"Why are you looking at me, you continue to listen to your class."

Zhang Chen smiled lightly.

It seems that the light in the entire classroom has dimmed.

It was just after ten o'clock in the evening.

At this point in time, not many people stayed in the teaching building.

Either in the library or in the study room.

So this building, that is, this classroom, the lights are still on.

"This classmate, have you never seen you before?"

at last.

The pretty woman on the podium spoke.

The voice sounds crisp and numb, very nice.

Gives a soft feeling.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "I came here because of the reputation, and I came here specially to attend a class tonight."

This answer sounds fine.

But it obviously made the eyes of the dozen or so students in the classroom even more strange.

"How did you know?"

"I heard from people that Professor Xia Ruyun's class is only available every Friday night, so I came here specially today to take a look."

If Zhang Chen walked into the classroom just now, the dozen or so students listening to the class reacted strangely.

So now Zhang Chen said the answer.

It directly made the atmosphere of the whole classroom even more weird.

Xia Ruyun.

That is, the beautiful woman on the podium.

A strange color began to appear in his eyes.

And at this time.


The classroom door was originally open.

Also suddenly slammed shut.

Obviously there is no one, and there is no wind.

But suddenly the door closed.

"Oh? It seems that you are very welcome to me?"

Zhang Chen didn't panic at all.

Even if the classroom door was slammed shut, the originally bright lights in the room flickered on and off.

Let the whole atmosphere become weird and gloomy.

···Seeking flowers 0··

It didn't make him show the slightest expression of fear.

"The light is not good, it will hurt your eyes."

Zhang Chen hadn't finished speaking yet.

All the lights in the room went out.

With the moonlight outside the window, he could barely see the scene in the classroom.

Take a closer look.

The dozen or so students still looked at Zhang Chen without blinking.

But a closer look will reveal.

Their bodies are still sitting upright, facing the podium.

But he turned his head 180 degrees and stared at Zhang Chen blankly.

to this extent.

Even a fool can see the problem.

The dozen or so students in front of them are not human at all!

"It seems that I want to tell the school that this light bulb needs to be replaced with a good quality one."

Zhang Chen said with a smile.

He snapped his fingers directly.

Then suddenly a circle of scorching flames appeared around his body.

Samadhi is really hot!

"Did you say so?"

Zhang Chen asked with a smile.

Then I saw the students who were still expressionless and gloomy.

It was like seeing something terrible.

All of them changed their faces!

one second!

He retreated directly to the podium.

As if in their eyes.

Zhang Chen is a dangerous element.

would threaten their lives.

Oh no!

it is them.

"Professor Xia Ruyun, what's the matter with you? Continue to class?"

Zhang Chen didn't seem to notice anything unusual in this classroom.

He even joked with great interest.

By this time.

Who is the fool?

Zhang Chen obviously knew that there was something wrong with this classroom.

I came in on purpose.

As for the dozen or so students?

Of course not humans!

"They haven't harmed anyone, can you let them go?"

at last.

On the podium, Xia Ruyun, who was wearing a cheongsam with stiletto heels, spoke.

........ 0

"is it?"

Zhang Chen laughed, but then his eyes turned cold, "But how did I hear that in the past six months, at least fifteen students have been admitted to the hospital, and they still have mental problems?"

This is not Zhang Chen talking nonsense.

There are indeed some students at Jiangdong University who are insane.

Although life is safe, people are useless.

But Jiangdong University called the patrol room to investigate several times.

No clues were found.

In the end it was over.

The only thing we know is that there is something wrong with this classroom.

So lock the classroom.

But who would have thought.

Every Friday night, this unmanned classroom will start normally?

Unless you are a fool, you can guess the cause of the problem.

Zhang Chen is not interested in being a good person, so he came here to eliminate harm for the people.

He came here for nothing more than one purpose.

Xia Ruyun!


Zhang Chen's goal is Xia Ruyun!

Because she is one of the heroines in Xiao Han's main plot!

on the podium.

Xia Ruyun's pretty face turned cold.

The gaze that looked at Zhang Chen also lost the demure and elegant look just now.

A little more eerie.

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