Seeing his young master's expressionless face, Zhang San hastily explained what happened just now.

In fact, it was originally paid with one hand and delivered with one hand.

But Zhang San obviously miscalculated Zhang Chen's idea.

Misunderstood that Zhang Chen didn't want to give money at all, so after getting the things.

Killed the opponent directly.

"You killed someone?"

The corner of Zhang Chen's mouth twitched.

He swears.

This time he really didn't tell Zhang Chen to do things so absolutely.

Anyway, that's 1000 million.

This small amount of money means ten lottery draws in the system.

Or exchange it for 10 contribution points.

It's not a lot of money.

He's not that mean.

Who would have thought!

Zhang San hadn't noticed Zhang Chen's tone, so he said smugly, "Yes, that woman dared to open her mouth like a lion!"

"I don't know who gave her the courage to ask for money in front of you, young master!"

"So after I got the item, I decided to deal with that woman on my own."

What happened was very simple.

And obviously it's not the first time Zhang San has done this kind of thing.

So it looks natural.

Plus the background and influence of the Jiangdong Zhang family.

to be frank.

This kind of thing happens unless there is an accident.

It really won't cause any trouble.

In addition, Zhang Chen remembered that before he crossed over.

The young master of the Zhang family seems to have done many similar actions.

The so-called nest of snakes and rats, those who are close to the ink are black.


Zhang Chen rubbed his forehead, "Did I ever say no money?"


Zhang San, who was originally complacent, froze instantly.

Eyes widened, then panicked.



Did he get it wrong?

"Young master, I, did I mess things up?"

Zhang San panicked!

Panic to death.

He only worries about one thing now.

Because he didn't act according to Zhang Chen's idea, and then embarked on the road of unemployment.


He couldn't even cry.

Zhang Chen was speechless, "I don't remember saying that I won't give money, did I?"

"A mere 1000 million, do you think your young master and I are in short supply of this money?"

He was a little powerless to complain, 1000 million is a huge sum of money in the eyes of ordinary people.

But it really doesn't matter to him.

If you can easily get things done, why bother to cause trouble?

Zhang Chen could only shake his head, "Third brother, third child, use your brain first before you do anything next time!"

"It's something a fool would do for a little money!"

If it weren't for Zhang San's dedication and loyalty to himself.

Zhang Chen really wanted to kick this mindless idiot out.

Fortunately, things are in hand.


He really scratched Zhang San's mind.

And this time.

Zhang San also turned pale with fright, with an embarrassing expression on his face.

"Master, I'm sorry, I'm just pretending to be smart."

"Okay, just get the things in your hands."

Zhang Chen would not haggle over such trivial matters.

Close the box, and at the same time stick a Dao talisman that can block the breath.

"Since people are killed, they are killed. Remember to deal with the aftermath."

Although the process was somewhat different from what he had imagined, he only looked at the results.

As for that unlucky ghost, Zhang Chen was not interested in mourning for her either.

After all, according to his understanding of Xiao Han's main plot, even if Zhang San didn't make a move.

The antique dealer's wife and children will die tragically in the end.

Who let them collect things they shouldn't collect?

"So, it's all fate?"

Zhang Chen sneered.

He doesn't believe in fate at all.

Especially this plane.

"If there is a destiny, then destiny is also created by my own hands."

Naturally, Zhang Chen didn't need to worry about the aftermath.

He believed that although Zhang San thought he was a little smarter.

But after his beating, you should understand what he means.

as predicted.

No one cared about it at all, not even the police station in Jiangdong City.

A big living person just disappeared without even half of anyone interfering.

Today's Jiangdong City.

Who doesn't know Zhang Chen?

Didn't know that behind Zhang Chen was the Jiangdong Zhang family?

Ten thousand steps back!

Zhang Chen does not have this background.

As far as the power in his hands is concerned, many people dare not underestimate it.


stands for everything.

Zhang Chen has always believed in this.


Inside the tea house.

One of the most famous figures in Jiangdong City.

The person in charge of the Jiangdong branch of the Devil Slayer Division.

At this moment, he was pouring tea and water for others with a wry smile on his face.

That posture and attitude are very low.

And the other side.

A young man cocked his legs like a god.

behind him.

It was a beautiful woman standing there.

Rubbing his shoulders...  

The whole picture looks absolutely unimaginable.

The essential.

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