The Qianyuan mirror has become Ye Yiyi's property!

"The daughter of luck is really special, and she is the sister of Ye Fan, the son of luck?"

Zhang Chen had a guess in his heart.

So if he really wants to take the Qianyuan Mirror as his own.

The only way now is to kill Ye Yiyi together!

He didn't believe that after Ye Yiyi died, Qian Yuanjing could find a more suitable master besides him.

But think twice.

Zhang Chen gave up this idea.

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