Director Wei didn't know this, so he could only smile bitterly and said, "Then I'll wait for good news from you, Brother Zhang."

"Don't worry, as long as the spiritual liquid can be developed, Magic Slayer will definitely give you a suitable price for Brother Zhang."

Does Zhang Chen care about money?

Can the Demon Slayer be richer than the Lin family and the Zhang family combined?

The reason why he (cdac) revealed on purpose that he could develop related spiritual liquids.

The picture is not about money.

Instead, let Zhan Mosi ask him in every aspect from now on!

Just imagine.

A bottle of psychic liquid has about one percent of the effect of primary elixir.

Although the effect is very slight, it can also save lives at critical moments!

If a bottle of spiritual liquid is not enough.

What about ten bottles, one hundred bottles?

The most powerful part of the Demon Slayer lies in the presence of those powerful beings behind him.

Especially the masters above the judge level.

Losing any of these people would weaken the strength of the Demon Slayer.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Demon Slayer will never give up easily.

However, it is difficult for humans and demons to coexist!

He is the only special case like Zhang Chen, and he has been with the Demon Slayer Division for 20 years.

There was still no side effect of suppressing or even eradicating the erosion of magic energy.

Lian Xing Lingyun is a Yan Luo-level powerhouse.

In the end, they were all eroded and demonized by the demonic energy.

What about other people?

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart, the real terrifying behind the Demon Slayer is Yama of the Ten Palaces.

Now there are nine people left!

And these nine Yan Luos can hardly make a move, and they are all guarding in their respective places.

Is it really just because Yan Luo guards important cities and cannot leave easily?

It's not that I'm worried that the more hands I do, the faster the erosion of magic energy will be!

Finally set foot on the road of no return?

What Zhang Chen has to do now is to throw out the bait.

Let Zhan Mosi come to beg him by himself.


Beg him, instead of flattering Master Zhanmo like the Lin family did in the past.

There are essential differences between the two.

The power in Zhang Chen's hands is enough to make it impossible for the Demon Slayer to forcefully ask for it.

Want elixirs or even pills?

No problem, it depends on how many things Zhan Mosi can come up with to impress him.

Zhang Chen did not give a clear response.

After all, both parties know this kind of thing clearly and have a tacit understanding.

But before leaving.

But he gave Director Wei a gift.


"This, this is!"

Looking at the elixir in front of him, Director Wei's face was full of horror and disbelief.

What followed was ecstasy!

He really didn't expect it.

Zhang Chen actually prepared such a generous gift for him!

Do not!

This can no longer be described as a generous gift.

It is simply a great kindness!

What is Director Wei most worried about?

His place has been replaced!

The strength has not broken through for at least ten years, even if the backing is strong enough.

But Director Wei is very clear that his current strength is indeed difficult to be elegant.

The spokesperson of the dignified Koto City branch.

But the strength is only level 6 impermanence?

You will be laughed at if you say it!

this strength.

It's really hard to convince the public, let alone the recent intensification of evil spirits all over the world.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see all kinds of supernatural phenomena in the near future.

That is to say, the frequency of monsters appearing will become more and more exaggerated.

more importantly!

Certain powerful monsters have been appearing more and more frequently recently!

"This favor is too great!"

Director Wei is not hypocritical.

Swallow the elixir in your hand in one gulp!

Immediately afterwards, I felt the blood and yang qi in my body that had gradually begun to dry up, recovering rapidly!

That surging feeling.

How many years have you never felt it?

"Maybe I can use this opportunity to break through and become a level 7 judge!"

Division of Demon Slayer's strength.

Levels 6 and 7 don't seem to be much different.

However, only those who really understand the inside story know the difference between the two.

That gap is simply a chasm!

"As long as I break through and become a level 7 judge, my seat will be completely impregnable!"

Director Wei's eyes showed strong ambition that had not been seen for a long time.

He has been trembling all these years, looking forward and backward in everything.

Isn't it because you are afraid of being pulled down?

Who made him the bottom of the list among many branch speakers?

Now as long as he successfully breaks through!

Even if it is not as good as the top few people.

At least he can secure his current seat!

more importantly!

Once the strength breaks through to level 7 judge!

Lifespan will also be extended!

Level 7 is a watershed for all Demon Slayers!

At the level 7 judge, even ordinary weapons can hardly hurt one bit.

More importantly, as long as they are not demonized by the evil energy erosion.

Can live at least 150 years!


"You are really willing."

Xia Ruyun finally couldn't help but speak.

She lived for hundreds of years, even before that.

Because the picture scroll of the natal object was lost, his strength was greatly reduced.

It can be seen that there is a lot of knowledge.

Naturally, he recognized the gift that Zhang Chen gave to Director Wei.

"Such a high-level elixir, let alone now, even hundreds of years ago, only a very small number of high-level ascetics could refine it."

Xia Ruyun couldn't help but sigh, "You just give it away directly like this?"

Advanced pills!

Even she, who is a ghost and a monster, is heartbroken.

Did she really doubt that Zhang Chen didn't know the value of that elixir?

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