Many places are still relatively desolate.

Especially in all kinds of deep mountains and old forests, even the locals rarely dare to say that they can walk around casually.

Xiao Han finally plunged into it and decided to take a risk!

And in his memory, he remembered that there were various solitary tombs and even ancient tombs in Xiang County.

Coupled with the revival of terror between heaven and earth.

All kinds of demons and monsters were born, and he believed that he could find a powerful monster and take it as his own!

"You wait! Sooner or later, I will come back!"

Not long after Xiao Han entered the deep mountains and old forests.

The manpower arranged by the Demon Killing Division and Zhang Chen found that the traces of the clues were interrupted.

The news spread back to Jiangdong City very quickly.



The update has been closed for two days in a row, and one chapter has been closed for another chapter

A big guy suggested that I split the chapters and try to replace them with fewer words

So split the previous chapter into two chapters to update, the number of words remains the same

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Chapter 81

The previous chapter 77.78.79 has been released

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The next day.

Early in the morning.

Zhang Chen has already received the news.


Hearing that Xiao Han actually hid in the deep mountains ~ Lao Lin lost his trace.

He wasn't too surprised, - "Sure enough, life is tough."

"Master, why don't you send more people?"

Zhang San asked cautiously.

After losing someone, he is also anxious now.

He's been feeling it lately.

I am about to lose my job.

In the past, Zhang Chen needed his help for many things, and he was definitely his right-hand man.

But recently Zhang San found that he was about to be like Steward Liu.

Become a dispensable mascot around Zhang Chen.

This is not a good thing for him.

"No need, if you lose it, you lose it, and I don't expect those idiots from Zhan Mosi to kill him."

Zhang Chen shook his head.

How can the child of luck die so easily?

Unless he broke most of his luck like Ye Fan did before.

Without the protection of luck, it is possible to kill.

Before this.

All he had to do was break Xiao Han's luck while poaching the wall.

By the way, limit Xiao Han's growth rate.

For now.

The effect is not bad.

"According to the original development of the plot, Xiao Han will return to Jiangdong in these two days. Now it seems that it will be a few days later."

Zhang Chen made a calculation in his heart.

Xia Ruyun has already been captured by him.

It is equivalent to cutting off at least one-third of Xiao Han's opportunities and luck.

In the original plot.

Xia Ruyun can be regarded as Xiao Han's most relied on in the early stage, and also the greatest confidence.

Every time she encountered danger, it was Xia Ruyun who came forward to rescue her.

Of course, it's normal to think about it carefully.

After taking back his natal object, Xia Ruyun is a terrifying ghost!

What is the concept of horror level?

Once a horror-level monster appears to do evil.

The Demon Slayer Division needs at least a judge-level Demon Slayer Envoy to check and balance.


Just checks and balances!

Want to kill the monsters of the horror level.

Even if it's just an ordinary horror level monster.

Level 7 and 8 judges simply don't have that ability.

Only the 9th-level judge in the headquarters of the Demon Slayer can hope to kill him!

How many level 9 judges are there?

Anyway, as far as Zhang Chen knows, very little!

And most of them need to sit in the imperial capital!

The level 9 judges who can really be dispatched can be counted on two hands.

As for the ten halls of Yan Luo above the 9th level judge?

If the nightmare level does not pass, it is impossible for Yama of the Ten Temples to show up!


One of them, Yan Luo, was still staying beside Zhang Chen.

"A horrible ghost is equivalent to a ghost king."

Zhang Chen shook his head and laughed dumbly.

Speaking of which, he has subdued two terrifying monsters now.

There is also a good sister with invincible ghost strength below the horror level.

"If I don't care about luck now and kill Xiao Han directly, how likely is it?"

Zhang Chen calculated in his heart.

But in the end, I decided to use the safest way.

After all, too high a risk will lead to many uncontrollable accidents.

"It's better to speed up the pace and get another opportunity that belongs to Xiao Han."

Zhang Chen smiled lightly, making Zhang San a little confused.

Recently, he has become more and more unable to understand his young master's thoughts.

Always feel cloudy.

But he didn't want to ask too many questions.

I can only comfort myself, don't guess what the young master is thinking, just doing things well is the best performance.

"The third one."


"Is there any progress in the matter that you were asked to investigate?"

Zhang Chen asked.

Xia Ruyun has already taken care of it, just wait for the other one to be taken down by him in advance.


Even if Xiao Han can return to Jiangdong City.

It is no longer a cause for concern.

Zhang San immediately regained his spirits when he heard the words!

"Master, I have already found out!"


"According to your request, young master, we finally found an antique dealer."

Antique dealer?

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