Some residents who were forced to evacuate left messages online.

There are complaints.

There are also conspiracy theories.

In short, the gaffe has indeed begun to get out of control.

Not to mention!

How many people died in the neighborhood surrounded by ghosts?

Such a big move.

Even the cleaning aunts and uncles in Jiangdong City are talking about it.

A lot of people are watching the fun, so it's not a big deal.

Can Zhang Chen not know?

But Director Wei could only explain, "We tried several times here, but failed."

No one dared to accuse Zhang Chen of putting on airs.

There is no reason to send Zhang Chen to help.

Say it nicely.

The two parties have a good relationship in private.

It doesn't sound good.

These days come.

How much favor does the Demon Slayer owe Zhang Chen?

Only the Demon Killing Division asked Zhang Chen for help, no matter how thick-skinned Director Wei was.

At this time, there is no position to say that Zhang Chen is wrong.

"What's the situation?"

Zhang Chen was still lukewarm.

In fact, he has been watching in secret.

And there is no fear of things getting out of hand.

Take ten thousand steps back.

Even if it's out of control.

Doesn't seem to affect his interests?

Even if the outbreak of ghosts and monsters continues to expand, how many ghosts and demons can be spawned?

Maybe he can get a wave of contribution points.

Director Wei didn't know the truth behind it at all.

him at the moment.

Looking at the boundary line of ghosts and creatures that is continuing to expand towards the periphery in front of him.

His face was extremely serious.

"It's not good. The ghosts are continuing to expand. According to this speed, if the source of the ghosts cannot be dealt with, it will take up to three hours!"

When Director Wei said this, he paused.

Then he said in a deep voice: "At that time, most of the entire urban area of ​​Jiangdong City will be covered by ghosts and monsters."

What is this concept?

Jiangdong City has a population of more than 2000 million!

More than 70.00% of the population is concentrated in urban areas.

The subtext is!

If no one can handle it.

three hours later.

There are 600 million people in the urban area of ​​Jiangdong City!

It will become the ration of countless ghosts and demons in the ghosts and myths.

And then breed more monsters and ghosts.

Wait for that time.

Director Wei couldn't imagine it anymore.

Even the inspector who rushed over from the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division could only turn around and run away, right?

Doesn't Zhang Chen know?

He is very clear.

speak up.

Under the original plot development.

Jiangdong City will indeed encounter supernatural disasters such as large-scale outbreaks of ghosts and ghosts.

Of course that was a few months away.

And it also involved Xiao Han, the son of luck.

Now, because Zhang Chen triggered the plot of the female ghost in a wedding dress in advance, this time point has also been advanced.

In the original plot.

It was also a chain reaction caused by the wedding dress female ghost.

But Xiao Han doesn't have Zhang Chen's current ability.

He can only cooperate with other members of the Demon Slayer Division to enter the ghost realm as a member of the Demon Slayer Division.

And there is still a judge-level powerhouse leading the team.

In the end it was a coincidence.

Only then did he persuade the female ghost in wedding dress, and then reluctantly settled the matter.


"Oh? Then it seems that I have to prepare in advance and leave Jiangdong City."

Zhang Chen laughed.

Did not take the initiative to take the topic at all.

Director Wei's mouth twitched a few times.

In the end, he could only smile wryly: "Brother Zhang, I owe you a favor as a brother, can you do me a favor?"

"Favour? It seems that you already owe a lot?"

Zhang Chen asked with a half-smile.

In a word.

Director Wei was left speechless.

Although Zhang Chen also got a lot of benefits through him.

For example, helping the stars to listen to the rhyme, Ye Yiyi and other girls have applied for official identities.

He even took away an extremely precious ancient painting of a magic weapon from Director Wei.


In the eyes of ordinary people.

That old painting is just an antique.

However, under the inspection of the Demon Slayer, it was clearly discovered that the ancient painting contained a very strong demonic energy.

However, I haven't researched a reason for so many years.

In the end, it was taken away by Zhang Chen.

But compared with those benefits provided by Zhang Chen.

Director Wei found that he still had a lot of debts to pay off.

Now you have to owe even more favors?

So now.

How can he speak?

I really can't open my mouth.

Zhang Chen suddenly changed the topic, "Of course it's not impossible to help."

"Say it! Any request, as long as I can do it as an older brother, there is no difference!"

Director Wei was already desperate.

Suddenly there was hope.

Regardless of whether Zhang Chen might open his mouth like a lion.

He immediately agreed with his mouth full.

"Which inspector sent over from the imperial capital?"

Zhang Chen asked very suddenly.

Director Wei didn't expect that at this point in time either.

Will ask him about it.

But then.

Director Wei's eyes lit up.

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