"Let Lin Hongyang do it, and when Lin Dahai and the rest of the Lin family are dead, then you will naturally step forward and take control of the entire Lin Group."

Zhang Chen said briefly.

The plan is also very simple.

Watch the fire from the other side and intervene appropriately to add fuel to the flames.

Xia Yanshuang considered a plan.

Although the plan is simple, the operability is very high.

Among them, the biggest factor is actually because of Zhang Chen's identity.

Someone else came up with this plan.

Xia Yanshuang would directly veto it.

Lin Hongyang and Lin Dahai are not simple characters.

Even Lin Youwei and Lin Shoucheng, who were dubbed trash by outsiders, really have no brains?

Want to count them?


The person who plotted against them was Zhang Chen.

The first son and grandson of the Zhang family in Jiangdong.

How much energy is behind it?

"Okay, I promise you!"


Xia Yanshuang finally nodded in agreement.

But at the same time, he also pointed out: "But if you want to control the Lin Group smoothly, you must let Xiaoxi come forward. She is the nominal heir of the Lin family."

Xia Yanshuang is indeed a smart woman.

Knowing this is the time to make this request.

She also hated the Lin family in her heart!

He not only hates Lin Dahai, an old man, but also hates Lin Hongyang!

Women's thinking is often so strange.

It is understandable that Xia Yanshuang hated Lin Dahai, because it was Lin Dahai who killed her sister.

But why do you hate Lin Hongyang?

It's actually easier!

Because if Lin Hongyang hadn't run to showdown with Lin Dahai ten years ago, there would be no "accident" later.

It was impossible for her sister Xia Yanbing to die in that car accident.

Simple cause and effect.

Now that things are settled.

Zhang Chen showed his sincerity.

Go straight forward and tear off the elementary town magic talisman on Lin Xi's chest.

"Zhang Chen you?!"

Xia Yanshuang did not expect Zhang Chen to do such a thing.

Others don't know about monsters, Xia Yanshuang has actually come into contact with some things in the past ten years.

So when I saw this scene, I exclaimed.


Without the seal of the primary town magic talisman, Lin Xi was lying motionless on the bed.

Instantly opened his eyes!

Next up!

Suddenly she rushed towards Zhang Chen and Xia Yanshuang.

"Xiao Xi! I am mother!"

Xia Yanshuang exclaimed, her voice mixed with heartache.

It's a pity how could Lin Xi care about it.

Before she could approach, Naihe was grabbed by Zhang Chen's neck.

A powerful force lifted her up in the air.

Even after being demonized, Lin Xi can easily overwhelm five or six grown men.

But in front of Zhang Chen.

Still too weak.

Recently, Zhang Chen has gained a lot in the crazy double row at the top of the canyon.

"Zhang Chen, I beg you, don't hurt her!"

Xia Yanshuang became nervous, afraid that Zhang Chen would kill him.

At the same time, the expression is also very shocked!

Probably because he didn't expect Zhang Chen to be so powerful.

"rest assured."

Zhang Chen said lightly, and then forced a detoxification pill into Lin Xi's mouth.

After that, he directly pressed her on the bed and watched her change.

Xia Yanshuang also found out that Zhang Chen didn't want to hurt Lin Xi.

Go forward boldly.

And this time.

Lin Xi gradually calmed down from the frenzied struggle and roar just now.

The originally bloodthirsty eyes also became peaceful.

After about 1 minutes or so.

The struggle stops.

"Zhang, Zhang Chen?"

Lin Xi's eyes became clearer.

He looked a little confused, like someone who just woke up from a hangover.

In a daze, he saw clearly who was in front of him.

The first reaction is to ask.

Then it was like waking up.

"Zhang Chen?! You! What do you want to do? Let me go!"

Lin Xi panicked!

The little face was also flushed, ashamed and annoyed.

The depths of his eyes were full of panic and fear.

Probably mistakenly thought that Zhang Chen wanted to do something to her.


Zhang Chen glanced at her, and then let go of his hand.

And Lin Xi realized at this moment that she seemed to have wronged Zhang Chen.

Before she could speak, she was suddenly hugged in her arms.

"Xiao Xi! Great! Great!"

Feel the familiar warmth and listen to the familiar voice.

Lin Xi was stunned.

"Mom? Why are you here?"


First update today

Recently, I have considered whether to split chapters. If there are too many words in a chapter, it is easy to close the second chapter.

Chapter 62

Zhang Chen is not interested in disturbing the tender moments between Xia Yanshuang and Lin Xi's mother and daughter.

Even if you want to participate, it will be another occasion in the future.

As for now.

He directly left the space to the two of them alone.

Leave the room.

A pair of jade arms hugged Zhang Chen from beside him.

At the same time, you can still hear that charming and enchanting voice blowing in your ears.

"You really are an insatiable man."

Xing Lingyun said with a charming smile, obviously Zhang Chen did something inside just now.

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