Demon Killing Division is not a charity.

Even if it is his duty to eliminate demons and defend the way.

But that slogan.

Also deceive people outside.

Many people inside them know it well.

It is true to eliminate demons and defend the way, but many people have their own goals when they enter the Division of Demon Slayer.

To put it bluntly.

The entire Demon Slayer Division is a combination of the major forces in the Huaxia Kingdom.

The winding road inside is deep.

hang up the phone.

Director Wei let out a long breath.

"The one in Hangcheng? Finally, I can do business."

Before contacting the headquarters of the imperial capital.

Director Wei had already inquired about it in private.

Several areas closest to Jiangdong.

Among them, I found out that one had just gone to Hangzhou to perform a mission not long ago.

As such.

Isn't it logical?

"Brother Zhang, are you really afraid that it will end badly?"

Who is that one in Hangcheng?

Of course Director Wei knew.

Just because you know.

He will have this emotion.

after all……

Humans and devils can't live side by side, isn't it?

And as far as he knew, that one was brooding about that incident back then.

I have always wanted to kill relatives righteously.

"Sure enough, the thoughts of rich people are incomprehensible, incomprehensible."


Zhang Chen knew in advance that someone was in Hangzhou?

Is not this nonsensical.

He doesn't even need to send someone to inquire, just rely on the memory in his mind.

Judgments can be made about the timeline and direction of many plot characters.

That's why the ghost creature was deliberately promoted to explode.

Then Zhan Mosi really took the 'correct' choice according to his thoughts.

"The bait has been dropped, and it's time to move around a little bit."

Zhang Chen smiled.

After ten minutes.

Zhang Chen appeared in front of Director Wei and the others.

Beside him, only Xia Ruyun was alone.

"Brother Zhang, you are finally here!"

Seeing Zhang Chen, Director Wei felt like seeing a relative.

After all every 1 minute.

The ghosts and creatures are expanding, even if the surrounding residents are evacuated in advance.

But it's really not an option to go on like this.

And the fishing boat and the news have begun to get out of hand.

"Have you ever gone in?"

Zhang Chen asked a question lightly, completely confusing his thoughts.

Who would have thought that he just swiped a wave of contribution points from the ghosts not long ago before leaving?

"Two groups of people went in, but only Xiao Han came back alive."

Director Wei said with a wry smile, and Han Bai also said hastily: "Young Master Zhang, a terrifying ghost king has appeared in the ghost beast. We are no match."

"Yun'er, go in and have a look."

Zhang Chen nodded.

Then let Xia Ruyun go in directly.

Hearing Zhang Chen's affectionate address, the latter couldn't help giving someone a blank look.

But still very obedient and entered the ghost.

But the others couldn't help but dissuade them.

"Young Master Zhang, it's really dangerous inside!"

"Yes! Do you want us to go in together? It's good to have someone to take care of you!"

"Even if that young lady is powerful, but alone..."

Except Director Wei.

The others really don't know Xia Ruyun.

The key is to see such a beautiful and moving woman and enter the ghost like this.

Isn't the fragrance disappearing and the jade dying?

However, it was still a step too late.

Xia Ruyun's figure had disappeared from their sight.

But Director Wei knows how strong Xia Ruyun is.

So don't worry at all.

Instead, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Thanks to Brother Zhang, you are willing to help me this time, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Zhang Chen didn't say much.

There was a faint smile on his face.

"Director, do we really not need to take action?"

Others are very worried.

Han Bai has seen with his own eyes how dangerous it is inside the ghost beast.

That's the king of ghosts!

Now he is terrified.

But Director Wei shook his head, and then smiled confidently: "The one next to Brother Zhang is enough to handle it."

"Ah? But the one inside is the ghost king!"

"The woman next to Brother Zhang is also a ghost, and she is a powerhouse comparable to a judge."

Director Wei almost slipped his tongue.

It was almost said that Xia Ruyun is also the king of ghosts.

Fortunately, they corrected it in time, and Han Bai and others were all in the dark because of their thoughts.

No one paid attention either.

When he reacted, he only heard judge-level powerhouses.

All of a sudden they all exclaimed.

"A judge-level powerhouse?"

"But the master next to Young Master Zhang before, isn't there another one?"

"That one is equivalent to a judge-level powerhouse? Now there is another one?"

"Isn't this too arrogant?"

"Two judge-level powerhouses, and they are both first-class beauties! You are envious of others!"

Han Bai and the others couldn't help being envious.

Envious almost cried.

It seems that there is really no comparison between people.

Even if they enter the Demon Slayer Division and become higher-status Demon Slayer Envoys.

It can be compared with Zhang's family.

Not even a leg hair.


Today's second update.

Chapter 96

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