More than tens of thousands of people flow every day?

It is still at night 890, the time with the largest flow of people.

A ghost king of the level of the wedding dress female ghost appeared.

It directly caused all the people within two or three kilometers to die!

Even if [-]-[-]% of them turned into ghosts after death, that number would be enough to make even the Demon Slayer change color in an uproar.

【Ding!Xia Ruyun kills ordinary level ghosts*10, and rewards 10 contribution points]

【Ding!Xia Ruyun kills dangerous ghosts*3, rewards 15 contribution points]


Zhang Chen really didn't need to do anything.

Because someone can do it for you.

at this time.

The middle of the black and white street.

A painting appeared.

As if appearing out of nowhere.

Immediately afterwards, the painting started without wind and unfolded directly.

Following that, a beautiful woman came out of the painting.

Su hand lightly waved.

I saw the whole area of ​​fierce ghosts annihilated directly.

That efficiency.

To be honest, it's much faster than Zhang Chen's slap just now.

Even faster than Dao Fu.

"Worthy of being a ghost king-level existence, killing these little ghosts will kill them all at once."

How could Zhang Chen come to look for the wedding gown ghost by himself?

just kidding.

This kind of brainless and reckless personality can only happen to the son of luck.

He has always held a belief.

Chickens are never killed with a sledgehammer.

Be prepared for everything.

"Come on, my husband will help you put on your shoes."

Zhang Chen went directly to the ghost in the wedding dress.

Completely indifferent to her feelings and reactions.

Do it without saying a word.

Well, quite slippery.

Still tender.


Third update today

Off topic

Will female ghosts have beriberi and foot odor?

Does anyone know about it? .

Chapter 89

Zhang Chen couldn't help feeling emotional, so is there something wrong with his hobbies?

Such a beautiful and charming female ghost.

Do you want to keep it for others to take advantage of?

In addition to making a sound at the beginning, the wedding dress female ghost wanted to get back her embroidered shoes.

from the beginning.

Just kept silent.

And Zhang Chen is not surprised.

After all, according to his memory, the female ghost in wedding dress has been married for so many years.

Just looking for her lost pair of embroidered shoes.

The encounter with Xia Ruyun was similar, but Xia Ruyun still retained her mind, but lost most of her strength.

The female ghost in wedding dress in front of her.

In fact, the strength is still maintained at the level of the horror-level ghost king!

But the difference is.

Because of the loss of the pair of embroidered shoes, the wedding dress female ghost did not lose her strength.

But the mental thinking lost most of it.

Just rely on that bit of instinct.

For more than a hundred years.

Always on the lookout.

"The ghost king of the horror level, I will accept it without hesitation."

Zhang Chen put the embroidered shoes on the jade feet of the ghost in the wedding dress.

The whole process didn't take much time.

The female ghost in the wedding dress also allowed him to do whatever he wanted.

After all, most of his mind was lost, and he didn't understand what Zhang Chen was doing at all.

However this time.

The cold and devilish energy on the female ghost in the wedding dress changed again.

There was a slight change in the originally beautiful but expressionless and emotionless face.

In the depths of those indifferent and numb eyes, a faint light gradually began to emerge repeatedly.


With a lightning-like shot, he grabbed Zhang Chen's upward hand.

"Who are you?"

There was a gleam in the eyes of the ghost in the wedding dress.

But it is probably a relationship that has been muddled for hundreds of years.

Not fully recovered so quickly.

It was a subconscious reaction just now, after all, Zhang Chen didn't stop helping her put on her shoes.

They were about to climb up the rock and headed towards the Grand Canyon.

"What? You don't even know your husband?"

Zhang Chen smiled slightly, and just opened his mouth.

The face is not red, the heart is not beating.

Strange colors seemed to flash across the eyes of the ghost in the wedding dress.

It's like remembering.

It seemed to be thinking again.

But how could Zhang Chen let her clear her mind.

He is not Xiao Han in the original second main plot.

"Have you forgotten? Tonight is the day when we get married and spend the wedding night in the bridal chamber'¨."

Zhang Chen smiled sincerely.

Then he directly grabbed the pair of catkins of the ghost in wedding dress with his backhand, and pulled her into his arms without any hassle.

Then he leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I just helped my husband put on your favorite embroidered shoes."

"That was the token of love between the two of us back then."

Zhang Chen talking nonsense?

Sure, but not all.

Those embroidered shoes are indeed very important to the ghost in wedding dress!

Otherwise, it wouldn't let her have been chasing for hundreds of years.

At the same time, the female ghost in the wedding dress was indeed almost married, but the family encountered an accident on the wedding day.

Not only was the whole family wiped out.

Even the female ghost in wedding dress who is waiting to be married is trying to protect her innocence.

Throw yourself in the river.

And that pair of embroidered shoes was sewn for her by her mother before she was alive.

It is a kind of sustenance for her.

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