Director Wei's call was one of his purposes.

"Ahem, Brother Zhang, shall I just say it straight?"

Both are smart people.

So in many cases, it is more sincere to talk about it.

At least.

Zhang Chen hoped that others would not go around in circles with him.

"Brother Zhang, you and I know what happened last night, so can you tell your brother and me in private?"

Demon Slayer really doesn't care about anything else.

Regardless of Ye Fan's death, it was Miss Lin's transformation into a corpse.

Even if something more serious happens.

The Demon Killing Division can ignore it.


In the face of various cases of supernatural phenomena, it is impossible for the Demon Slayer to sit idly by.

And now!

A thing that was almost considered impossible by the Demon Slayer.

It just happened.

Director Wei also knew that asking directly would easily anger Zhang Chen, so after asking.

Immediately said: "Of course I assure you, unless you agree to this matter, I will never let a third person know about it!"

I believe you a ghost!

You are very bad old man!

Zhang Chen is not a fool, can he still believe in this kind of promise?

He himself was not a man of promise.

Even less likely to believe that other people are gentlemen.


What is the style of Demon Slayer.

He knows better than Director Wei.

"Brother Wei, you are making it difficult for me."

Zhang Chen didn't refuse outright.

But at the same time, there was a hint of embarrassment.

It's easy to tantalize.

In fact.

Director Wei is itchy right now, his curiosity has indeed been aroused.

"If you really can't tell, just pretend I didn't ask."

"Oh? Really?"

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose again.

It made the hearts of those school girls around me beat faster again.

Even Lin Xi couldn't help feeling a little more jealous.

of course.

Lin Xi even found out that Zhang Chen's smile fascinated her, and wondered why she didn't realize this before?

Is it really blinded by the lard called prejudice?

Director Wei was just casually polite.

Who would have thought that Zhang Chen would take it seriously?

"Ahem! Brother Zhang was joking, I won't hide it from you, brother, this matter is very important."

In fact, Zhang Chen's purpose today is to let Demon Slayer know that Lin Xi has turned back into a human.

But he didn't take the initiative to mention it.

Instead, let the Demon Slayer take the initiative to inquire.

The initiative should be in his hands.

It's pretty much laid out now.

Zhang Chen didn't continue to hide it, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm joking with you."

"Lin Xi is indeed on my side, the specific situation is hard to say right now."

"But for the time being, it's pretty stable."

"In addition, what you are worried about, I can guarantee that it will not happen."

"If an accident happens, I will bear the loss."

That's all for now.

You should know, you know.

Director Wei really understood.

Hastily said: "Brother Zhang, you are out of touch now, how can I not believe you?"

"Since you've said that, I'm sure I'm relieved, and to tell you the truth, there were people on my side who followed you and Miss Lin secretly before, but now I have asked them to withdraw."

what is this?


Let's talk about it.

Get to the bottom of it.

It is to shorten the distance between each other.

It implies that the Demon Slayer doesn't want to turn against Zhang Chen.

"Oh? Then thank you, Brother Wei."

"Little things, little things!"

Director Wei smiled, and then asked in a tentative tone: "Is it the bronze mirror from last night that restored Miss Lin to her original state?"

I know you have bad intentions, old boy.

Actually last night.

Zhang Chen knew that someone would be eyeing the 877 yuan mirror.

In such a situation, everyone can see that the Qianyuan mirror is a good thing.

Ye Yiyi was able to disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Turning back into a human is the biggest proof.

Now Lin Xi has also turned back into a human being.

It was Zhang Chen instead.

Also think of this.

"I said no, do you believe it?"

Director Wei was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and asked, "No?"

"It's not true, that thing should be some kind of magic weapon handed down by the Ye family's ancestors, and it doesn't respond at all except the blood of the Ye family."

Zhang Chen's words are half true and half false.

Is it true that only the descendants of the Ye family can make Qianyuan mirror recognize the master.

He still can't understand?

But Director Wei was silent for a moment after listening.

Obviously believe it a little bit.

So I asked again: "What about Miss Lin?"



"It's the kind you want."

The Department of Killing Demons is a department specially established to eliminate and kill demons.

It can be described as a hidden dragon and crouching tiger inside.

There are not only ordinary demon slayers, but also all kinds of capable people and strange men.

For some of the powerful demon slayers, the source of their power is not necessarily demons.

This call.

Zhang Chen's goal has been achieved.

Let him know the current attitude and bottom line of Zhan Mosi.

It also made him want to reveal something.

Successfully entered the sight of those people.

For example, he has all kinds of Dao Talismans that he can't use up!

Another example!

He still has potions!

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