"Ru Yun and I go out, except us, anyone who steps into this ghostly creature will be killed."

Zhang Chen naturally found that Xia Ruyun's eyes were different.

The corners of his mouth raised, and he said softly.

"Okay, listen, you, yes."

The female ghost in the wedding dress nodded obediently.

Zhang Chen casually gave her another stack of Dao Talismans, all kinds of them.

"No one comes in, you just use these to play with those brats."

In the whole world, probably only Zhang Chen could do such a thing.

Give the Taoist talisman of exorcising evil and demons to a terrifying ghost king?

And let her use these dao talismans to abuse the group of weak, pitiful and helpless little devils around her?

And then it turns out.

The wedding gown ghost happily agreed.

Obviously very interested in this kind of thing.

As for those monsters who died tragically because of the wedding dress female ghost, and then turned into ghost zombies.

But it will be miserable.

It has completely become a toy for the wedding dress ghost.

When you see all kinds of Dao talismans, throw them over.

Zhang Chen heard the system prompts sounding one after another in his mind.

On the system interface, his contribution points increased rapidly.

"Is this a good way to collect contribution points?"

Zhang Chen rubbed his chin, suddenly he seemed to have discovered a new continent?

"Let them go to places with a lot of traffic from time to time to erupt 23 times, and then form a large-scale supernatural disaster, form a large area of ​​ghosts, and then collect points?"

Really don't say it.

If you really operate according to Zhang Chen's idea.

Seems like a great prospect?

"Try elsewhere in the future."

Zhang Chen finally gave up and asked Xia Ruyun and Xing Lingyun to help him collect contribution points in Jiangdong City.


Rabbits don't even eat the grass beside the nest.

Although he is not a good person for this kind of behavior that he likes to hear and see.

But not that crazy.

Even if to do.

Then you can also consider going to a few neighboring countries to try?

【Ding!The female ghost in wedding dress uses the primary lightning talisman given by the host to kill the dangerous ghost and gets 5 contribution points]


Sure enough, the contribution points increased very quickly.

In addition, he also discovered that the female ghost in the wedding dress had killed several members of the Demon Killing Division just now.

It actually gave him a lot of contribution points.

In other words.

The system doesn't care whether you are killing a demon or a ghost hunter.

Always give rewards?

So, you can try it in the future?

Zhang Chen smiled.

Then he directly took Xia Ruyun and left this ghostly creature with a shrinking ground.


Out of the ghost.

Now the blockade has been expanded to within a radius of three kilometers.

Such a big movement.

It is impossible to completely block the news.

Director Wei and Jiangdong City Chief Detective are both present at the moment.

They are very clear that if the situation cannot be resolved as soon as possible.

Wait until dawn.

The situation can even get completely out of control.

"How long have they been in there?"

Director Wei paced back and forth.

for a short time.

The Demon Killing Division brought three magic detectors here.

Without exception.

It's all fried.

This undoubtedly proves that the area in front of him is still in the ever-expanding ghost creature.

There are terrifying monsters beyond the deadly level.

Everything is developing towards a trajectory that they dare not imagine.

"It's been 15 minutes!"

Is it a long time?

Do not!

Usually 15 minutes pass in the blink of an eye.

But now for Director Wei and others.

Just living through the years.

every 1 minute.

It's all suffering.

And the range of ghosts is still expanding.

They were forced to evacuate nearby residents.

"15 minutes!"

The expression on Director Wei's face became more and more serious.

I almost went in there a few times.

If it wasn't for someone blocking it.

He was already in battle.

"Another 15 minutes! If they don't come out..."

Director Wei closed his eyes.

In fact, he has already guessed the result now.

The few people sent in just now should be more or less ominous.

He knew that he had really reached that point, so he could only put down his old face and beg for help.

Even though Director Wei had immediately asked for help from the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division in the imperial capital.

But it takes time!

And whether they can control the situation now and win for a few hours.

Who can guarantee?

Time passed by every minute and every second.



"It's Old Han!"

"He came out alive!"

Several exclamations interrupted Director Wei's train of thought.

Afterwards, everyone saw a figure rolling and crawling, running out of the ghostly creature without any image.

How can that look have the usual cold image of Demon Slayer?

Totally a lost dog.

But no one cares about such sidelines now.

After seeing Han Bai escaped, he quickly went up to meet him.

"Old Han..."

"Director! The ghost king! The one inside is the ghost king!"

Han Bai almost exhausted all his strength, his face was pale and covered in blood.

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