Zhang Chen sneered in his heart.

And he also prepared a very wonderful gift for Xiao Han.

Director Wei quickly took his leave and left.

at the same time.

Not long after, Zhang Chen received a call from the Jiangdong branch of the Demon Slayer Division.

Then someone will personally hand over a set of documents.

Delivered to Zhang Chen.

The name on it is exactly Ye Yiyi!

His identity is the Demon Slayer Envoy of the Jiangdong Branch of the Demon Slayer Division!

The temporary level is the impermanence level demon slayer.

Belongs to grassroots personnel.

But Zhang Chen didn't care about the level.

Anyway, don't count on that little salary.

With this identity, Ye Yiyi is just like Xing Lingyun.

You can appear outside in a fair manner.

Even hands-on, there is no worry.


The Jiangdong branch of the Devil Slayer Division is responsible.


Xiang County.

One of the dilapidated residential buildings with a strong sense of history.

Xiao Han looked at the ghost kneeling in front of him.

There was a touch of excitement and a smile on his face.

In his hand, he held a special sheepskin scroll.

Zhang Chen sent people to search for it for so many days but couldn't find it.

Even the old house of Xiao Han's family was bought, and the ground was dug three feet!

Same thing.

But Child of Destiny is different.

When Xiao Han returned to Xiang County, he found something in an abandoned park.

Are you talking unreasonable?

Apparently because Zhang Chen sent someone to look for it, and then he was protected by luck.

Things moved to the abandoned park.

And Xiao Han's memory also appeared Uncle Xiu.

in his memory.

His parents used to take him to play in that park when he was a child.

Then buried an iron box as a time capsule.

And told him to dig it out when he was an adult.

Everything looks so logical.


The second one is sent.

Chapter 75

"Big, big brother! Hero! Forgive, forgive!"

Dark room, eerie atmosphere.

However, the scene that is being staged makes people feel that they have gone to the wrong set.

A blood-stained, hideous female ghost.

He knelt down on the ground and kowtowed desperately!

That look really makes people wonder if they are making a comedy.

But actually.

This is the real ghost!

Xiao Han held the sheepskin scroll he found with a sneer on his face.

Looking at the female ghost in front of him, he asked, "Aren't you very capable just now?"

"No, I don't dare! It's my little sister who doesn't know Mount Tai! Brother, please spare me!"

The female ghost trembled with fear.

There is no arrogance of a ghost.

Who made her want to hunt her target as usual just now.

Unexpectedly, he kicked the iron plate.

Met a ruthless person!

"Forgive you?"

Xiao Han laughed, "If I hadn't been prepared just now, I would have died tragically at your hands just like this family!"

Take a closer look.

The owner of this household has died tragically.

A family of four.

The deaths were miserable.

And it looks like they're still killing each other.

Before he died, his face was ferocious, as if he was crazy.

It was obviously influenced by the female ghost in front of Xiao Han.

Ghosts often kill people.

The female ghost is also wronged, isn't it normal for ghosts to kill people?

The moment a living person is dying.

The Yang energy of the whole body will emerge in one wash.

For demons and ghosts.

That's a great tonic!

"Brother, spare your life! Younger sister is willing to be your slave!"

Those who know the current affairs are handsome.

Even ghosts understand this.

No matter what.

Xiao Han felt a little disgusted, the female ghost in front of him was so ugly!

Even if the figure is okay, the pair of pandas are quite big.

But that face.

Make people have nightmares at night.

"Okay! I'll give you a chance!"

Disgusting is disgusting.

Xiao Han also knew that he urgently needed help now.

Although the female ghost in front of her was a bit ugly.

But the strength is good.

Xiao Han bit his finger, and squeezed out a drop of blood.


The female ghost obediently stepped forward...

Xiao Han endured his nausea and waited until the female ghost swallowed his own blood before withdrawing his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the female ghost transform into a cloud of wind and enter the sheepskin scroll in his hand.

"A dangerous ghost? Although it's a bit ugly, it's quite powerful."

Xiao Han looked at the writing on the sheepskin scroll.

It turned out to be the specific situation of the female ghost just now.

Including her strength rating, among other things.

There are even records of stature and how many people have been killed.

Very detailed.

"Finally subdued the second monster!"

A smug smile appeared on Xiao Han's face.

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