The old man's two sons are here.

There are other shareholders on those boards.

It is obvious that they are concerned about the company's prospects, but in fact they are forcing the palace.

Who is not smart?

"Old man, the company is at a critical juncture now, so you should say something."

One of the minority shareholders spoke up.

Of course, he is just someone else's pawn, and everyone knows who wants to be in power.

Brothers Lin Youwei and Lin Shoucheng had waited ten years.

However, the old man didn't speak, and he held the most shares.

So the others really stalemate.

"Dad, after all, Lin Xi is also a member of our Lin family. Now that something big has happened, she just hides like this?"

Lin Youwei was the first to lose his composure, and couldn't help asking questions.

And Lin Shoucheng is obviously much calmer and smarter than his idiot brother.

He said, "Third brother, Xiaoxi is our niece, and this matter has not yet been settled."

One sings red face and the other sings black face.

Don't Mr. Lin know?

He is very clear.

It's just that the old stuff doesn't care about any company at all.

What he cares about is the whole Lin family.

It's his lineage!

Everyone saw that forcing the palace would not work, so they did not dare to push too hard for the time being.

In the end, they could only return in resentment.

Lin Youwei and Lin Shoucheng were the most unwilling.

He didn't say anything on the surface, and left like everyone else.

But after leaving.

They found another place to meet secretly.

"Second brother, the old man is clearly showing favoritism!"

Inside a teahouse in Jiangdong City.

Lin Youwei was indignant.

This is the teahouse under Lin Shoucheng's name.

Quiet, no busy people waiting.

It is also an occasion for the two brothers to discuss privately.

"It's not a day or two that he favors Lin Xi. After so many years, you still haven't gotten used to it?"

Lin Shoucheng sneered.

Lin Youwei immediately patted the table 877 times, "I just think it's too biased!"

"Why? Although Lin Xi is our two nieces, she is also from the Lin family!"

"But she will get married one day. Could it be that the old man still wants to hand over the Lin family's property to her?"

From these words, it can be seen that the wealthy have no family affection.

in front of interests.

Everything can be thrown away.

Lin Shoucheng didn't speak, but he obviously thought the same as his third brother.

Hundreds of billions of assets!

Although they also have shares now, compared to the entire Lin Group.

What is that!

"What's the rush! Now that something like this happened, although Lin Xi saved her life, no one will be able to save her sooner or later!"

"what do you mean?"

"Forget those people who appeared in front of the old man before?"

Lin Shoucheng reminded him.

Immediately let Lin Youwei react.

His eyes lit up, "What's the origin of those people? I asked someone to check, but they didn't find out why."

"To make the old man dare not say a word, it must have a great background!"

Lin Shoucheng sneered, "So I suspect that the pharmaceutical company's project may not be as simple as we thought."

"So second brother, what do you mean?"

"If something happened over there, someone must be responsible for it!"

The two brothers knew it immediately.

But Lin Youwei was worried again, "But this stinky girl Lin Xi is the daughter-in-law booked by the Zhang family!"

"Now she's hiding in that kid's house in the Zhang family."

"The Zhang family? It's really troublesome. If the Zhang family wants to intervene, it's really not good news for us."

The Zhang family in Jiangdong is now in full swing.

Although the Lin family is also a famous family in Jiangdong.

But compared with the Zhang family.

Still the gap is not small.

Don't say anything else.

Jiang Dong's parent officer is Zhang Chen's father.

Not to mention that the old man of the Zhang family is still sitting in the temple of the imperial capital.

How does the Lin family compare?

"Second brother, what do you think if we try to win over that kid from the Zhang family and let him support us?"

Lin Youwei suddenly proposed.

Lin Shoucheng was taken aback by this sentence.

The proposal is exciting.

"With the Zhang family's support, our chances of winning are high, but..."

Lin Shoucheng shook his head, "What can we use to impress the Zhang family?"

All cooperation requires benefits to be exchanged and supported.

What benefits can they come up with to persuade the Zhang family to support their two brothers?



The door of the tea room box was kicked open.

Before the two brothers Lin Youwei and Lin Shoucheng reprimanded them angrily.

I saw a person walking in.

After seeing that person's appearance.

The two were stunned.

Do not!

should say.

 (cdac) Shocked!

"What? Don't you know me?"

Lin Hongyang sat down with a smile on his face.

At the same time, he waved his hand and asked several of his men to close the door.

"you you!"

Lin Youwei's face was pale, his eyes almost popped out.

Even if ten years have passed, how could he not recognize Lin Hongyang?

Lin Shoucheng naturally recognized it, with the same shocked expression.

"Is it any surprise to you that I'm still alive?"

Lin Hongyang lit a cigarette, and ten years made him lose his original elegance.

A little more vicissitudes.

The eyes are no longer easy-going, but more cruel!

"Lin Hongyang!"

"I'm here today, just reminiscing about the old days. You probably don't have the mood to reminisce about the past with me, so let's get straight to the point."

Lin Hongyang took out some documents.

"After signing these two documents, I will guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

His purpose here is simple.

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