This is not in the interests of the other party.

And take a step back.

Even if the Demon Slayer wants to deal with him, Zhang Chen is not afraid.

Director Wei didn't know that so many thoughts flashed in Zhang Chen's mind.

At this moment, he considered his words, and then said: "Xiao Han!"


"How much do you know about Xiao Han?"

The topic is back on track.

After Zhang Chen listened, he didn't rush to answer.

Instead, he sipped tea slowly, looking as if he was thinking.

Director Wei didn't dare to urge him either.

He has a more or less grasp of Zhang Chen's character.

I knew that if I didn't want to help now, I would have changed the topic long ago.

rather than silence.

at last.

Zhang Chen said slowly, "The result of your investigation is indeed him?"

This rhetorical question sounds silly.

But Director Wei knew what Zhang Chen was asking.

So he nodded and said: "Judging from the evidence of the current investigation! It's him!"

"It's all thanks to Brother Zhang for reminding me, otherwise I would have never thought that this evil seed has lived under the noses of our Demon Slayer for so many years!"


Evil species!

How ugly.

Zhang Chen smiled, "Failed?"

Another nonsensical sentence.

It directly made Elder Wei blush.

Some things can be regarded as family scandals and should not be publicized.

But since Zhang Chen guessed it.

He also knew he couldn't hide it.

He could only nod embarrassingly and said, "You really can't hide anything from your wise eyes, bro."

"A big loss?"

Zhang Chen asked again.

"The loss of a few manpower is due to negligence on our side."

Director Wei's face became even more embarrassed.

Don't ask.

Zhang Chen guessed that Zhan Mosi was here, after he learned of Xiao Han's identity doubts through him.

Definitely send someone to Xiang County.

Xiao Han is a hybrid of human and demon.

In the eyes of Demon Slayer, that is the evil seed!

Absolutely cannot live in this world.

The existence of Xiao Han is equivalent to a kind of ridicule!

is sarcasm!

Demon Killing Division will definitely not tolerate it.

This is also the reason why Xiao Han was killed by the Demon Slayer in his first life.

Reborn now.

Zhan Mosi didn't know Xiao Han's identity so quickly.

When he really found out, at that time Xiao Han had grown to the point where even Zhan Mosi couldn't easily kill him.

But all this.

Because Zhang Chen intervened in advance and revealed Xiao Han's identity to Demon Slayer.

The trajectory has changed.

"So, this Xiao Han has awakened the blood power that belongs to the demon in his body?"

Zhang Chen knew why and asked.

He sent people to Xiang County.

It took a lot of money, but it was also not found in the original plot.

The contract scroll left to him by Xiao Han's parents.

So don't ask.

I knew it was the same as the Qianyuan Realm handed down by the ancestors of the Ye family.

That thing only belongs to the son of luck.

Unless there are special circumstances, like Ye Fan's luck is exhausted, and then there are women who meet the luck of passing on.

Otherwise, no one else would be able to take away this lucky child's exclusive golden finger.

"The specific situation is still under investigation!"

Director Wei's face was a bit solemn, "But the subordinates I sent to Xiang County, and the personnel from the branch in Xiang County are now missing."

"Where is unknown?"

After hearing this, Zhang Chen shook his head and laughed, "It should be more ominous than ominous."

Still need to guess?

It must have been discovered on the way to investigate Xiao Han.

Then Xiao Han, the son of luck, directly dealt with it.

The process is not important, the important thing is the result.

Director Wei acquiesced to Zhang Chen's guess.

Because he judged the same way here.

"Brother Zhang is my own, so I won't beat around the bush anymore!"

Director Wei opened the skylight and said frankly, "You should know about Xiao Han's life experience?"

Zhang Chen was noncommittal, which could be regarded as acquiescing.

"Since you know Xiao Han's life experience, brother, you should understand that it is absolutely impossible for us to let him live in this world!"

"Non-my family, its heart must be different?"

"Ahem, that's pretty much what it means. Of course, it's a little different from your situation, brother."

Director Wei coughed dryly.

With Zhang Chen's half-smile eyes, he forcefully explained.

Shit is not my race, its heart must be different.

To put it bluntly, it is bullying.

Xing Lingyun, Ye Yiyi and even Lin Xi beside Zhang Chen are not human beings.

Follow the usual practice of the Demon Slayer.

We must do everything possible to kill clearly.

But now he knows the situation of the women around Zhang Chen.

But indifferent?

It's not because he understands that Zhang Chen is not easy to mess with.

Just open your eyes and close your eyes.

"Sure enough, no matter what plane, it is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong, and judge the situation."

Zhang Chen does not dislike this style of work.

Even appreciated it.

And in his memory.

Xiao Han concealed his identity and infiltrated the Department of Killing Demons, and has been developing for a long time.

After the final identity was revealed.

The Magic Slayer is on how to deal with his opinion.

There were great differences.

Some people are determined and want to kill them!

On the other hand, some people are hesitant, and even propose to turn hostility into friendship.

Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted.


Couldn't it be that Xiao Han's strength at that time was already comparable to Yan Luo level!

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